2006.9-2011.7 ph.d. institute of automation chinese academy of sciences, beijing
2002.9-2006.7 bs. college of computer science and technology, jilin
university, changchun, jilin
2019.11- research professor. institute of automation chinese academy of sciences, beijing
2014.11-2019.10 assoicate research professor. institute of automation chinese academy of sciences, beijing
2013.9-2014.9 visiting researcher. microsoft research asia, beijing
2011.7-2014.10 assistant research professor. institute of automation chinese academy of sciences, beijing
research interests:
natural language processing, language modeling, multilingual multimodal information processing
research professor with the institute of automation chinese academy of sciences, and professor of the university of the chinese academy of sciences. his main research interests are natural language processing, language models and multilingual multimodal information processing. he has won the support of the national science fund for excellent young scholars, and he is the pi of the major project "new generation artificial intelligence" for technological innovation 2030. he has published over 100 ccf-a/b papers, 2 academic books. he has served as the (senior) area chair for acl/emnlp/coling, spc for aaai and ijcai multiple times and as an editorial board member (associate editor) for journals such as artificial intelligence, ieee/acm t-aslp, acm tallip, and journal of automation.
bio (in chinese):
张家俊,中国科学院自动化研究所研究员、博士生导师,中国科学院大学岗位教授,主要研究方向为自然语言处理、语言模型、多语言多模态信息处理,获得国家优秀青年科学基金资助,入选中国科协首届青年人才托举工程、中国科学院青年创新促进会优秀会员和北京智源青年科学家,主持科技创新2030新一代人工智能重大项目。发表ccf-a/b类论文100余篇,出版学术专著2部、译著1部,6次获得最佳/优秀论文奖,3次被评为ijcai、acl和naacl的杰出spc和审稿人。获得中国中文信息学会钱伟长中文信息处理科学技术奖一等奖、青年创新奖一等奖和2020年北京市科学技术奖一等奖等。担任中国中文信息学会理事、第五届青年工作委员会主任和机器翻译专委会副主任。担任acl/emnlp/coling的(资深)领域主席,担任artificial intelligence、ieee/acm t-aslp、acm tallip和《自动化学报》等期刊的编委。
2024.07, we conduct a survey on collaborative strategies in the era of large language models ().
2024.06, we propose and build an empathetic large speech-language model named blsp-emo which can understand the emotion of the speaker and respond in an empathetic way (). welcome to try our ().
the datasets constructed by our lab can be found at
in github.
recent publications: (full list: )
xingrun xing, zheng zhang, ziyi ni, shitao xiao, yiming ju, siqi fan, yequan wang, jiajun zhang, guoqi li. spikelm: towards general spike-driven language modeling via elastic bi-spiking mechanisms. proceedings of icml-2024.
chong li, shaonan wang, jiajun zhang, chengqing zong. improving in-context learning of multilingual generative language models with cross-lingual alignment. proceedings of naacl 2024.
yangyifan xu, jinliang lu, jiajun zhang. bridging the gap between different vocabularies for llm ensemble. proceedings of naacl 2024.
jinliang lu and jiajun zhang. improving unsupervised neural machine translation via training data self-correction. proceedings of coling 2024.
chong li, wen yang, jiajun zhang, jinliang lu, shaonan wang, chengqing zong. x-instruction: aligning language model in low-resource languages with self-curated cross-lingual instructions. findings in proceedings of acl 2024.
yizhi li, ge zhang, xingwei qu, jiali li, zhaoqun li, zekun wang, hao li, ruibin yuan, yinghao ma, kai zhang, wangchunshu zhou, yiming liang, lei zhang, lei ma, jiajun zhang, zuowen li, stephen w huang, chenghua lin, wenhu chen, jie fu. cif-bench: a chinese instruction-following benchmark for evaluating the generalizability of large language models. findings in proceedings of acl 2024.
xingrun xing, li du, xinyuan wang, xianlin zeng, yequan wang, zheng zhang, jiajun zhang. bipft: binary pre-trained foundation transformer with low-rank estimation of binarization residual polynomials. proceedings of aaai 2024.
feihu jin, jiajun zhang and chengqing zong. parameter-efficient tuning for large language model without calculating its gradients. proceedings of emnlp 2023.
chong li, shaonan wang, yunhao zhang, jiajun zhang and chengqing zong. interpreting and exploiting functional specialization in multi-head attention under multi-task learning. proceedings of emnlp 2023.
jinliang lu, yu lu and jiajun zhang. take a closer look at multilinguality! improve multilingual pre-training using monolingual corpora only. findings in proceedings of emnlp 2023.
jinliang lu, feihu jin and jiajun zhang. adapter tuning with task-aware attention mechanism. proceedings of icassp 2023.
