基本信息 | 研究领域 | |
杨阳,博士,助理研究员。研究领域 包括模式识别、计算机视觉、图像处 理、机器学习等;目前侧重于行人再 辨识、行人属性分析和人脸识别等方 面的研究。已在pattern recognition等权威期刊和eccv、 aaai等国际会议上发表论文11篇。现
为ieee、aaai会员。 yang.yang at nlpr.ia.ac.cn 通讯地址:北京市海淀区中关村东路 95号,中国科学院自动化研究所模式 识别国家重点实验室。 联系电话:010-82544510 |
行人再辨识,行人属性分析,人脸识别 模式识别、计算机视觉、图像处理、机器学习 |
招生信息 | ||
教育背景 | ||
2013/09-2016/06 中国科学院自动化研究所 博士 2010/09-2013/04 西安电子科技大学 硕士 2005/09-2009/06 西安电子科技大学 学士 |
工作经历 | ||
2016/07-今 中科院自动化所模式识别国家重点实验 助理研究员 | ||
专利与奖励 | ||
出版信息 | ||
国际期刊: 1. xiangrong zhang, hao yang, l.c. jiao, yang yang, feng dong, ‘laplacian group sparse modeling of human actions’,pattern recognition (pr), 2014, 47(8), 2689-2701. 2. xiangrong zhang, yang yang, l.c. jiao, feng dong,’ manifold-constrained coding and sparse representation for human action recognition’, pattern recognition (pr), 2013, 46(7), 1819-1831. 国际会议: 1. yang yang, longyinwen, siwei lyu, stan z. li,’ unsupervised learning of multi-level descriptors for person re-identification’, association for the advancement of artificial intelligence (aaai), san francisco, california, usa, 2017, 02.04-02.09. 2. cheng da, yang yang, kun ding, chunlei huo, shiming xiang, chunhong pan, ‘efficient similarity learning for asymmetric hashing’, ieee international conference on image processing, beijing, china, 2017, 09.17-09.20. 3. hailin shi, yang yang, xiangyu zhu, shengcai liao, zhen lei, weishi zheng, stan z. li,’ embedding deep metric for person re-identification: a study against large variations’, european conference on computer vision (eccv), amsterdam, the netherlands, 2016, 10.08-10.16. 4. yang yang, shengcai liao, zhen lei, stan z. li,’ large scale similarity learning using similar pairs for person verification’, association for the advancement of artificial intelligence (aaai), phoenix, arizona, usa, 2016, 02.12-02.17. 5. yang yang, zhen lei, shifeng zhang, hailin shi, stan z. li, ’metric embedded discriminative vocabulary learning for high-level person representation,’ association for the advancement of artificial intelligence (aaai), phoenix, arizona, usa, 2016, 02.12-02.17. 6. yang yang, jimei yang, junjie yan, shengcai liao, dong yi, stan z. li, ‘salient color names for person re-identification’, european conference on computer vision (eccv), zurich, swiss, 2014, 09.06-09.12. 7. junjie yan, zhen lei, yang yang , stan z. li, ‘stacked deformable part model with shape regression for object part localization’, european conference on computer vision (eccv), zurich, swiss, 2014, 09.06-09.12. 8. yang yang, shengcai liao, zhen lei, dong yi, stan z. li, ‘color models and weighted covariance estimation for person re-identification’, international conference on pattern recognition (icpr), stockholm, sweden, 2014, 08.24-08.28. 9. xiangrong zhang, yang yang, hanghua jia, huiyu zhou, l.c. jiao, ‘low-rank representation based action recognition’, international joint conference on neural networks (ijcnn), beijing, china, 2014. 07.06-07.11. |
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