cheng-lin liu, amir hussain, bin luo, kay chen tan, yi zeng, zhaoxiang zhang (eds.), advances in brain inspired cognitive systems, bics 2016, beijing, china, november 28-30, 2016, lncs vol.10023, isbn 978-3-319-49684-9, 2016.
ming-ke zhou, xu-yao zhang, fei yin, cheng-lin liu, discriminative quadratic feature learning for handwritten chinese character recognition, pattern recognition, 49(1): 7-18, 2016.
xu-cheng yin, ze-yu zuo, shu tian, cheng-lin liu, text detection, tracking and recognition invideo: a comprehensive survey, ieee trans. image processing, 25(6): 2752-2773, 2016.
yao lu, kaizhu huang, cheng-lin liu, doubly stochastic projected fixed-point algorithm for large graph matching, pattern recognition, 60: 971-982, 2016.
lingfeng wang, xu-yao zhang, chunhong pan. msdlsr: margin scalable discriminative least squares regression for multicategory classification. ieee trans. neural networks and learning systems (nnls), vol. 27, no. 12, pp. 2711-2717, 2016.
yan-ming zhang, xu-yao zhang, xiao-tong yuan, cheng-lin liu, large-scale graph-based semi-supervised learning via tree laplacian solver, aaai 2016, phoenix, arizona, usa.
cheng cheng, xu-yao zhang, xiao-hu shao, xiang-dong zhou. handwritten chinese character recognition by joint classification and similarity ranking. international conference on frontiers in handwriting recognition (icfhr), shenzhen, china, october 23-26, 2016.
kai chen, cheng-lin liu, m. seuret, hao wei, m. liwicki, j. hennebert, r. ingold, page segmentation for historical document images based on superpixel classification with unsupervised feature learning, proc. 12th iapr workshop on das, 2016, pp.299-304.
zheng zhang, yong xu, cheng-lin liu, natural scene character recognition using robust pca and sparse representation, proc. 12th iapr workshop on das, 2016, pp.340-345.
kai chen, fei yin, cheng-lin liu, effective candidate component extraction for text localization in born-digital images by combining text contours and stroke interior regions, proc. 12th iapr workshop on das, 2016, pp.352-357.
yongzhong wang, xu-yao zhang, yanming zhang, xinwen hou and cheng-lin liu, exploiting coarse-to-fine mechanism for fine-grained recognition, proc. int. conf. image processing (icip), 2016.
ting-bing xu, guang-liang cheng, jie yang, cheng-lin liu, fast aircraft detection using end-to-end fully convolutional network, proc. international conference on digital signal processing (dsp 2016), beijing, china, october 16-18, 2016, pp.139-143.
hong-ming yang, xu-yao zhang, fei yin, zhenbo luo, cheng-lin liu, unsupervised adaptation of neural networks for chinese handwriting recognition, proc. 15th icfhr, shenzhen, china, october 23-26, 2016, pp.512-517.
kai chen, m. seuret, m. liwicki, j. hennebert, cheng-lin liu, r. ingold, page segmentation for historical handwritten document images using conditional random fields, proc. 15th icfhr, shenzhen, china, october 23-26, 2016, pp.90-95.
yuan-yuan shen, cheng-lin liu, incremental learning vector quantization for character recognition with local style consistency, brain-inspired cognitive systems (bics 2016), beijing, china, november 28-30, 2016, lnai vol.10023, springer, pp.228-239.
jie yang, xinwei jiang, cheng-lin liu, chunhong pan, enhancement of low light level images with coupled dictionary learning, proc. 23rd icpr, cancun, mexico, december 4-8, 2016, pp.740-745.
wenhao he, yuxuan luo, fei yin, han hu, junyu han, errui ding, cheng-lin liu, context-aware mathematical expression recognition: an end-to-end framework and a benchmark, proc. 23rd icpr, cancun, mexico, december 4-8, 2016, pp.3235-3240.
jun-yu ye, yan-ming zhang, cheng-lin liu, joint training of conditional random fields and neural networks for stroke classification in online handwritten documents, proc. 23rd icpr, cancun, mexico, december 4-8, 2016, pp.3253-3258.
zhao zhong, xu-yao zhang, fei yin, cheng-lin liu, handwritten chinese character recognition with spatial transformer and deep residual networks, proc. 23rd icpr, cancun, mexico, december 4-8, 2016, pp. 3429-3434.
曾毅、刘成林、谭铁牛,类脑智能研究的回顾与展望,计算机学报,39(1): 212-222, 2016. yi zeng, cheng-lin liu, tieniu tan, retrospect and outlook of brain-inspired intelligence research, chinese journal of computers, 39(1): 212-222, 2016.