feihu jin, jinliang lu and jiajun zhang. unified prompt learning makes pre-trained language models better few-shot learners. proceedings of icassp 2023.
shaonan wang, yunhao zhang, weiting shi, guangyao zhang, jiajun zhang, nan lin and chengqing zong. a large dataset of semantic ratings and its computational extension. scientific data.
jinliang lu and jiajun zhang. towards unified multi-domain machine translation with mixture of domain experts. ieee/acm transactions on audio, speech, and language processing.
haitao lin, junnan zhu, lu xiang, feifei zhai, yu zhou, jiajun zhang and chengqing zong. topic-oriented dialogue summarization. ieee/acm transactions on audio, speech, and language processing.
feihu jin, jinliang lu, jiajun zhang and chengqing zong. instance-aware prompt learning for language understanding and generation. acm transactions on asian and low-resource language information processing.
xin huang, jiajun zhang and chengqing zong. contrastive adversarial training for multi-modal machine translation. acm transactions on asian and low-resource language information processing.
yang zhao, jiajun zhang and chengqing zong. transformer: a general framework from machine translation to others. machine intelligence research.
yu lu and jiajun zhang. norm-based noisy corpora filtering and refurbishing in neural machine translation. proceedings of emnlp 2022.
chen wang, yuchen liu, boxing chen, jiajun zhang, wei luo, zhongqiang huang and chengqing zong. discrete cross-modal alignment enables zero-shot speech translation. proceedings of emnlp 2022.
shaonan wang, xiaohan zhang, jiajun zhang and chengqing zong. a synchronized multimodal neuroimaging dataset for studying brain language processing. scientific data 2022.
qian wang and jiajun zhang. addressing asymmetry in multilingual neural machine translation with fuzzy task clustering. proceedings of coling 2022.
qian wang, chen wang and jiajun zhang. investigating parameter sharing in multilingual speech translation. proceedings of interspeech 2022.
qian wang, jiajun zhang and chengqing zong. synchronous inference for multilingual neural machine translation. ieee/acm transactions on audio, speech and language processing 2022.
yu lu, jiajun zhang, jiali zeng, shuangzhi wu and chengqing zong. attention analysis and calibration for transformer in natural language generation. ieee/acm transactions on audio, speech and language processing 2022.
yu lu, jiali zeng, jiajun zhang, shuangzhi wu, mu li. learning confidence for transformer-based neural machine translation. proceedings of acl 2022.
haitao lin, junnan zhu, lu xiang, yu zhou, jiajun zhang, chengqing zong. other roles matter! enhancing role-oriented dialogue summarization via role interactions. proceedings of acl 2022.
shuxian zou, shaonan wang, jiajun zhang, chengqing zong. cross-modal cloze task: a new task to brain-to-word decoding. proceedings of acl findings 2022.
qian wang and jiajun zhang. parameter differentiation based multilingual neural machine translation. proceedings of aaai 2022.
xiaohan zhang, shaonan wang, nan lin, jiajun zhang and chengqing zong. probing word syntactic representations in the brain by a feature elimination method. proceedings of aaai 2022
best paper award: paclic-2009, nlpcc-2012, cwmt-2014, nlpcc-2017, ccmt-2019;
qian weichang chinese information porcessing science and technology award, 2014, first prize
outstanding reviewer: acl-ijcnlp-2015, naacl-2018;
outstanding senior program committee (spc): ijcai-2018;
young elite scientists sponsorship program by cast (2015)
youth innovation promotion association chinese academy of sciences (2017)
cips hanvon youngth innovation award, 2018;
beijing science and technology progress award, 2020, first prize;
nsfc excellent young scientists fund, 2021;
research activity :
senior program committee: aaai (2019-2022).
senior program committee: ijcai (2017-2023)
senior area chair: acl-2021, emnlp-2022, aacl-2022.
action editor, acl rolling review (arr)
area chair: acl-2020, acl-2023, emnlp-2021, emnlp-2019, coling-2022, coling-2020, coling-2018.
pc co-chair: cwmt-2018.
demo co-chair: nlpcc 2014; area co-chair: nlpcc-2020, nlpcc-2017.
program committee: acl (2014, 2015, 2017, 2018, 2019), emnlp (2015-2018), naacl (2016-2019), coling (2014-2018), ijcai (2013, 2015, 2017, 2018), aaai(2017-2019), nlpcc (2012-2017), paclic (2011-2017), ialp (2013-2017), cwmt (2009-2017).
associate editor: ieee/acm taslp, acm tallip.
editorial board: atificial intelligence.
journal reviewer: ieee tpami, ieee tc, ieee tnnls, ieee tkde.