bing liu (author). kang liu and xuepeng wang (translators). sentiment analysis: mining opinions, sentiments, and emotions,second edition. china machine press, 2022.7.
jun zhao, kang liu, shizhu he, yubo chen and yuanzhe zhang. knowledge graph: algorithm and applications. high education press, 2022.3.
bing liu (author). kang liu and jun zhao (translators). sentiment analysis: mining opinions, sentiments and emotions. china machine press, 2017.10.
jun zhao, kang liu, shizhu he and yubo chen. knowledge graph. high education press, 2018.12.
sheng li, maosong sun, yang liu, hua wu, kang liu, wanxiang che, shizhu he , gaoqi rao. proceedings of the 20th chinese national conference on computational linguistics, huhhot, china, august 13-15. lecture notes in computer science 12869, springer 2021, isbn 978-3-030-84185-0.
huajun chen, kang liu, yizhou sun, suge wang, lei hou. knowledge graph and semantic computing: knowledge graph and cognitive intelligence - 5th china conference, ccks 2020, nanchang, china, november 12-15, 2020, communications in computer and information science 1356, springer 2021, isbn 978-981-16-1963-2
kang liu, yansong feng. deep learning in question answering. in the book of deep learning in natural language processing(edited by li deng and yang liu), springer, 2018.
jun zhao, kang liu, guangyou zhou, xianpei han, zhenyu qi, and yang liu. knowledge extraction from wiki/bbs/blogs/news websites. in the book of mining of user generated content. crc press, 2014.
pengfei cao, zhuoran jin, yubo chen, kang liu, and jun zhao. zero-shot cross-lingual event argument extraction with language-oriented prefix-tuning. in proceedings of aaai 2023 (long paper), washington, dc, usa, february 7–14, 2023.
bo zhou, yubo chen, kang liu and jun zhao. event process typing via hierarchical optimal transport. in proceedings of aaai 2023 (long paper), washington, dc, usa, february 7–14, 2023.
yiming ju, yuanzhe zhang, zhao yang, zhongtao jiang, kang liu and jun zhao. logic traps in evaluating attribution scores. in proceedings of the 60th annual meeting of the association for computational linguistics (acl-2022), pages 5911–5922, dublin, ireland.
runxin sun, shizhu he, chong zhu, yaohan he, jinlong li, jun zhao and kang liu. leveraging explicit lexico-logical alignments in text-to-sql parsing. in proceedings of the 60th annual meeting of the association for computational linguistics (acl-2022), pages 283–289, dublin, ireland.
guirong bai, shizhu he, kang liu and jun zhao. incremental intent detection for medical domain with contrast replay networks. in findings of the association for computational linguistics: acl 2022, pages 3549–3556, dublin, ireland.
fangyu lei, shizhu he, xiang li, jun zhao, and kang liu. answering numerical reasoning questions in table-text hybrid contents with graph-based encoder and tree-based decoder. in proceedings of the 29th international conference on computational linguistics (coling-2022), pages 1379–1390, gyeongju, republic of korea.
yiming ju, weikang wang, yuanzhe zhang, suncong zheng, kang liu and jun zhao. cmqa: a dataset of conditional question answering with multiple-span answers. in proceedings of the 29th international conference on computational linguistics (coling-2022), pages 1697–1707, gyeongju, republic of korea.
bo zhou, chenhao wang, yubo chen, kang liu, jun zhao, jiexin xu, xiaojian jiang, and qiuxia li. augmentation, retrieval, generation: event sequence prediction with a three-stage sequence-to-sequence approach. in proceedings of the 29th international conference on computational linguistics (coling-2022), pages 1865–1874, gyeongju, republic of korea.
bo zhou, yubo chen, kang liu, jun zhao, jiexin xu, xiaojian jiang, and qiuxia li. generating temporally-ordered event sequences via event optimal transport. in proceedings of the 29th international conference on computational linguistics (coling-2022), pages 1875–1884, gyeongju, republic of korea.
ran song, shizhu he, suncong zheng, shengxiang gao, kang liu, zhengtao yu, and jun zhao. decoupling mixture-of-graphs: unseen relational learning for knowledge graph completion by fusing ontology and textual experts. in proceedings of the 29th international conference on computational linguistics (coling-2022), pages 2237–2246, gyeongju, republic of korea.
xiusheng huang, hang yang, yubo chen, jun zhao, kang liu, weijian sun, and zuyu zhao. document-level relation extraction via pair-aware and entity-enhanced representation learning. in proceedings of the 29th international conference on computational linguistics (coling-2022), pages 2418–2428, gyeongju, republic of korea.
