advanced lecture series in pattern
题 目 (title):reconstruction of 3d wire objects
讲 座 人
(speaker):prof. wenping wang (the university of hong kong)
主 持 人 (chair):dr..
dongming yan
时 间 (time):10:30am, september 17 (monday), 2018
地 点
(venue):no.2 conference room (3rd floor), intelligence
3d shape reconstruction has widespread
applications in computer graphics, computer vision, robotics and virtual
reality. however, the reconstruction of 3d wire objects has received relatively
little research attention, despite of the ubiquity of these thin objects, such
as ropes, cables, tree branches, wire arts and wire-frame furniture. this talk
will present our recent works on an image-based reconstruction method and on
using a hand-held commodity rgbd sensor for scanning and reconstructing wire
objects with a skeleton-based fusion approach.
wang is chair professor of computer science at the university of hong kong. his
research interests cover computer graphics, computer visualization, computer
vision, robotics, medical image processing, and geometric computing, and he has
published over 140 journal papers in these fields. he is journal associate
editor of several international journals, including computer aided geometric
design (cagd), computer graphics forum (cgf), ieee transactions on computers,
and ieee computer graphics and applications, and has chaired a number of
international conferences, including pacific graphics 2012, acm symposium on
physical and solid modeling (spm) 2013, and siggraph asia 2013. prof. wang
received the john gregory memorial award for his contributions in geometric
modeling. he is an ieee fellow.