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2013-10-31 privacy-utility tradeoffs in biometric and other systems


lecture series in pattern recognition


    (title)privacy-utility tradeoffs in biometric and other systems

(speaker)prof. h. vincent poor (princeton university)

(chair)prof. liang wang

     (time):october 31(thursday), 2013, 16:00 pm

    (venue):no.8 conference room (17rd floor), intelligence building


the proliferation of electronic data has made leakage of private information an important issue. this talk will describe a fundamental framework for examining the tradeoff between the privacy of data and its measurable benefits (utility). this framework is based on an information theoretic formulation of privacy that transcends particular system implementations to characterize the limits on privacy imposed in return for a given level of utility, or vice versa. applications in several fields, including databases, biometric security systems and smart grid, will be discussed.



h. vincent poor is the michael henry strater university professor at princeton university, where he is also the dean of engineering and applied science. his research interests are primarily in the areas of information theory, statistical signal processing and stochastic analysis, and their applications in various fields, including wireless communications, social networks and smart grid.  dr. poor is a fellow of the ieee and of the iet, and is a member of the us national academy of engineering, the us national academy of sciences, the american academy of arts & sciences, the royal academy of engineering of the uk, and the royal society of edinburgh. recent recognition of his work includes the 2010 iet ambrose fleming medal for achievement in communications, the 2011 ieee eric e. sumner award, a royal academy distinguished visiting fellowship (2012), and honorary doctorates from several universities in europe and asia. he is a former president of the ieee information theory society and editor-in-chief of the ieee transactions on information theory.

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nlpr, institute of automation, chinese academy of sciences