jia fu, sirui li, hui ming yuan, zhucong li, zhen gan, yubo chen, kang liu, jun zhao and shengping liu. casia@smm4h’22: a uniform health information mining system for multilingual social media texts. in proceedings of the seventh workshop on social media mining for health applications, workshop & shared task, pages 143–147, gyeongju, republic of korea.
minjun zhu, yixuan weng, bin li, shizhu he, kang liu and jun zhao. 2022. knowledge transfer with visual prompt in multi-modal dialogue understanding and generation. in proceedings of the first workshop on transcript understanding, pages 8–19, gyeongju, south korea.
fei xia, bin li, yixuan weng, shizhu he, bin sun, shutao li, kang liu and jun zhao. lingjing at semeval-2022 task 3: applying deberta to lexical-level presupposed relation taxonomy with knowledge transfer. in proceedings of the 16th international workshop on semantic evaluation (semeval-2022), pages 239–246, seattle, united states.
jia fu, zhen gan, zhucong li, sirui li, dianbo sui, yubo chen, kang liu and jun zhao. casia at semeval-2022 task 11: chinese named entity recognition for complex and ambiguous entities. in proceedings of the 16th international workshop on semantic evaluation (semeval-2022), pages 1518–1523, seattle, united states. association for computational linguistics.
qingbin liu, pengfei cao, cao liu, jiansong chen, xunliang cai, fan yang, shizhu he, kang liu, jun zhao. domain-lifelong learning for dialogue state tracking via knowledge preservation networks. in proceedings of emnlp 2021, online and punta cana, dominican republic, november 2021.
yiming ju, yuanzhe zhang, zhixing tian, kang liu, xiaohuan cao, wenting zhao, jinlong li, and jun zhao. enhancing multiple-choice machine reading comprehension by punishing illogical interpretations. in proceedings of emnlp 2021, online and punta cana, dominican republic, november 2021.
cheng yan, yuanzhe zhang, kang liu, jun zhao, yafei shi, and shengping liu. biomedical concept normalization by leveraging hypernyms. in proceedings of emnlp 2021, online and punta cana, dominican republic, november 2021.
pengfei cao, yubo chen, yuqing yang, kang liu and jun zhao. uncertain local-to-global networks for document-level event factuality identification. in proceedings of emnlp 2021, online and punta cana, dominican republic, november 2021.
dianbo sui, yubo chen, kang liu and jun zhao. distantly supervised relation extraction in federated settings. in proceedings of emnlp 2021, online and punta cana, dominican republic, november 2021.
dianbo sui, chenhao wang, yubo chen, kang liu, jun zhao and wei bi. set generation networks for end-to-end knowledge base population. in proceedings of emnlp 2021, online and punta cana, dominican republic, november 2021.
baoli zhang, zhucong li, zhen gan, yubo chen, jing wan, kang liu, jun zhao, shengping liu and yafei shi. croano : a crowd annotation platform for improving label consistency of chinese ner dataset. in proceedings of emnlp 2021, online and punta cana, dominican republic, november 2021. (demo paper)
pengfei cao, xinyu zuo, yubo chen, kang liu, jun zhao and wei bi. uncertainty-aware self-training for semi-supervised event temporal relation extraction. in proceedings of cikm 2021, queensland, australia, november 1-5.
hang yang, yubo chen, kang liu, jun zhao and taifeng wang. multi-sentence argument linking via an event-aware hierarchical encoder. in proceedings of cikm 2021, queensland, australia, november 1-5.
bo zhou, yubo chen, kang liu, jun zhao, jiexin xu, xiaojian jiang and jinlong li. multi-task self-supervised learning for script event prediction. in proceedings of cikm 2021, queensland, australia, november 1-5.
pengfei cao, xinyu zuo, yubo chen, kang liu, jun zhao, yuguang chen and weihua peng. knowledge-enriched event causality identification via latent structure induction networks. in proceedings of acl 2021, bangkok, thailand, august 1-6.
dianbo sui, zhengkun tian, yubo chen, kang liu and jun zhao. a large-scale chinese multimodel ner dataset with speech clues. in proceedings of acl 2021, bangkok, thailand, august 1-6.
xinyu zuo, pengfei cao, yubo chen, kang liu, jun zhao, weihua peng and yuguang chen. learnda: learnable knowledge-guided data augmentation for event causality identification. in proceedings of acl 2021, bangkok, thailand, august 1-6.
