lecture series in pattern recognition
题 目 (title):on cross-domain access to cyber-physical-social event data
讲 座 人 (speaker):prof. koji zettsu, national institute for communication technology
主 持 人 (chair): dr. jitao sang
时 间 (time): august 15(thursday), 2013, 10:15 - 10:40 am
地 点 (venue):no.1 conference room (3rd floor), intelligence building
nowadays with the advent of big data, vast and heterogeneous information reflecting natural environments and social activities can be found everywhere on the internet such as sensing data, web and social media. while most of current applications focus on performance improvement individually with high volume data, discovering correlations among heterogeneous event data over multiple domains or applications is crucial for capturing unforeseen, complex situation like natural disaster responses. for that, nict information services platform aims at extending conventional event information management to support cross-domain access to the event data. based on a uniformed event data model, it provides an event warehouse for collection and integration of multi-domain, heterogeneous sensor data from physical, cyber and social spaces. it also facilitates search of event warehouse for correlating datasets based on spatial, temporal, ontological and citational correlation analysis. this talk introduces those technologies with a future vision.
dr. koji zettsu (non-member) received b.e. degree from tokyo institute of technology in 1992 and ph.d in informatics from kyoto university in 2005. he is a director of information services platform laboratory at universal communication research institute of national institute of information and communications technology (nict), japan. he was a visiting associate professor of kyoto university from 2008 to 2012. he was a visiting researcher of christian-albrechts-university kiel, germany in 2009. he was the technical editor of value-creating network sub-working group of new generation network forum, japan from 2009 to 2010. he was in ibm yamato software laboratory from 1992 to 2003. his research interests are information retrieval, databases, data mining, and software engineering. he is a member of ipsj, dbsj and acm. |