lecture series in pattern recognition
题 目(title):computer graphics modeling and reconstruction of tree models
讲 座 人(speaker):prof. dr. oliver deussen (chair of computer graphics and media informatics,department of computer and information science,university of konstanz, germany)
主 持 人 (chair):prof. xiaopeng zhang
时 间 (time):10:00am, feb 24 (friday),2012
地 点 (venue):1115 meeting room
four decades passed since first algorithmic descriptions of botanical branching structures by biology and computer science. today, many approaches are known to model the geometry and also functional structure of such objects. however, the requirements of applications and also the available input data have changed and thus require new algorithms and scientific methods. the talk covers data-driven reconstruction of tree models, efficient data-structures for real-time rendering as well as dynamic tree models. using such modeling and rendering methods, even very complex eco systems can be modeled and manipulated in real-time. though computer graphics does not aim at simulating such systems with high botanic fidelity, the results might serve as very efficient and interactive pre-simulation tools for many applications ranging from movies and computer games up to forestry, landscape design and computational biology.
prof. deussen graduated at karlsruhe institute of technology, germany in 1996 and worked as a postdoctoral researcher at university of magdeburg on non-photorealistic rendering. in 2000 he was appointed as a professor for computer graphics and media design by dresden university of technology. since 2003 he is a professor for computer graphics and media informatics at konstanz university. he was a guest researcher at microsoft research, redmond and visiting professor at the chinese academy of science. his areas of interest are modeling and rendering of complex things and in particular of botanic objects and landscapes, non-photorealistic rendering as well as information visualization.
prof. deussen is an associate editor of computer graphics forum, the international journal of the eurographics, the european association for computer graphics. he was the program chair and/or organizer of several international conferences in computer graphics: eurovis 2004, eurographics symposium on rendering 2005, npar 2007, eurograpics workshop on computational aesthetics, 2009, and eurographics 2011.