lecture series in pattern recognition
题 目(title):from text to meaning: word order, non projectivity and topological grammar
讲 座 人(speaker):prof. sylvain kahane (modyco, université paris ouest nanterre & cnrs)
主 持 人 (chair):prof. chengqing zong
时 间 (time):9:00am, feb 6 (monday),2012
地 点 (venue):1115 meeting room
we present the general architecture of a formal model for natural languages based on meaning-text theory. three levels of representation are described: the deep syntactic structure (which is a good level for paraphrasing and translation), the surface syntactic level (the classical dependency structure between words) and the topological structure (a surface constituent structure). we focus on the topology-syntax interface, that is the module dedicated to linearization and word order. a cky parsing algorithm will be sketched. it is shown that its complexity is in o(n^(2k 3)) where k is the number of simultaneous non projective dependencies we have to deal with. most of these works are joint works with kim gerdes (lpp, université paris sorbonne nouvelle).
sylvain kahane is a professor of linguistics at université paris ouest since 2003. he began his carrier by a phd in mathematics (application of descriptive set theory to harmonic analysis) and has been assistant professor in mathematics from 1992 to 2003. he has one of the major promotor of the dependency syntax (organisation of the first acl workshop for dependency-based nlp in 1998) and the meaning-text theory (creation of the biannual international conference on mtt in 2003). he has written more than 60 papers in these fields. his most popular works concern formal dependency grammars: pseudo-projective dependency parsing, formal topological grammar, polarized unification grammar, meaning-text unification grammar, bubble tree grammars.