




  1. yufeng chen, chengqing zong and keh-yih su. on jointly recognizing and aligning bilingual named entities. in proceedings of the 48th annual meeting of the association for computational linguistics (acl), uppsala, sweden, july 11, 2010. pages 631-639

  2. kun wang, chengqing zong and keh-yih su. a character-based joint model for chinese word segmentation. in proceedings of the 23rd international conference on computational linguistics (coling), beijing, china, august 23-27, 2010. pages 1173-1181

  3. tao zhuang and chengqing zong. a minimum error weighting combination strategy for chinese semantic role labeling. in proceedings of the 23rd international conference on computational linguistics (coling), beijing, china, august 23-27, 2010. pages 1362-1370

  4. zhiguo wang and chengqing zong. phrase structure parsing with dependency structure. in proceedings of the 23rd international conference on computational linguistics (coling), beijing, china, august 23-27, 2010. pages 1292 -1300

  5. rui xia and chengqing zong. exploring the use of word relation features for sentiment classification. in proceedings of the 23rd international conference on computational linguistics (coling), beijing, china, august 23-27, 2010. pages 1336 -1344

  6. yanqing he, yu zhou, chengqing zong, and huilin wang. a novel reordering model based on multi-layer phrase for statistical machine translation. in proceedings of the 23rd international conference on computational linguistics (coling), beijing, china, august 23-27, 2010. pages 447-455

  7. tao zhuang and chengqing zong. joint inference for bilingual semantic role labeling. in proceedings of the 2010 conference on empirical methods in natural language processing (emnlp), mit, massachusetts, usa, october 9-11, 2010. pages 304-314

  8. kyan zhou, aijun li, zhigang yin and chengqing zong. casia-cassil: a chinese telephone conversation corpus in real scenarios with multi-leveled annotation. in proceedings of the 7th international conference on language resources and evaluation (lrec), malta, may 19-21, 2010. pages 2407-2413

  9. kun wang, chengqing zong and keh-yih su, 2010. a character-based joint model for cips-sighan word segmentation bakeoff 2010. in proceedings of cips-sighan joint conference on chinese language processing (clp2010),  beijing, china, august 28-29, 2010. pages 245-248

  10. zhiguo wang and chengqing zong. treebank conversion based self-training strategy for parsing. in proceedings of cips-sighan joint conference on chinese language processing (clp2010), beijing, china, august 28-29, 2010. pages 326-333

  11. peng liu, yu zhou and chengqing zong. approaches to improving corpus quality for statistical machine translation.  in proceedings of the international conference on machine learning and cybernetics, qingdao, china, july 12-13 , 2010. pages 3293-3298.

  12. peng liu, yu zhou and chengqing zong. data selection for statistical machine translation. in proceedings of the 6th international conference on natural language processing and knowledge engineering(nlp-ke), beijing, china,  august 21-23, 2010.  pages 232-236.

  13. xiaofeng wu and chengqing zong. an map based sentence ranking approach to automatic summarization. in proceedings of the 6th international conference on natural language processing and knowledge engineering(nlp-ke), beijing, china, august 21-23, 2010. pages 237-241

  14. keyan zhou, aijun li and chengqing zong. dialogue-act analysis with a conversational telephone speech corpus recorded in real scenarios. in proceedings of the oriental cocosda workshop (cocosda: international committee for the co-ordination and standardization of speech databases and assessment techniques) (o-cocosda), kathmandu, nepal, november 24-25, 2010

  15. 吴晓锋,宗成庆. 基于语义角色标注的新闻领域复述句识别方法 ,中文信息学报, no.5, vol.24, 2010. pages 3-9.