xinyu zuo, pengfei cao, yubo chen, kang liu, jun zhao, weihua peng and yuguang chen. improving event causality identification via self-supervised representation learning on external causal statement. in proceedings of acl 2021 findings, bangkok, thailand, august 1-6.
tong zhou, pengfei cao, yubo chen, kang liu, jun zhao, kun niu, weifeng chong and shengping liu. automatic icd coding via interactive shared representation networks with self-distillation mechanism. in proceedings of acl 2021, bangkok, thailand, august 1-6.
hang yang, dianbo sui, yubo chen, kang liu, jun zhao and taifeng wang. document-level event extraction via parallel prediction networks. in proceedings of acl 2021, bangkok, thailand, august 1-6.
zhongtao jiang, yuanzhe zhang, zhao yang, jun zhao, and kang liu. alignment rationale for natural language inference. in proceedings of the 59th annual meeting of the association for computational linguistics and the 11th international joint conference on natural language processing (acl), pages 5372–5387, online, august 2021.
dianbo sui, yubo chen, binjie mao, delai qiu, kang liu and jun zhao. knowledge guided metric learning for few-shot text classification. in proceedings of naacl 2021, online, june 6-11.
pei chen, kang liu, yubo chen, taifeng wang and jun zhao, probing into the root: a dataset for reason extraction of structural events from financial documents. in proceedings of eacl 2021.
zhixing tian, yuanzhe zhang, kang liu and jun zhao, topic knowledge acquisition and utilization for machine reading comprehension in social media domain. in proceedings of ccl 2021.
xiaoyan yu, qingbin liu, shizhu he, kang liu, shengping liu, jun zhao, yongbin zhou, multi-strategy knowledge distillation based teacher-student framework for machine reading comprehension. in proceedings of ccl 2021.
fei xia, yixuan weng, maojin xia, qiang yu, shizhu he, kang liu, shengping liu, jun zhao. toward a better text data augmentation via filtering and transforming augmented instances. in proceedings of ccks 2021, guangzhou, china, page 198-210.
xiusheng huang, yubo chen, kang liu, yuantao xie, weijian sun, jun zhao. nsrl: named entity recognition with noisy labels via selective review learning. in proceedings of ccks 2021, guangzhou, china, page 157-170.
zhucong li, zhen gan, baoli zhang, yubo chen, jing wan, kang liu, jun zhao, shengping liu. semi-supervised noisy label learning for chinese clinical named entity recognition. data intelligence 3(3): 389-401 (2021)
qingbin liu, shizhu he, kang liu, shengping liu, jun zhao. a unified shared-private network with denoising for dialogue state tracking. journal of computer science and technology, 2021, 36(6): 1407-1419.
qingbin liu, guirong bai, shizhu he, cao liu, kang liu, jun zhao. heterogeneous relational graph neural networks with adaptive objective for end-to-end task-oriented dialogue. knowl. based syst. 227: 107186 (2021)
cheng yan, yuanzhe zhang, kang liu, jun zhao, yafei shi, shengping liu. enhancing unsupervised medical entity linking with multi-instance learning. bmc medical informatics decis. mak. 21-s(9): 317 (2021)
yinyu lan, shizhu he, kang liu, xiangrong zeng, shengping liu, jun zhao. path-based knowledge reasoning with textual semantic information for medical knowledge graph completion. bmc medical informatics and decision making volume 21, article number: 335 (2021)
kang liu, yubo chen, jian liu, xinyu zuo, jun zhao. extracting events and their relations from texts: a survey on recent research progress and challenges. ai open 1: 22-39 (2020)
kang liu. a survey on neural relation extraction. science china-technological sciences 63 (2020): 1971-1989.
guirong bai, shizhu he, kang liu, jun zhao and zaiqing nie, pre-trained language model based active learning for sentence matching, in proceedings of coling 2020, barcelona, spain (online), december 8-13, 2020.
xinyu zuo, yubo chen, kang liu and jun zhao, knowdis: knowledge enhanced data augmentation for event causality detection via distant supervision, in proceedings of coling 2020, barcelona, spain (online), december 8-13, 2020.
jian liu, dianbo sui, kang liu and jun zhao, graph-based knowledge integration for question answering over dialogue, in proceedings of coling 2020, barcelona, spain (online), december 8-13, 2020.
