ph.d., research assistant. chinese language processing group (cip), , . office: room 708, intelligence building, no. 95 zhongguancun east road, haidian district, beijing, 100190, china. phone: (86)-10-82544588 email: kunwang (at) |
integrating translation memory into phrase-based
machine translation during decoding
kun wang, chengqing zong, and keh-yih su
to appear in proceedings of the 51st annual meeting of
the association for computational linguistics (acl), sofia,
bulgaria, august 4-9, 2013.
integrating generative and
discriminative character-based models for chinese word
kun wang, chengqing zong, and keh-yih su
acm transactions on asian language information processing
vol.11, no.2, june 2012, pages 7:1-7:41.
integrating surface and abstract
features for robust cross-domain chinese word segmentation
xiaoqing li, kun wang, chengqing zong and keh-yih su
in proceedings of the 24th international conference on
computational linguistics (coling), mumbai, india, 8-15
december 2012. pages 1653-1669.
a character-based joint model for
chinese word segmentation
kun wang, chengqing zong, and keh-yih su
in proceedings of the 23rd international conference on
computational linguistics (coling), beijing, china, august
23-27, 2010. pages 1173-1181.
a character-based joint model for
cips-sighan word segmentation bakeoff 2010
kun wang, chengqing zong, and keh-yih su
in proceedings of cips-sighan joint conference on
chinese language processing (clp2010), beijing, china,
august 28-29, 2010. pages 245-248.
which is more suitable for chinese word
segmentation, the generative model or the discriminative
kun wang, chengqing zong, and keh-yih su
in proceedings of the 23rd pacific asia conference on
language, information and computation (paclic 23). 3-5
december 2009, hong kong. pages 827-834.
last updated: july, 2013