yubo chen 陈玉博-澳门游戏娱乐场棋牌
- 中国中文信息学会语言与知识计算专业委员会,委员(2018-)
- 中国中文信息学会青年工作委员会,执行委员(2017-)
- 国际计算语言学大会(coling 2022),领域主席
- 全国计算语言学大会(ccl 2022),出版主席
- 全国知识图谱与语义计算大会(ccks 2022),出版主席
- 全国知识图谱与语义计算大会(ccks 2020),赞助主席
- 全国计算语言学大会(ccl 2019),信息抽取和知识图谱,领域主席
- 全国知识图谱与语义计算大会(ccks 2019),信息抽取和知识图谱,领域主席
- pc member, aaai conference on artificial intelligence 2022 (aaai 2022)
- pc member, international joint conference on artificial intelligence 2022(ijcai 2022)
- pc member, the conference on information and knowledge management 2022(cikm 2022)
- pc member, annual meeting of the association for computational linguistics 2022(acl2022)
- pc member, conference on empirical methods in natural language processing 2022(emnlp 2022)
- pc member, international conference on computational linguistics 2022(coling 2022)
- pc member, aaai conference on artificial intelligence 2021 (aaai 2021)
- pc member, international joint conference on artificial intelligence 2021(ijcai 2021)
- pc member, annual meeting of the association for computational linguistics 2021(acl2021)
- pc member, conference on empirical methods in natural language processing 2021(emnlp 2021)
- pc member, ieee transactions on knowledge and data engineering(tkde)
- journal of web semantics elsevier(jws)
- neurocomputing
- natural language engineering
- the acm transactions on asian and low-resource language information processing(tallip)