pei chen, hang yang, kang liu, ruihong huang, yubo chen, taifeng wang and jun zhao, reconstructing event regions for event extraction via graph attention networks, in proceedings of aacl 2020, suzhou, china, december 4-7.
jian liu, yubo chen, kang liu, wei bi and xiaojiang liu, how does context matter? event extraction as machine reading comprehension, in proceedings of emnlp 2020, online, november 16-20.
zhixing tian, yuanzhe zhang, kang liu, jun zhao, yantao jia and zhicheng sheng, scene restoring for narrative machine reading comprehension, in findings of the association for computational linguistics: emnlp 2020, online, november 16-20.
jian liu, yubo chen, kang liu, yantao jia, zhicheng sheng, how does context matter? on the robustness of event detection with context-selective mask generalization, in findings of the association for computational linguistics: emnlp 2020, online, november 16-20.
zhixing tian, yuanzhe zhang, xinwei feng, wenbin jiang, yajuan lyu, kang liu and jun zhao, capturing sentence relations for answer sentence selection with multi-perspective graph encoding, in proceedings of aaai 2020, new york, ny, usa, february 7–12. pdf
pengfei cao, yubo chen, kang liu, jun zhao, shengping liu and weifeng chong. hypercore: hyperbolic and co-graph representation for automatic icd coding, in proceedings of acl 2020, seattle, usa, july 5-10.
pengfei cao, chenwei yan, xiangyu fu, yubo chen, kang liu, jun zhao, shengping liu and weifeng chong, clinical-coder: assigning interpretable icd-10 codes to chinese clinical notes, in proceedings of acl 2020, seattle, usa, july 5-10.
yuanzhe zhang, zhongtao jiang, tao zhang, shiwan liu, jiarun cao, kang liu, shengping liu and jun zhao. mie: a medical information extractor towards medical dialogues, in proceedings of acl 2020, seattle, usa, july 5-10.
yu zhao, anxiang zhang, ruobing xie, kang liu and xiaojie wang, connecting embeddings for knowledge graph entity typing, in proceedings of acl 2020, seattle, usa, july 5-10.
xinyu zuo, yubo chen, kang liu and jun zhao, towards causal explanation detection with pyramid salient-aware network, in proceedings of the 19th chinese national conference on computational linguistics (ccl 2020), haikou, china october 31-november 1. best paper award
pengfei cao, yubo chen, kang liu and jun zhao, chinese named entity recognition via adaptive multi-pass memory network with hierarchical tagging mechanism, in proceedings of the 19th chinese national conference on computational linguistics (ccl 2020), haikou, china october 31-november 1.
zhucong li, baoli zhang, yubo chen, kang liu jun zhao and shengping liu, multi-specialty domain adaptation for chinese medical named entity recognition, in proceedings of the china conference on knowledge graph and semantic computing (ccks2020), nanchang, china november 12-15. best paper award
hang yang, yubo chen, kang liu and jun zhao, meta learning for event argument extraction via domain-specific information enhanced, in proceedings of the china conference on knowledge graph and semantic computing (ccks2020), nanchang, china november 12-15.
王广祥,何世柱,刘康,余正涛,高盛祥,郭军军, 融合事实文本描述的知识库问答方法研究, in proceedings of the china conference on knowledge graph and semantic computing (ccks2020), nanchang, china november 12-15.
郭展成,宋挺,何世柱,刘康,赵军,刘升平, 基于动态知识选择的预训练模型, in proceedings of the china conference on knowledge graph and semantic computing (ccks2020), nanchang, china november 12-15. best paper award mention
宋挺,郭展成,何世柱,刘康,赵军,刘升平, 基于动态词遮掩的句子匹配预训练模型, in proceedings of the china conference on knowledge graph and semantic computing (ccks2020), nanchang, china november 12-15.
bingning wang, ting yao, qi zhang, zhixing tian, kang liu and jun zhao, unsupervised story comprehension with hierarchical encoder-decoder, in proceedings of ictir 2019, santa clara, ca, usa, october 2–5. pdf
xiangrong zeng, shizhu hu, daojian zeng, kang liu, shengping liu and jun zhao, learning the extraction order of multiple relational facts in a sentence with reinforcement learning, in proceedings of emnlp 2019, hongkong, china, november 3–7.
jian liu, yubo chen, kang liu and jun zhao, neural cross-lingual event detection with minimal parallel resources, in proceedings of emnlp 2019, hongkong, china, november 3–7.