  16. 周可艳,宗成庆,对话行为信息在口语翻译中的应用,中文信息学报,2010年第24卷第6期,第57-63页。

  17. 鉴萍,宗成庆,基于序列标注模型的分层式依存句法分析方法,中文信息学报,2010年第24卷第6期,第14-22页。

  18. 李茂西,宗成庆,机器翻译系统融合技术综述,中文信息学报,2010年第24卷第4期,第74-84页。


  1. shoushan li, rui xia, chengqing zong, and chu-ren huang. a framework of feature selection methods for text categorization. in proceedings of the joint conference of the 47th annual meeting of the association for computational linguistics and the 4th international joint conference on natural language processing of the asian federation of natural language processing (acl-ijcnlp), pages 692-700. august 3-7, 2009. singapore

  2. jiajun zhang and chengqing zong. a framework for effectively integrating hard and soft syntactic rules into phrase-based translation. in proceedings of the 23rd pacific asia conference on language, information and computation (paclic 23). 3-5 december 2009, hong kong. pages 579-588    (best paper award)

  3. ping jian and chengqing zong.  layer-based dependency parsing. in proceedings of the 23rd pacific asia conference on language, information and computation (paclic 23). 3-5 december 2009, hong kong. pages 230-239

  4. peng liu, yu zhou, and chengqing zong. approach to selecting best development set for phrase-base statistical machine translation. in proceedings of the 23rd pacific asia conference on language, information and computation (paclic 23). 3-5 december 2009, hong kong. pages 325-334

  5. kun wang, chengqing zong, and keh-yih su. which is more suitable for chinese word segmentation, the generative model or the discriminative one? in proceedings of the 23rd pacific asia conference on language, information and computation (paclic 23). 3-5 december 2009, hong kong. pages 827-834

  6. ping jian and chengqing zong. two-pass deterministic dependency parsing for long chinese sentences. in proceedings of the international conference on asian language processing (ialp). 7-9 december, 2009, singapore.pages 240-244

  7. keyan zhou and chengqing zong. dialog-act recognition using discourse and sentence structure information. in proceedings of the international conference on asian language processing (ialp). 7-9 december, 2009, singapore. pages 11-16

  8. maoxi li, jiajun zhang, yu zhou, and chengqing zong. the casia statistical machine translation system for iwslt 2009. in proceedings of the international workshop of spoken language translation (iwslt), december 1-2, 2009. tokyo, japan. pages 83-90

  9. 宗成庆,曹右琦,俞士汶,中文信息处理60年,语言文字应用,2009年11月第4期,第53-61页。(sixty years of chinese information processing, applied linguistics, no.4, november 2009. pages 53-61)

  10. 鉴萍,宗成庆基于双向标注融合的汉语最长短语识别方法,智能系统学报,vol.4, no.5, pp.406-413, 2009.

  11. 吴晓锋,宗成庆一种基于lda的crf自动文摘方法(an approach to automatic summarization by integrating latent dirichlet allocation in conditional radom field),中文信息学报,2009年第23卷第6期,第39-45页。

  12. 刘鹏,宗成庆人机互助的交互式口语翻译方法,中文信息学报,2009年第23卷第3期,第58-64页。

  13. 刘鹏,宗成庆基于短语模糊匹配和句子扩展的统计翻译方法,中文信息学报,2009年第23卷第5期,第40-46页。

  14. 翟飞飞,夏睿,周玉,宗成庆汉英双向时间和数字命名实体的识别与翻译系统,第五届全国机器翻译研讨会(cwmt)论文集,2009年10月16-17日,南京。第172-179页。

  15. 张家俊,李茂西,周玉,陈钰枫,宗成庆中科院自动化所cwmt2009评测技术报告,第五届全国机器翻译研讨会(cwmt)论文集,2009年10月16-17日,南京。第55-62页。


  1. chengqing zong, qingshi gao. chinese r&d in natural language technology. ieee intelligent systems, vol.23, no. 6, 2008. pages 42-48

  2. yufeng chen, chengqing zong. a structure-based model for chinese organization name translation. acm transactions on asian language information processing, february 2008, 7(1): 1-30

