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video and language

advanced lecture series in pattern recognition
题    目 (title):video and language
讲 座 人 (speaker):prof. jiebo luo (university of rochester)
主 持 人 (chair): prof. liang wang
时    间 (time):july 6 (thursday), 2017, 9:30 am
地    点 (venue):no.1 conference room (3rd floor), intelligence building
video has become ubiquitous on the internet, tv, as well as personal devices. recognition of video content has been a fundamental challenge in computer vision for decades, where previous research predominantly focused on recognizing videos using a predefined yet limited vocabulary. thanks to the recent development of deep learning techniques, researchers in multiple communities are now striving to bridge videos with natural language in order to move beyond classification to interpretation, which should be regarded as the ultimate goal of video understanding. we will present recent advances in exploring the synergy of video understanding and language processing techniques, including video-language alignment, video captioning, and video emotion analysis.
罗杰波教授目前就职于美国罗切斯特大学计算机科学系,是ieee、spie和iapr等国际著名学会的会士(fellow),研究涉及图像处理、计算机视觉、机器学习、数据挖掘、社交媒体、医学影像分析、普适性计算等多个前沿领域。罗杰波教授曾于“柯达实验室”从事研究长达十五年,并担任该实验室首席科学家。罗杰波教授是国际顶级会议acmmultimedia 2010, cvpr 2012大会共同主席,并担任ieee transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence (tpami)、ieee transactions on multimedia (tmm)、ieee transactions on circuits and systems for video technology (tcsvt)、acm transactions on intelligent systems and technology (tist)、pattern recognition (pr)等国际顶尖学术期刊编委会成员。发表超过三百篇学术论文,持有超过九十项美国专利。近年来,罗杰波教授在社交多媒体研究及其社会应用中做出了巨大的贡献。

中科院自动化研究所 模式识别国家重点实验室 事业单位  京icp备14019135号-3
nlpr, institute of automation, chinese academy of sciences