○ machine learning for autonomous driving: recent advances and future challenges
○ reconstruction of 3d wire objects
○ reconstruction of 3d wire objects
○ big mm opportunities
○ big mm opportunities
○ intelligent pattern recognition and applications including robotics
○ intelligent pattern recognition and applications including robotics
○ knowledge representation in the era of deep learning, watson and the semantic web
○ knowledge representation in the era of deep learning, watson and the semantic web
○ 图像和视频中基于弱监督训练的检测算法
○ mining streaming and temporal data: from representation to knowledge
○ intelligent medical imaging at scale: insights from applying deep learning
○ watching people talk - spoken interaction between human and machine
○ looking at / sensing people
○ recent results on semantic and video segmentation
○ 模式识别学术大讲堂
○ recent results on learning filters and style transfer
○ data2text – automatic text generation from structured data
○ principles and design of a system for academic information retrieval based on human-machine dialogue
○ dark, beyond deep: a paradigm shift for computer vision