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3d-aided face recognition


lecture series in pattern recognition


    (title)3d-aided face recognition

(speaker)prof. liming chen (ecole centrale de lyon)

(chair)prof. ziqing li

     (time):may 22 (thursday), 2014, 10:00 am

    (venue):no.1 conference room (3rd floor), intelligence building


the advent of 3d sensors for facial data open new avenues for research in face recognition. specifically it enabled 3d-3d face recognition and 3d-2d face recognition. it this talk, i will highlight the challenges and provide an overview of the methods developed from these two classes of problems, in particular through our own works within the field


prof. liming chen was awarded the joint b.sc. degree in mathematics and computer science from the university of nantes, nantes, france, in 1984. he obtained the m.s. and ph.d. degrees in computer science from the university of pierre and marie curie paris 6, paris, france, in 1986 and 1989, respectively. he first served as an associate professor at the université de technologie de compiègne, compiègne, france, and then joined ecole centrale de lyon, ecully, france, as professor in 1998, where he leads an advanced research team on multimedia computing and pattern recognition. from 2001 to 2003, he also served as chief scientific officer in a paris-based company, avivias, specialized in media asset management. in 2005, he served as scientific expert multimedia in france telecom r&d china. he has been the head of the department of mathematics and computer science since 2007. his current research interest is computer vision and multimedia, spanning from 2-d/3-d face analysis and recognition, image and video analysis and categorization to affect analysis both in image audio and video. in terms of rank-1 recognition rate, and honored with both the golden and silver medals (1st and 2nd best performance) at the . prof. liming chen holds the premium of scientific excellence attributed by the french ministry of higher education and research since 1995.

中科院自动化研究所 模式识别国家重点实验室 事业单位  京icp备14019135号-3
nlpr, institute of automation, chinese academy of sciences