national laboratory of pattern recognition-澳门游戏娱乐场棋牌

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visual information processing group

visual information processing group
the visual information processing group mainly focuses on the fields of computer vision and multimedia, particularly covering the following research topics: (1) novel visual computational theories and models based on the mechanism of human perception and cognition; (2) robust and fast computational algorithms, particularly including reliable and fast algorithms for extracting 3d shapes from images; (3) multimedia data processing, mainly including image/video analysis and processing; (4) development of computer vision and graphics prototype systems that are of great practical value or market potential.

visual information processing group consists of two research teams

1. robot vision group(
the main research activities of the robot vision group are concentrated on 3d computer vision, including camera calibration and 3d reconstruction, pose estimation, vision based robot navigation, and visual-serving etc. in this group, there are 4 full professors, 4 associate professors, and more than 20 ph.d. students.

the group is mainly funded by the national natural science foundation of china, the national 863 program of china, the national 973 program of china, and the chinese academy of sciences.

besides fundamental research, the group carries out vision applications in cooperation with the state administration of cultural heritage, national romote sensing center of china, national astronomical observatories, nokia research center, etc.

fig1.3d reconstruction of ancient chinese architecture


fig2.3d reconstruction from aerial images



2. image and video analysis group(
the main research activities of the image and video analysis (iva) group are concentrated on web multimedia content search, multimedia semantic analysis and understanding, content personalization and recommendation, visual surveillance, etc. in this group, there are 2 full professors, 3 associate professors, and more than 20 ph.d. and master students.

currently, the iva group has published over 100 papers on top international conferences such as iccv, cvpr, icml, acm multimedia, etc. and important international journals such as ieee t-pami, ieee t-ip, ieee t-mm, ieee t-csvt etc. the group is mainly funded by the national natural science foundation of china, the national 863 program of china, the national 973 program of china, and has in-depth cooperation with many well-known companies such as microsoft, nokia, intel, huawei, jd and boe, etc.

large-scale web image retrieval


澳门游戏娱乐场棋牌 copyright © 2015 national laboratory of pattern recognition,casia, p.r.c