  3. xiaofeng wu, chengqing zong. a  new approach to automatic document summarization. in proceedings of the international joint conference on natural language processing (ijcnlp), hyderabad, india, january 8-10, 2008. pages 126-132

  4. shoushan li, chengqing zong. multi-domain sentiment classification (short paper). in proceedings of the 46th annual meeting of the association for computational linguistics: human language technology (acl-08: hlt), short papers (companion volume). columbus, ohio, usa. june 15-20, 2008. pages 257-260

  5. jiajun zhang, chengqing zong, shoushan li. sentence type based reordering model for statistical machine translation. in proceedings of the 22nd international conference on computational linguistics (coling), august 18-22, 2008. manchester, uk. pages 1089-1096

  6. hua wu, haifeng wang, chengqing zong. domain adaptation for statistical machine translation with domain dictionary and monolingual corpora. in proceedings of conference on computational linguistics (coling), august 18-22, 2008. manchester, uk. pages 993-1000

  7. yanqing he, chengqing zong. a generalized reordering model for phrase-based statistical machine translation. in proceedings of the 8th conference of the association for machine translation in the americas (amta), october 21-25, 2008. waikiki, hawai'i, usa.

  8. licheng fang, chengqing zong. an efficient approach to redundancy reduction in hierarchical phrase-based translation. in proceedings of the ieee conference on natural language processing and knowledge engineering (nlp-ke), october 19-22, 2008. beijing, china. pages 466-471

  9. shoushan li, chengqing zong. multi-domain adaptation for sentiment classification: using multiple classifier combining methods. in proceedings of the ieee conference on natural language processing and knowledge engineering (nlp-ke), october 19-22, 2008. beijing, china. pages 458-465

  10. yanqing he, jiajun zhang, maoxi li, licheng fang, yufeng chen, yu zhou, chengqing zong. the casia statistical machine translation system for iwslt 2008. in proceedings of the international workshop of spoken language translation (iwslt), october 20-21, 2008. waikiki, hawai'i, usa.  pages 85-91

  11. yanqing he, yu zhou, chengqing zong. word alignment based on multi-grain. in the international symposium on chinese spoken language processing (iscslp), december 16-19, 2008. kunming, china. pages 269-272

  12. maoxi li, chengqing zong. word reordering alignment for combination of statistical machine translation systems. in the international symposium on chinese spoken language processing (iscslp), december 16-19, 2008. kunming, china. pages 273-276

  13. keyan zhou, chengqing zong, hua wu, and haifeng wu. predicting and tagging dialog-act using mdp and svm. in the international symposium on chinese spoken language processing (iscslp), december 16-19, 2008. kunming, china.  pages 293-296

  14. 宗成庆,高庆狮,中国语言技术进展,中国计算机学会通讯,20088月,4(8): 39-48

  15. 方李成,宗成庆,基于层次短语的统计翻译系统中规则冗余度的高效约束方法,见:第四届全国学生计算语言学会议论文集。200872325日,太原。第303-309页。

  16. 何彦青,张家俊,李茂西,陈钰枫,周玉,宗成庆cwmt’08统计机器翻译研讨会自动化所技术报告,机器翻译研究进展(第四届全国机器翻译研讨会论文集),2008112728日,北京。第133142页。

  17. 刘鹏,宗成庆,基于人机交互的统计翻译方法,机器翻译研究进展(第四届全国机器翻译研讨会论文集),2008112728日,北京。第187195页。(被推荐到《中文信息学报》发表

  18. 张家俊,宗成庆,融入句型信息的汉英双向调序模型,机器翻译研究进展(第四届全国机器翻译研讨会论文集),2008112728日,北京。第222230页。


  1. shoushan li, and chengqing zong. classifier combining rules under independence assumptions. in proceedings of the 7th international workshop on multiple classifier systems (mcs), prague, czech republic, may 23-25, 2007. pages 322-332.

  2. shoushan li, chengqing zong, and xia wang. sentiment classification through combining classifiers with multiple feature sets. in proceedings of ieee international conference on natural language processing and knowledge engineering (nlp-ke), august 30-sept. 1, 2007, beijing.