cao liu, kang liu, shizhu he, zaiqing nie and jun zhao, generating questions for knowledge bases via incorporating diversified contexts and answer-aware loss, in proceedings of emnlp 2019, hongkong, china, november 3–7.
dianbo sui, yubo chen, kang liu, jun zhao and shengping liu, leverage lexical knowledge for chinese named entity recognition via collaborative graph network, in proceedings of emnlp 2019, hongkong, china, november 3–7.
delai qiu, yuanzhe zhang, xinwei feng, xiangwen liao, wenbin jiang, yajuan lyu, kang liu and jun zhao, machine reading comprehension using structural knowledge graph-aware network, in proceedings of emnlp 2019, hongkong, china, november 3–7.
cao liu, shizhu hu, kang liu and jun zhao, vocabulary pyramid network: multi-pass encoding and decoding with multi-level vocabularies for response generation, in proceedings of acl 2019, florence, italy, july 28-august 2.
xiang zhang, shizhu he, kang liu and jun zhao, adansp: uncertainty-driven adaptive decoding in neural semantic parsing, in proceedings of acl 2019, florence, italy, july 28-august 2.
bingning wang, ting yao, qi zhang, jingfang xu, zhixing tian, kang liu and jun zhao, document gated reader for open domain question answering, in proceedings of sigir 2019, paris, france, july 21-25.
shizhu he, kang liu and weiting an, learning to align question and answer utterances in customer service conversation with recurrent pointer networks, in proceedings of aaai 2019, honolulu, hawaii, usa, january 27 - february 1. pdf
jian liu, yubo chen and kang liu. exploiting the ground-truth: an adversarial imitation based knowledge distillation approach for event detection, in proceedings of aaai 2019, honolulu, hawaii, usa, january 27 - february 1. pdf
xiangrong zeng, shizhu he, kang liu and jun zhao, large scaled relation extraction with reinforcement learning, in proceedings of aaai 2018, louisiana, new orleans, usa, february 2-7. pdf
jian liu, yubo chen, kang liu and jun zhao, event detection via gated multilingual attention mechanism, in proceedings of aaai 2018, louisiana, new orleans, usa, february 2-7. pdf
xiangrong zeng, daojian zeng, shizhu he, kang liu and jun zhao, extracting relational facts by an end-to-end neural model with copy mechanism, in proceedings of acl 2018, melbourne, australia, july 15-20. pdf
hang yang, yubo chen, kang liu, yang xiao and jun zhao, dcfee: a document-level chinese financial event extraction system based on automatically labeled training data, in proceedings of acl 2018, melbourne, australia, july 15-20.
cao liu, shizhu he, kang liu and jun zhao, curriculum learning for natural answer generation, in proceedings of ijcai-ecai 2018, stockholm, sweden, july 13-19. pdf
pengfei cao, yubo chen, kang liu, jun zhao and shengping liu. adversarial transfer learning for chinese named entity recognition with self-attention mechanism, in proceedings of emnlp 2018, brussels, belgium, october 31–november 4.
yubo chen, hang yang, kang liu, jun zhao and yantao jia. collective event detection via a hierarchical and bias tagging networks with gated multi-level attention mechanisms, in proceedings of emnlp 2018, brussels, belgium, october 31–november 4.
bingning wang, kang liu, jun zhao. deep semantic hashing with multi-adversarial training, in proceedings of cikm 2018, torino, italy, october 22–26. pdf
le yu, jiachi chen, hao zhou, xiapu luo and kang liu. localizing function errors in mobile apps with user reviews, in proceddings of the 48th annual ieee/ifip international conference on dependable systems and networks, dsn 2018, luxembourg city, luxembourg, june 25-28, 2018.
