cheng-lin liu, fei yin, da-han wang, qiu-feng wang, online and offline handwritten chinese character recognition: benchmarking on new databases, pattern recognition, 46(1): 155-162, 2013.
qiu-feng wang, eric cambria, cheng-lin liu, amir hussain, common sense knowledge for handwritten chinese text recognition, cognitive computation, 5(2): 234-242, 2013.
peipei yang, kaizhu huang, cheng-lin liu, a multi-task framework for metriclearning withcommon subspace, neural computing and applications, 22(7-8): 1337-1347, 2013.
xu-yao zhang, cheng-lin liu, writer adaptation with style transfer mapping, ieee trans. pattern analysis and machine intelligence, 35(7): 1773-1787, 2013.
heng wang, alexklaeser, cordelia schmid, cheng-lin liu, dense trajectories and motion boundary descriptors for action recognition, int. j. computer vision, 103: 60-79, 2013.
xu-yao zhang, cheng-lin liu, evaluation ofweighted fisher criteria for large categorydimensionality reduction in application to chinese handwritingrecognition, pattern recognition, 46(9): 2599-2611, 2013.
fei yin, qiu-feng wang, cheng-lin liu, transcript mapping for handwritten chinese documents by integrating character recognition model and geometric context, pattern recognition, 46(10): 2807-2818, 2013.
xiang-dong zhou, da-han wang, feng tian, cheng-lin liu, masaki nakagawa, handwritten chinese/japanese text recognition using semi-markov conditional random fields, ieee trans. pattern analysis and machine intelligence, 35(10): 2484-2497, 2013.
heng zhang, da-han wang, cheng-lin liu, horst bunke,keyword spotting from online chinese handwritten documents using one-versus-all character classification model, int. j. pattern recognition and artificial intelligence, 27(3), 2013.
jingnian chen, caiming zhang, xiaoping xue, cheng-lin liu, fast instance selection for speeding up support vector machines, knowledge-based systems, 45: 1-7, 2013.
g.-r. park, in-jung kim, cheng-lin liu, an evaluation of statistical methods in handwritten hangul recognition, int. j. document analysis and recognition, 16(3): 273-283, 2013.
liang huang, fei yin, qing-hu chen, cheng-lin liu, keyword spotting in unconstrained handwritten chinese documents using contextual word model, image and vision computing, 31(12): 958-968, 2013.
adrien delaye, cheng-lin liu, context modeling for text/non-text separation in free-form online handwritten documents, document recognition and retrieval xx, 2013.
yao lu, horst bunke, cheng-lin liu, an algorithm for maximum common subgraph of planar triangulation graphs, proc. 9th iapr workshop on graph-based representations in pattern recognition (gbr 2013), vienna, austria, lncs 7877, springer, 2013, pp.162-171.
zhao zhang, cheng-lin liu, mingbo zhao, handwriting representation and recognition through a sparse projection and low-rank recovery framework, proc. ijcnn 2013, dallas, 2013.
bo-yuan feng, mingwu ren, xu-yao zhang, ching y. suen. extraction of serial numbers on bank notes. international conference on document analysis and recognition (icdar), washington, dc, august 25-28, 2013.
xu-yao zhang, cheng-lin liu, locally smoothed modified quadratic discriminant function, proc. 12th icdar, washington d.c., 2013, pp.8-12.
yan-fei lv, lin-lin huang, da-han wang, cheng-lin liu, learning-based candidate segmentation scoring for real-time recognition of online overlaid chinese handwriting, proc. 12th icdar, washington d.c., 2013, pp.74-78.
heng zhang, xiang-dong zhou, cheng-lin liu, keyword spotting in online chinese handwritten documents with candidate scoring based on semi-crf model, proc. 12th icdar, washington d.c., 2013, pp.567-571.
ming-ke zhou, fei yin, cheng-lin liu, gpu-based fast training of discriminative learning quadratic discriminant function for handwritten chinese character recognition, proc. 12th icdar, washington d.c., 2013, pp.842-846.
xiang-dong zhou, feng tian, cheng-lin liu, hong-an wang, minimum risk training for handwritten chinese/japanese text recognition using semi-markov conditional random fields, proc. 12th icdar, washington d.c., 2013, pp.940-944.
kai chen, fei yin, cheng-lin liu, hybrid page segmentation with efficient whitespace rectangles extraction and grouping, proc. 12th icdar, washington d.c., 2013, pp.958-962.
adrien delaye, cheng-lin liu, graphics extraction from heterogeneous online documents with hierarchical random fields, proc. 12th icdar, washington d.c., 2013, pp.1007-1011.
fei yin, ming-ke zhou, qiu-feng wang, cheng-lin liu, style consistent perturbation for handwritten chinese character recognition, proc. 12th icdar, washington d.c., 2013, pp.1051-1055.
fei yin, qiu-feng wang, xu-yao zhang, cheng-lin liu, icdar 2013 chinese handwriting recognition competition, proc. 12th icdar, washington d.c., 2013, pp.1095-1101.
bo bai, fei yin, cheng-lin liu, scene text localization using gradient local correlation, proc. 12th icdar, washington d.c., 2013, pp.1412-1416.
yan-ming zhang, kaizhu huang, guangganggeng, cheng-lin liu, fast knn graph construction with locality sensitive hashing, machine learning and knowledge discovery in databases, lncs vol.8190, springer, 2013, pp.660-674.
xiao-jie jin, qiu-feng wang, xinwenhou, cheng-lin liu, visual gesture character string recognition by classification-based segmentation with stroke deletion, proc. 2nd acpr, okinawa, japan, 2013, pp.120-124.
yinglu liu, xinwenhou, cheng-lin liu, a compact spatial feature representation for image classification, proc. 2nd acpr, okinawa, japan, 2013, pp.601-605.
xueyun chen, shiming xiang, cheng-lin liu, chunhong pan, aircraft detection by deep belief nets, proc. 2nd acpr, okinawa, japan, 2013, pp.54-58.
xueyun chen, shiming xiang, cheng-lin liu, chunhong pan, vehicle detection in satellite images by parallel deep convolutional neural networks, proc. 2nd acpr, okinawa, japan, 2013, pp.181-185.
xu-yao zhang, kaizhu huang, cheng-lin liu, feature transformation with class conditional decorrelation, proc. 13th icdm, dallas, 2013, pp.887-896.