  3. yu zhou, yanqing he, and chengqing zong, the casia phrase-based statistical machine translation system for iwslt 2007. in proceedings of the international workshop on spoken language translation (iwslt), october 15-16, 2007, trento, italy.

  4. 徐昉,宗成庆,王霞,中文base np识别:错误驱动的组合分类器方法,中文信息学报,21(1): 115-119.

  5. 何彦青,周玉,宗成庆,王霞,基于“松弛尺度”的短语翻译对抽取方法, 中文信息学报,21(5): 91-95(被评为第九届全国计算语言学学术会议优秀论文)

  6. 周可艳,宗成庆,汉英统计翻译系统中未登录词的处理方法,见:孙茂松、陈群秀主编,内容计算的研究与应用前沿(第九届全国计算语言学学术会议论文集),北京:清华大学出版社,第356361页。

  7. 何彦青,周玉,宗成庆,基于短语的汉英统计机器翻译系统评测报告,第三届全国统计机器翻译研讨会论文集,200781213日,哈尔滨。第115119页。


  1. rile hu, chengqing zong, and bo xu. an approach to automatic acquisition of translation templates based on phrase structure extraction and alignment. ieee transactions on speech and audio processing. vol. 14, no.5, september 2006.[pdf]

  2. stüker, sebastian, chengqing zong, jürgen reichert, wenjie cao, muntsin kolss, guodong xie, kay peterson, peng ding, victoria arranz, jian yu, and alex waibel. 2006. speech-to-speech translation services for the olympic games 2008. in proceedings of the third joint workshop on machine learning and multimodal interaction (mlmi), 1-3 may 2006, washington dc, usa. [pdf]

  3. fang xu, chengqing zong, and jun zhao. a hybrid approach to chinese base noun phrase chunking. in proceedings of the fifth sighan workshop on chinese language processing, pages 87-93, sydney, july 22-23, 2006.[pdf]

  4. 左云存,宗成庆,基于语义分类树的汉语口语理解方法,中文信息学报,20(2): 8-15 [pdf]

  5. 李幸,宗成庆2006,引入标点处理的层次化汉语长句句法分析方法,中文信息学报,20(4): 8-15。 [pdf]

  6. 柴春光,宗成庆,影响统计翻译系统性能的因素分析,第三届学生计算语言学研讨会论文集,p3833872006815日-18日,沈阳。[pdf]

  7. 徐昉,宗成庆中文base np识别:错误驱动的组合分类器方法,第三届学生计算语言学研讨会论文集,p2562602006815日-18日,沈阳。(获本次会议优秀论文奖)[pdf]


  1. chengqing zong and mark seligman. toward practical spoken language translation. machine translation, 19(2): 113-137. june 2006. [pdf]

  2. cao wenjie, chengqing zong and bo xu. investigation of emotive expressions of spoken sentences. in affective computing and intelligent interaction (proceedings of the first international conference, acii, october 22-24, 2005, beijing, china) (jianhua tao, tieniu tan and rosalind w. picard (eds.). springer. pages 972-980.  [pdf]

  3. yu zhou, chengqing zong and bo xu. various aligned models in chinese-to-english statistical machine translation. in proceedings of the ieee international conference on natural language processing and knowledge engineering (nlp-ke). october 30th - november 1st, 2005. wuhan, china. pages 443-448.

  4. shoushan li and chengqing zong. a new approach to feature selection for text categorization. in proceedings of the ieee international conference on natural language processing and knowledge engineering (nlp-ke). october 30th - november 1st, 2005. wuhan, china. pages 626-630. [pdf]

  5. xing li and chengqing zong. a hierarchical parsing approach with punctuation processing for long complex chinese sentences. in in companion volume to the proceedings of conference including posters/demos and tutorial abstracts, ijcnlp2005, jeju island, korea, october 11-13, 2005. pages 9-14. [pdf]

  6. minghu jiang, chengqing zong, and beixing deng. self-organizing map analysis of conceptual and semantic relations for noun. advances in neural newtworksisnn2005: lecture notes in computer science, vol. 3498, pp.977-982. springer-verlag heidelberg.

