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physically based weathering simulation of natural objects with biologic components


advanced lecture series in pattern recognition


    (title)physically based weathering simulation of natural objects with biologic components

(speaker)prof. enhua wu (university of macau)

(chair)prof. xiaopeng zhang

     (time):may 30 (friday), 2014, 09:30 am

    (venue):no.1 conference room (3rd floor), intelligence building


weathering effect of nature objects or natural scenes is a common phenomenon in our daily life. however, little investigation has been made to the phenomenon so far in computer graphics field. the weathering procedure on the nature objects such as plants, trees, grasses etc. is a slowly changing process, and in fact it is involved with  a comprehensive drying procedure made towards the biological structure of the nature objects, in terms of the shape change of the objects & the color change of their appearance. with regard to the shape change or deformation, a physically based mechanical calculation is applied to the biological components incurred by the drying effect in our solution. on the other hand, the change of color appearance could be simulated based on the synthesis to the color spectrum of the samples collected in the weathering process of the objects. the simulation based the scheme will be demonstrated by the simulation result to the tree leaves, grassland, fruits etc.


dr. wu, enhua completed his bsc from tsinghua university in 1970 and received his ph.d degree from university of manchester, uk in 1984. since 1985 he has been working at the institute of software, chinese academy of sciences, as a director of the research dept. of fundamental theory and advanced technology until 1998, and the chair of academic degree committee until 2001. since september of 1997, he has been also invited as a full professor of university of macau, and served as the department head of computer & information science, the associate dean of s&t since 2003 for 10 years.

dr. wu’s main interests are realistic image synthesis, virtual reality and scientific visualization. now he is an associate editor-in-chief of journal of computer science and technology and an editorial board member for tvc, cavw, ijig, ijvr, ijsi. in recent years, he has been also invited as a keynote speaker or conf. chair for various conferences like acm vrst2010 & 2013, casa2011, acm vrcai2008~2012, wscg2012, cgiv2013 etc.  he is a fellow of ccf.

中科院自动化研究所 模式识别国家重点实验室 事业单位  京icp备14019135号-3
nlpr, institute of automation, chinese academy of sciences