lecture series in pattern recognition
题 目 (title):network information theory, code designs, and applications
讲 座 人 (speaker):prof. zixiang xiong, texas a&m university
主 持 人 (chair): prof. cheng-lin liu
时 间 (time): july 26 (friday), 2013,16:00 pm
地 点 (venue):no.2 conference room (3rd floor), intelligence building
network information theory, although still partial, generalizes shannon's classic information theory and offers strong potential gains over conventional point-to-point communications. problems considered in network information theory include source coding with side information (slepian-wolf coding and wyner-ziv coding), multiterminal source coding (e.g., the ceo problem), multiple description coding, channel coding with side information (gelfand-pinsker coding and dirty-paper coding), the multiple-access channel, the mimo broadcast channel, the relay channel, the interference channel, and network coding.
this talk starts with a high-level summary of the state of affairs on network information theory, followed by highlights of progresses made on both theory and code designs in the past decade. it then showcases a wide range of applications, climaxing in a tribute to information theory gurus at the end.
zixiang xiong received the ph.d. degree in electrical engineering in 1996 from the university of illinois at urbana-champaign. from 1995 to 1997, he was with princeton university, first as a visiting student, then as a research associate. from 1997 to 1999, he was with the university of hawaii. since 1999, he has been with the department of electrical and computer engineering at texas a&m university, where he is a professor. during spring 2010, he spent his sabbatical leave at stanford university. he research interests are image processing, joint source-channel coding, and information theory. he received an nsf career award in 1999, an aro young investigator award in 2000 and an onr young investigator award in 2001. he also received the 2006 ieee signal processing magazine best paper award. he served as associate editor for the ieee trans. on circuits and systems for video technology (1999-2005), the ieee trans. on image processing (2002-2005), the ieee trans. on signal processing (2002-2006), and the ieee trans. on systems, man, and cybernetics (part b) (2005-2009). he is currently an associate editor for the ieee trans. on communications. he is a fellow of the ieee.