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towards scalable analysis of images and videos


advanced lecture series in pattern recognition

    (title)towards scalable analysis of images and videos

(speaker)prof. eric xing (carnegie mellon university, usa)

(chair)prof. chenglin liu

     (time):january 30(friday), 2015, 16:00 pm

    (venue):academic report hall (3rd floor), intelligence building


with the prevalence of mobile and wearable cameras and video-recorders and global deployment of surveillance systems in space, air, sea, ground, and social network, the amount of unprocessed images and videos is massive, calling for a need for effective computational means for automatic analysis, understanding, summarization, and organization of visual data. in this talk, i will present some of our research work on scalable machine learning approaches to image and video understanding. specifically, i will focus on structured multitask methods for large-scale image classification, and latent space methods for video analysis and summarization. this is joint work with bin zhao.


dr. eric xing is a professor in the school of computer science at carnegie mellon university. his principal research interests lie in the development of machine learning and statistical methodology, and large-scale computational system and architecture, for solving problems involving automated learning, reasoning, and decision-making in high-dimensional, multimodal, and dynamic possible worlds in complex systems. professor xing received a ph.d. in molecular biology from rutgers university, and another ph.d. in computer science from uc berkeley. his current work involves, 1) foundations of statistical learning, including theory and algorithms for estimating time/space varying-coefficient models, sparse structured input/output models, and nonparametric bayesian models; 2) framework for parallel machine learning on big data with big model in distributed systems or in the cloud; 3) computational and statistical analysis of gene regulation, genetic variation, and disease associations; and 4) application of statistical learning in social networks, data mining, and vision. professor xing has published over 200 peer-reviewed papers, and is an associate editor of the journal of the american statistical association, annals of applied statistics, the ieee transactions of pattern analysis and machine intelligence, the plos journal of computational biology, and an action editor of the machine learning journal, and the journal of machine learning research. he is a member of the darpa information science and technology (isat) advisory group, a recipient of the nsf career award, the alfred p. sloan research fellowship, the united states air force young investigator award, and the ibm open collaborative research faculty award.

中科院自动化研究所 模式识别国家重点实验室 事业单位  京icp备14019135号-3
nlpr, institute of automation, chinese academy of sciences