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knowledge representation in the era of deep learning, watson and the semantic web

advanced lecture series in pattern recognition
题    目 (title):knowledge representation in the era of deep learning, watson and the semantic web
讲 座 人 (speaker):prof. jim hendler (rensselaer polytechnic institute)
主 持 人 (chair):prof. jun zhao
时    间 (time):10:00am, august 15 (wednesday), 2018
地    点 (venue):no.2 conference room (3rd floor), intelligence building
a burst in optimism (and unwarranted fear) has grown around a number of technologies that are high impact and able to solve problems that have challenged ai researchers for years.  the over-enthusiasm that often follows such breakthroughs has caused some to declare (yet again) that it is the end of “knowledge representation” as ai moves into a world dominated by neural networks, data mining and the knowledge graph.  in this talk, i argue that these technologies, while extremely powerful separately, are not only still a long way from human intelligence, but cannot get there without a level of knowledge and reasoning beyond what is currently available to these techniques, on the other hand, i also argue that taking these technologies into new and harder realms will require rethinking what traditional knowledge representation is and how it is used. some early examples of work aimed at joining the approaches will be presented.
james hendler is the director of the institute for data exploration and applications and the tetherless world professor of computer, web and cognitive sciences at rpi.  he also heads the rpi-ibm center for health empowerment by analytics, learning and semantics (heals) and serves as a chair of the board of the uk’s charitable web science trust.  hendler has authored over 400 books, technical papers and articles in the areas of semantic web, artificial intelligence, agent-based computing and high performance processing. one of the originators of the “semantic web,” hendler was the recipient of a 1995 fulbright foundation fellowship, is a former member of the us air force science advisory board, and is a fellow of the aaai, bcs, the ieee, the aaas and the acm. he is also the former chief scientist of the information systems office at the us defense advanced research projects agency (darpa) and was awarded a us air force exceptional civilian service medal in 2002. he is also the first computer scientist to serve on the board of reviewing editors for science, co-editor-in-chief of the journal data intelligence, and an associate editor of big data.  in 2010, hendler was named one of the 20 most innovative professors in america by playboy magazine and was selected as an “internet web expert” by the us government. in 2012, he was one of the inaugural recipients of the strata conference “big data” awards for his work on large-scale open government data. in 2013, he was appointed as the open data advisor to new york state and in 2015 appointed a member of the us homeland security science and technology advisory committee and in 2016, became a member of the national academies board on research data and information. in 2017, hendler joined the director’s advisory committee for the national security directorate of the pacific northwest national laboratory.

中科院自动化研究所 模式识别国家重点实验室 事业单位  京icp备14019135号-3
nlpr, institute of automation, chinese academy of sciences