  7. 周玉, 宗成庆, 徐波,基于多层过滤的统计机器翻译,中文信息学报,vol.19, no.32005。第54-60页。

  8. 胡日勒,宗成庆,王霞,徐波,一种基于 suffix arrays 的快速翻译方法,全国第八届计算语言学联合学术会议论文集,200582729日。第267273页。[pdf]

  9. 胡日勒,宗成庆,徐波,基于统计学习的机器翻译模板自动获取方法,中文信息学报,2005年第4期。[pdf]

  10. 左云存,宗成庆,基于hmm的短语翻译对抽取方法,全国第八届计算语言学联合学术会议论文集,200582729日。第281287页。[pdf]


  1. wenjie cao, chengqing zong, and bo xu. approach to interchange-format based chinese generation. in proceedings of the international conference on spoken language processing (icslp). october 4-8, 2004. jeju, korea. [pdf]

  2. yu zhou, chengqing zong, and bo xu, bilingual chunk alignment in statistical machine translation. in proceedings of ieee international conference on systems, man & cybernetics (smcc2004), hague, netherlands, 2004.

  3. rile hu, chengqing zong and bo xu, approach to automatic translation template acquisition based on unannotated bilingual grammar induction. in proceedings of the international workshop on machine translation and multilingual information retrieval (mtmir). march 25th, 2004. sanya, hai nan, china. [pdf]

  4. xing li, and chengqing zong, an effective framework for chinese syntactic parsing. in proceedings of the international conference on signal processing. december 2004. istanbul, turkey. pages 276-279. [pdf]

  5. yuncun zuo, yu zhou and chengqing zong, multi-engine based chinese-to-english translation systemin proceedings of international workshop on spoken language translation, japan, 2004. pages 73~76. [pdf]

  6. 解国栋,宗成庆,徐波. 鲁棒的汉语口语解析方法研究,汉语语言与计算学报(journal of chinese language and computing), 14 (1) 5-19. 2004. singapore. [pdf]

  7. 曹文洁,宗成庆,徐波,基于中间转换格式的中英文语言生成方法研究,汉语语言与计算学报(journal of chinese language and computing),14 (1) 21-34. 2004. singapore. [pdf]

  8. 周玉, 宗成庆, 徐波,基于多层过滤的统计机器翻译,第二届学生计算语言学研讨会(swcl2004),北京,2004. pages 275-280. (获优秀论文奖)

  9. 胡日勒,宗成庆,徐波,基于短语结构抽取和对齐的机器翻译模板自动获取方法,第二届全国学生计算语言学研讨会论文集(swcl2004),2004. pages 363-368.


  1. chengqing zong and fuji ren, chinese utterance segmentation in spoken language translation. in proceedings of the 4th international conference on computational linguistics and intelligent text processing (cicling), mexico, pp.516-525, 2003.  [pdf]

  2. 宗成庆,口语翻译中的问题、方法与应用可能性,中文信息处理若干重要问题isbn 7-03-012296-8,科学出版社,pp.403-414, 2003. [pdf]

  3. guodong xie, chengqing zong, bo xu. “a maximum entropy approach for spoken chinese understanding”. in proceedings of the 4th international conference on computational linguistics and intelligent text processing (cicling-03). feb. 16-22, 2003. mexico. pages 91-100.

  4. keli chen and chengqing zong. “a new weighting algorithm for linear classifier”. in proceedings of the international conference on natural language processing and knowledge engineering (nlp-ke). oct. 26-29, 2003. beijing. pages 650-655.

