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looking at / sensing people

advanced lecture series in pattern recognition
题    目 (title):looking at / sensing people
讲 座 人 (speaker):ioannis patras (the queen mary, university of london)
主 持 人 (chair): prof. changsheng xu
时    间 (time):10:30am, may 15 (tuesday), 2018
地    点 (venue):no.1 conference room (3rd floor), intelligence building
recent years have witnessed an unprecedented interest in the recognition of human behaviour, from analysis of facial expressions, body gestures or neurophysiological signals such as eeg and skin conductivity and heart rate. in this talk, we will present some of our recent works in those three areas focusing on human action recognition and localisation. first we will briefly present our works for facial analysis in the wild (alignment, facial expressions and attributes). we will then present our ongoing works on action recognition/localisation and human pose estimation from monocular image sequences using deep neural networks and large margin methods that are aware of sample uncertainty. finally, we will give a brief overview of our recent activities on multi-modal analysis of neurophysiological human signals (eeg, heart rate, skin conductivity) with the goal of estimating people's emotional / affective states and personality traits.
ioannis patras is a reader (associate professor) in the school of electronic engineering and computer science in the queen mary, university of london. his research interests are in the area of human sensing and affective computing with applications in multimedia analysis and the human computer interaction. this ranges from sensing and measuring human signals, such as facial expressions, body gestures and neurophysiological signals, to the higher level recognition of human actions, behaviour and affective states. he has more than 110 articles in selective journals and in conference proceedings. he is/was in the organizing committee of ieee smc 2004, face and gesture recognition 2008, bmvc 2009, icmr2011, acm multimedia 2013 and was the general chair of wiamis 2009. he has been area chair of icmi 2018, iccv 2017, bmvc 2015, face and gesture recognition 2008/2013/2018, affective computing and intelligent interaction 2013, multimodal interfaces 2009 and in the program committee of all major conferences in the area of computer vision. he is associate editor in pattern recognition, computer vision and image understanding, and the image and vision computing journal. his research has been funded by the epsrc, eu fp7 and direct bilateral collaborations with research institutes and the industry. he is a member of the college of the epsrsc, has been regular reviewer and evaluator for funding agencies in eu and uk and a senior member of ieee.

中科院自动化研究所 模式识别国家重点实验室 事业单位  京icp备14019135号-3
nlpr, institute of automation, chinese academy of sciences