bingning wang, kang liu and jun zhao, conditional generative adversarial networks for commonsense machine comprehension, in proceedings of ijcai 2017, melbourne, australia, august 19-25. pdf
shizhu he, cao liu, kang liu and jun zhao, generating natural answer by incorporating copying and retrieving mechanisms in sequence-to-sequence learning, in proceedings of acl 2017, vancouver, canada, july 30-august 4. pdf
yubo chen, shulin liu, xiang zhang, kang liu and jun zhao, automatically labeled data generation for large scale event extraction, in proceedings of acl 2017, vancouver, canada, july 30-august 4. pdf
shulin liu, yubo chen, kang liu, and jun zhao, exploiting argument information to improve event detection via supervised attention mechanisms, in proceedings of acl 2017, vancouver, canada, july 30-august 4. pdf
xuepeng wang, kang liu, shizhu he and jun zhao handling cold-start problem in review spam detection by jointly embedding texts and behaviors, in proceedings of acl 2017, vancouver, canada, july 30-august 4. pdf
yanchao hao, yuanzhe zhang, kang liu, shizhu he, zhanyi liu, hua wu and jun zhao, an end-to-end model for question answering over knowledge base with cross-attention combining global knowledge, in proceedings of acl 2017, vancouver, canada, july 30-august 4. pdf
shangmin guo, xiangrong zeng, shizhu he, kang liu and jun zhao, which is the effective way for gaokao: information retrieval or neural networks?, in proceedings of eacl 2017, valencia, spain, april, 3-7.pdf
guoliang ji, kang liu and jun zhao, distant supervision for relation extraction with sentence-level attention and entity descriptions, in proceedings of aaai 2017, san francisco, usa, february, 4-9. pdf
bingning wang, shangmin guo, kang liu, shizhu he and jun zhao, employing external rich knowledge for machine comprehension, in proceedings of ijcai 2016, newyork, usa, july, 9-15. pdf
bingning wang, kang liu and jun zhao, inner attention based recurrent neural networks for answer selection, in proceedings of acl 2016, berlin, germany, august, 7-12.
shulin liu, yubo chen, shizhu he, kang liu and jun zhao, leveraging framenet to improve automatic event detection, in proceedings of acl 2016, berlin, germany, august, 7-12.
xuepeng wang, kang liu, shizhu he and jun zhao, learning to represent review with tensor decomposition for spam detection, in proceedings of emnlp 2016, austin, usa, november, 1-5.
zhuoyu wei, jun zhao and kang liu, mining inference formulas by goal-directed random walks, in proceedings of emnlp 2016, austin, usa, november, 1-5.
yuanzhe zhang, shizhu he, kang liu and jun zhao, a joint model for question answering over multiple knowledge bases, in proceedings of aaai 2016, phoenix, usa, february, 12-17. pdf
guoliang ji, kang liu, shizhu he and jun zhao, knowledge graph completion with adaptive sparse transfer matrix, in proceedings of aaai 2016, phoenix, usa, february, 12-17. pdfcode
shulin liu, kang liu, shizhu he and jun zhao, a probabilistic soft logic based approach to exploiting latent and global information in event classification, in proceedings of aaai 2016, phoenix, usa, february, 12-17. pdf
siwei lai, kang liu, shizhu he, jun zhao, how to generate a good word embedding? ieee intelligent systems. vol. 31, no. , pp. 5-14, nov.-dec. 2016
daojian zeng, kang liu, yubo chen and jun zhao, distant supervision for relation extraction via piecewise convolutional neural networks, in proceedings of emnlp 2015, lisbon, portugal, september, 17-21. code and data
kang liu, jun zhao, shizhu he and yuanzhe zhang, questiong answering over knoweldge base, a nature language processing special issue in ieee transaction on intelligent systems, pp. 1541-1672.
shizhu he, kang liu and jun zhao, learning to represent knowledge graphs with gaussian embedding, in proceedings of cikm 2015, melbourne, astralia, october, 19-23. pdfcode
zhuoyu wei, jun zhao, kang liu, zhenyu qi and guanhua tian, large-scale knowledge base completion: inferring via grounding network sampling over selected instances, in proceedings of cikm 2015, melbourne, astralia, october, 19-23. pdf
linlin wang, kang liu, zhu cao, jun zhao and gerard de melo, sentiment-aspect extraction based on restricted boltzmann machines, in proceedings of acl-ijcnlp 2015, beijing, china, july, 26-29. pdf
guoliang ji, shizhu he, liheng xu, kang liu and jun zhao, knowledge graph embedding via dynamic mapping matrix, in proceedings of acl-ijcnlp 2015, beijing, china, july, 26-29. pdfcode
yubo chen, liheng xu, kang liu, daojian zeng and jun zhao, event extraction via dynamic multi-pooling convolutional neural networks, in proceedings of acl-ijcnlp 2015, beijing, china, july, 26-29. pdf
