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2014-4-1 smart social systems


lecture series in pattern recognition


    (title)smart social systems

(speaker)prof. ramesh jain (university of california, irvine)

(chair)dr. bingkun bao

     (time):april 1 (tuesday), 2014, 2:30 pm

    (venue):no.1 conference room (3rd floor), intelligence building


one of the most challenging problems in building social systems is to connect needs to resources efficiently, effectively, and promptly. availability of enormous volumes of heterogeneous cyber-physical-social (cps) data streams, commonly called big data, allow design and implementation of networks to connect various data sources to detect situations with little latency. in fact, in many cases it may even be possible to predict situations well in advance. this opens up new opportunities in designing smart social systems for specific tasks. such systems are very useful for many important problems at local as well as regional and even global level. we believe that such systems offer many novel challenges to researchers in big data, multimedia, networking, and social computing. we will present our approach towards building smart social systems. in particular, we will describe situation recognition using massive volumes of heterogeneous data streams. we will present an approach for connecting needy people with appropriate resources using the framework we are building.


ramesh jain is a donald bren professor at university of california, irvine. he is a fellow of acm, ieee, aaai, iapr, and spie. his current research interests are in processing massive number of geo-spatial heterogeneous data streams for building smart social system. he is the recipient of several awards including the acm sigmm technical achievement award 2010.

ramesh co-founded several companies, managed them in initial stages, and then turned them over to professional management. these companies include praja, virage, and imageware. currently he is involved in stikco studio and snapviz.
中科院自动化研究所 模式识别国家重点实验室 事业单位  京icp备14019135号-3
nlpr, institute of automation, chinese academy of sciences