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2013-10-29 the power of approximate tree modeling


lecture series in pattern recognition


    (title)the power of approximate tree modeling

   (speaker): prof. oliver deussen (university of konstanz)

(chair)prof. xiaopeng zhang

     (time):ocotber 29(tuesday), 2013, 14:00-15:30 pm

    (venue):no.2 conference room (13rd floor), automation building


in computer graphics and botany many methods have been developed to model complex plants in order to simulate their behaviour or visualize them. however, the enormous amount of geometry does not allow using many such models and makes interaction still very cumbersome. we divide the representation of a tree model into visual important parts that are represented explicitly and others that are produced on the fly. this enables easy interaction, handling multiple objects and producing geometry in every required resolution. in my talk i will present research and applications of this method.



prof. deussen graduated from karlsruhe institute of technology (kit) and was professor of computer graphics in dresden university of technology (germany). currently he is full professor for computer graphics at konstanz university (germany) and visiting professor of the chinese academy of science in shenzhen. he has published several books and over 100 refereed publications, he is member of acm siggraph, eurographics and gesellschaft fuer informatik, he is also the chief editor of computer graphics forum and informatik spektrum (german journal for computer science).

中科院自动化研究所 模式识别国家重点实验室 事业单位  京icp备14019135号-3
nlpr, institute of automation, chinese academy of sciences