siwei lai, liheng xu, kang liu and jun zhao, recurrent convolutional neural networks for text classification, in proceedings of aaai 2015, austin texas, usa, january, 25-23. pdfcode
shizhu he, kang liu, yuanzhe zhang and jun zhao, questioning answering over linked data using markov first-order logic, in proceedings of emnlp 2014, doha, qatar, october, 25-29. pdf
kang liu, liheng xu and jun zhao, co-extracting opinion targets and opinion words from online reviews based on the word alignment model, ieee transaction on knowledge and data engineering (tkde), vol. 27, issue no. 03 pp. 636-650. pdf
kang liu, liheng xu and jun zhao, extracting opinion targets and opinion words from online reviews with graph co-ranking, in proceedings of acl 2014, baltimore, usa, june 22-27. pdf
liheng xu, kang liu, siwei lai and jun zhao, product feature mining: semantic clues versus syntactic constituents, in proceedings of acl 2014, baltimore, usa, june 22-27. pdf
liheng xu, kang liu and jun zhao, joint opinion relation detection using one-class deep neural network, in proceedings of coling 2014, dublin, ireland, august, 23-29. pdf
daojian zeng, kang liu, siwei lai, guangyou zhou and jun zhao, relation classification via convolutional deep neural network, in proceedings of coling 2014, dublin, ireland, august, 23-29. best paper awardpdf
yang liu, kang liu, liheng xu and jun zhao, exploring fine-grained entity type constraints for distantly supervised relation extraction, in proceedings of coling 2014, dublin, ireland, august, 23-29. pdf
shizhu he, yuanzhe zhang, kang liu and jun zhao, casia@v2: a mln-based question answering system over linked data, in proceedings of the fourth workshop on question answering over linked data (qald-4) in clef 2014, sheffield, uk, september, 15-18. pdf
kang liu, liheng xu and jun zhao, syntactic patterns versus word alignment: extracting opinion targets from online reviews, in proceedings of acl 2013, sofia, bulgaria, august 4-9. pdf
liheng xu, kang liu, siwei lai, yubo chen and jun zhao, mining opinion words and opinion targets in a two-stage framework, in proceedings of acl 2013, sofia, bulgaria, august 4-9. pdf
kang liu, liheng xu and jun zhao, opinion target extraction using partially-supervised word alignment model, in proceedings of ijcai 2013, beijing, china, august 5-9. pdf
tao zhang, kang liu and jun zhao, cross lingual entity linking with bilingual topic model, in proceedings of ijcai 2013, beijing, china, august 5-9. pdf
liheng xu, kang liu, siwei lai, yubo chen and jun zhao, walk and learn: a two-stage approach for opinion words and opinion targets co-extraction, in proceedings of www 2013, rio de janeiro, brazil, may 13-17. pdf
delizabeth cano, yulan he, kang liu and jun zhao, a weakly supervised bayesian model for violence detection in social media, in proceedings of ijcnlp 2013, nagoya, japan, october 14-18. pdf
yang liu, fang liu, siwei lai, kang liu, guangyou zhou, jun zhao, attribute relation extraction from template-inconsistent semi-structured text by leveraging site-level knowledge, in proceedings of ijcnlp 2013, nagoya, japan, october 14-18. pdf
yang liu, shulin liu, kang liu, guangyou zhou and jun zhao, exploring distinctive features in distant supersivion for relation extraction, in proceedings of airs 2013, singapore, december 9-11. pdf
fang liu, guangyou zhou, kang liu, jun zhao, shizhu he and shulin liu, open relation mapping based on instance and semantics expansion, in proceedings of airs 2013, singapore, december 9-11. pdf
shizhu he, shulin liu, yubo chen, guangyou zhou, kang liu and jun zhao, casia@qald-3: a question answering system over linked data, in proceedings of the third workshop on question answering over linked data (qald-3), co-locaed with clef 2013, valencia, spain, september, 23-26. pdf
kang liu, liheng xu and jun zhao, opinion target extraction using word-based translation model, in proceedings of emnlp-conll 2012, jeju, korea, july (oral). pdf
guangyou zhou, kang liu and jun zhao. joint relevance and answer quality learning for question routing in community qa. in proceedings of 21th acm conference on information and knowledge management (cikm 2012), pages 1492-1496, maui, hawaii, usa, october 29-november 2, 2012. (oral) pdf
guangyou zhou, siwei lai, kang liu and jun zhao. topic-sensitive probabilistic model for expert finding in question answer communities. in proceedings of 21th acm conference on information and knowledge management (cikm 2012), pages 1662-1666,maui, hawaii, usa, october 29-november 2, 2012. (oral) pdf