  5. rile hu, chengqing zong and bo xu. “semiautomatic acquisition of translation templates from monolingual unannotated corpora”. in proceedings of the international conference on natural language processing and knowledge engineering (nlp-ke). oct. 26-29, 2003. beijing. pages 163-167. [pdf]

  6. ding liu and chengqing zong. “utterance segmentation using combined approach based on bi-directional n-gram and maximum entropy”. in proceedings of acl-2003 workshop: the second sighan workshop on chinese language processing. july 11-12, 2003. pages 16-23. [pdf]

  7. ding liu, yu zhou, chengqing zong and fuji ren. automatic evaluation of sentence fluency. in proceedings of 2003 international conference on systems, man and cybernetics (smc). october 5-8, 2003. washington, d.c., usa. pages 1687-1692.

  8. ying liu and chengqing zong. rule base combined linguistics knowledge with corpus. in proceedings of 2003 international conference on systems, man and cybernetics (smc). october 5-8, 2003. washington, d.c., usa. pages 5022-5027. [pdf]

  9. 解国栋,宗成庆,徐波. 2003. 面向中间语义表示格式的汉语口语解析方法. 中文信息学报,vol. 17, no.1, 2003. pages 1-6.(获首届全国学生计算语言学研讨会优秀论文奖)[pdf]

  10. 张艳,宗成庆,徐波. 2003. 汉语术语定义的结构分析和提取. 中文信息学报,vol. 17, no. 6, 2003. pages 9-16. [pdf]

  11. 陈克利,宗成庆,王霞,基于大规模真实文本的平衡语料分析与文本分类方法,语言计算与基于内容的文本处理(全国第七届计算语言学联合学术会议论文集),200389日-10日。第540545页。[pdf]


  1. chengqing zong, bo xu and taiyi huang, interactive chinese-to-english speech translation based on dialogue management. in proceedings of acl ’2002 workshop- speech-to-speech translation: algorithms and systems, philadelphia, usa, pp. 61-68, july 11, 2002. [pdf]

  2. 宗成庆,张玉洁,山本和英,坂本仁,白井谕. 面向口语翻译的汉语语句改写方法. 汉语语言与计算学报(journal of chinese language computing, 2002,12 (1): 63-77. singapore. [pdf]

  3. 宗成庆. 语音翻译技术研究现状. 第二届中日自然语言处理专家研讨会论文集,20021031日至112日,北京大学. 32-39页。[pdf]

  4. wen-jie cao, chengqing zong, juha iso-sipild and bo xu.chinese person name identification based on rules and statistics, in proceedings of the international symposium on chinese spoken language processing (iscslp), august 22-24, 2002, taiwan. pages 331-334.[pdf]

  5. rile hu, chengqing zong, juha iso-siila and bo xu.investigation and analysis on designing chinese balance corpus. in proceedings of the international symposium on chinese spoken language processing (iscslp), august 22-24, 2002, taiwan. pages 335-338. [pdf]

  6. guodong xie, chengqing zong and bo xu. “chinese spoken language analyzing based on combination of statistical and rule methods, in proceedings of the international conference of spoken language processing (icslp’2002). sept. 16-20, 2002. colorado, usa. pages 613-616. [pdf]

  7. yan zhang, bo xu and chengqing zong. chinese syntactic parsing based on extended glr parsing algorithm with pcfg*”. in proceedings of the 19th international conference on computational linguistics (coling’2002). august 24 - sept.1, 2002, taiwan. pages 1318-1332. [pdf]


  1.  chengqing zong, yujie zhang, kazuhide yamamoto, masashi sakamoto, satoshi shirai, approach to spoken chinese paraphrasing based on feature extraction, in proceedings of the 6th natural language processing pacific rim symposium ( nlprs ). november  27-30, 2001. tokyo, japan. pages 551-556. [pdf]

  2. 宗成庆,张玉洁,山本和英,坂本仁,白井谕,“口语自动翻译系统中的汉语语句改写”, 中文计算国际会议(iccc)论文集,  20011127日至29, 新加坡. 395-401


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