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lecture series in pattern recognition

题    目(title):on-line social networks: insight, commercial value and computational challenges

讲 座 人(speaker): dr. gordon sun;chief scientist, tencent technology

主 持 人 (chair): prof. jianhua tao

时    间 (time): 10:20am,december 23 (thursday) ,2010

地    点 (venue): lecture hall, 13th floor



in china, tencent is almost a ubiquitous synonym of the internet. with over 600m active user accounts and boosting over 100m users online simultaneously, tencent offers a unique and comprehensive window into the chinese internet users - the world's largest internet population. we first present our findings studying the individual characteristics of the tencent users and their social properties, comparing with the general chinese internet population. for two notable tencent sns products, qzone (facebook comparable) and weibo (twitter comparable), we also draw comparison on various perspectives with other social networks such as the twitter network and the coauthorship network in computer science. we then examine the functionality and revenue models of social networks in general. discussed are specific details on a number of computational aspects, such as user models (behavior, interests, values, and influences), recommender systems for topics, content, and friends, social search, advertising and marketing in social networks. to conclude this talk, we list some challenging problems that we believe are calling for better techniques and solutions from the research community.


gordon sun, chief scientist, tencent technology, china, has been working on algorithmic search technology since 1998 when he joined inktomi (the leading us search engine company during 1990s) as the senior scientist and architect. he also worked for two search engine companies, wisenut and looksmart as the director of r&d during 2001 to 2003 before he joined yahoo early 2004 where he was leading the global search relevance team as the director of research until 2009. gordon graduated from university of science and technology of china and went to the us through the cuspea program (sponsored by nobel price winner prof. t.d. lee ) in 1981 and received his ph.d. in theoretical physics from university of iowa, 1984. he worked as the research faculty in university of maryland for 9 years before he moved to silicon valley, 1993, and worked in communication intelligence inc, a leading hand-writing recognition provider, as the chief scientist. he has broad work experiences, knowledge and publications in neural networks, pattern recognition, machine learning, data mining, information retrieval, speech recognition, hand-writing recognition and non-linear dynamics.



中科院自动化研究所 模式识别国家重点实验室 事业单位  京icp备14019135号-3
nlpr, institute of automation, chinese academy of sciences