guangyou zhou, li cai, kang liu and jun zhao. exploring the existing category hierarchy to automatically labeling the newly-arising topics in cqa. in proceedings of 21th acm conference on information and knowledge management (cikm 2012), pages 1492-1496, maui, hawaii, usa, october 29-november 2, 2012. pdf
guangyou zhou, kang liu and jun zhao. exploiting bilingual translation for question retrieval in community-based question answering. in proceedings of international conference on computational linguistics (coling 2012), pages 3153–3170, mumbai, india, december 8-15, 2012. (oral) pdf
zhenyu qi, kang liu and jun zhao. are human-input seeds good enough for entity set expansion? seeds rewriting by leveraging wikipedia semantic knowledge. in proceedings of airs 2012, tianjin, china. (oral) pdf
siwei lai, yang liu, huxiang gu, liheng xu, kang liu, shiming xiang, jun zhao, rui diao, liang xiang, hang li, dong wang. hybrid recommendation models for binary user preference prediction problem, journal of machine learning research (jmlr): workshop and conference proceedings 18: 137-151, 2012, proceedings of kdd-cup competition. pdf
xingxing wang, shijie lin, dongying kong, liheng xu, qiang yan, siwei lai, liang wu, guibo zhu, heng gao, yang wu, danny bickson, yuanfeng du, neng gong, chengchun shu, shuang wang, kang liu, jun zhao, fei tan, yuanchun zhou. click-through prediction for sponsored search advertising with hybrid models. in acm kdd cup workshop 2012. pdf
li cai, guangyou zhou, kang liu and jun zhao learning the latent topics for question retrieval in community qa, in proceedings of ijcnlp 2011. pdf
guangyou zhou, li cai, kang liu and jun zhao, improving dependency parsing with fined-grained features, in proceedings of ijcnlp 2011. pdf
li cai, guangyou zhao, kang liu and jun zhao, learning to classify questions in cqa by leveraging wikipedia semantic knowledge, in proceedings of cikm 2011 (oral) pdf
guangyou zhou, li cai, jun zhao and kang liu, phrase-based translation model for question retrieval in community question answer archives, in proceedings of the 49th annual meeting of the association for computational linguistics: human language technologies (acl), portland, oregon, usa, june 19-24, 2011. (oral) pdf
guangyou zhou, jun zhao, kang liu and li cai. exploring web-derived selectional preferance to improve statistical dependency parsing, in proceedings of the 49th annual meeting of the association for computational linguistics: human language technologies (acl), portland, oregon, usa, june 19-24, 2011. pdf
jun zhao, kang liu, guanyou zhou and li cai. open information extraction. journal of chinese information processing. vol 25, no. 06, pp 98-110, 2011. (in chinese)
kang liu and jun zhao. cross-domain sentiment classification using a two-stage method. in proceedings of the 18th acm conference on information and knowledge management (cikm). november 2-6, 2009, hong kong. pdf
fan yang, jun zhao and kang liu. a chinese-english organization name translation system using heuristic web mining and asymmetric alignment. in proceedings of the 47th annual meeting of the association for computational linguistics (acl), august, 2-7, 2009, singapore. pdf
jun zhao, kang liu and gen wang. adding redundant features for crfs-based sentence sentiment classification. in proceedings of the conference on empirical methods on natural language processing (emnlp). october 25-27, 2008, hawaii (oral) pdf
kang liu and jun zhao. nlpr at multilingual opinion analysis task in ntcir 7. in proceedings of nii test collection for ir systems (ntcir 7), december, 16-19, 2008, tokyo, japan. pdf
kang liu and jun zhao. domain adaptation in nlp based on hybrid generative and discriminative model. in proceedings of chinese conference of pattern recognition (ccpr), 2008, beijing, china. oct. 22-24 (in chinese). best student paper awardpdf
kang liu and jun zhao. sentence sentiment analysis based on cascaded crfs model. journal of chinese information processing. vol 22, no. 01, pp 123-128, 2008. (in chinese)
xianpei han, kang liu and jun zhao. a web-page content block detection method based on layout features and language features. journal of chinese information processing. vol 22. no. 01. pp 15-21, 2008. (in chinese)
fan yang, jun zhao, bo zou, kang liu and feifan liu. chinese-english backward transliteration assisted with mining monolingual web pages . in proceedings. of the 46th annual meeting of the association for computational linguistics (acl), june, 16-18, 2008, ohio, usa. pdf
kang liu, gen wang, xianpei han and jun zhao. nlpr in trec 2007 blog track. in proceedings of text retrieval conference (trec) 2007, usa. pdf
kang liu and licheng jiao. adaptive curved feature detection based on ridgelet. in proceedings of intentional conference of image analysis and recognition (iciar) 2004