lecture series in pattern recognition
题 目 (title):graph cut, convex relaxation and continuous max-flow problems
讲 座 人 (speaker):prof. tai xue-cheng (university of bergen, norway)
主 持 人 (chair):prof. ziqing li
时 间 (time):april 30 (wednesday), 2014, 2:00 pm
地 点 (venue):no.1 conference room (3rd floor), intelligence building
in this talk, we will explore the relationship between graph cut, convex relaxation and some recent continuous max-flow approaches. especially, we will see the continuous versus discrete relationship between them. there are two advantages with these approaches: 1) different fast numerical algorithms have been used for these approaches; 2) global minimization can be guaranteed for some nonconvex problems. we shall explore the connections between some of these algorithms.
image restoration and segmentation will be used as examples for applications of these algorithms. extended application of rof model, global minimization of the chan-vese model and different global minimization approach for multiphase labeling problems will be presented. this talk is based on collaborative work with egilbae, yuri boykov, jing yuan, jun liu and other collaborators.
prof tai xue-cheng is a member of the department of mathematics at the university of bergen of norway. in addition, he is also a member of center of mathematics for application at university of oslo and center of integrated petroleum research at bergen. prof. tai is the winner of the 8th feng kang prize for scientific computing. prof. tai is a member of the editor board for the several sci international journals. his research interests include numerical pdes, optimization techniques, inverse problems, and image processing. he has done significant research work his research areas and published over 100 top quality international conference and journal papers. |