题 目 (title): two "killer applications" of data mining 讲 座 人 (speaker):prof. charles x. ling (凌晓峰) 主 持 人 (chair): prof. baogang hu (胡包钢) 时 间 (time): may 10 (friday), 2013, 10:30am 地 点 (venue):no.1 conference room (3rd floor), intelligence building 报告摘要(abstract): in this talk i will describe two killer applications using data mining and machine learning that we are currently working on. one is glucoguide, a personalized recommendation system for diabetes and other chronic diseases (糖尿病和其他疾病). the recommendations are based on mining patient daily data for optimally improve their health. the other is seeu, a new search engine with learning hierarchies for universities. it learns a hierarchical classification system for academic topics.
charles x. ling obtained his dual-bsc (computer science & ee) from shanghai jiao tong university in china. then he studied in the department of computer and information science at university of pennsylvania, and obtained both msc and phd within four years. he is currently a full professor in the department of computer science at the university of western ontario, canada, and the director of data mining and business intelligence lab. his main research areas include machine learning, data mining, and cognitive modeling and child education. he has published over 120 peer-reviewed research papers in journals and international conferences. he is co-author of the book "crafting your research future" (chinese version: 学术研究,你的成功之道).
he was/is an associate editor for ieee tkde, acm transactions on intelligent systems and technology (acm tist), and computational intelligence journal. he has been conference chair, pc chair, senior pc member, area chair, and program committee member for major international conferences on machine learning and data mining. |