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2013-6-6模式识别系列讲座morphed information extraction,resolution and translation


lecture series in pattern recognition


   (title)morphed information extraction, resolution and translation

(speaker)dr. heng ji (季姮) the city university of new york

(chair)prof. chengqing zong (宗成庆)

   (time)10:00am, june 6(thursday), 2013

   (venue):room 714, intelligence building


information extraction (ie) is a task of identifying “facts”, such as the attack/arrest events, people's jobs, people's whereabouts, merger and acquisition activity from unstructured texts. in this talk, dr. ji defines several new extensions to state-of-the-art ie and systematically present the foundation, methodologies, algorithms, and implementations needed for more accurate, coherent, complete, concise, and most importantly, dynamic and resilient extraction capabilities. he will present an information-aware machine translation framework.


heng ji is an associate professor in departments of computer science and linguistics at city university of new york. she will join computer science department of rensselaer polytechnic institute (rpi) as an edgar hamilton development chaired associate professor in august 2013. she received her ph.d. in computer science from new york university in 2007. her research interests focus on natural language processing, especially on cross-source information extraction and knowledge base population. she has published over 90 papers. she received a google research award in 2009, us nsf career award in 2010, sloan junior faculty award and ibm watson faculty award in 2012.

中科院自动化研究所 模式识别国家重点实验室 事业单位  京icp备14019135号-3
nlpr, institute of automation, chinese academy of sciences