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the art of fluid animation

advanced lecture series in pattern recognition

题    目 (title):the art of fluid animation

讲 座 人 (speaker):jos stam (nvidia)

主 持 人 (chair):dr. juntao ye

时    间 (time): 10:00am, may 13(monday), 2019

地    点 (venue):no.1 conference room (3rd floor), intelligence building


in this talk i will present an overview of my recent book entitled the “the art of fluid animation”, with an emphasis on learning simulations for control. the talk will offer an introduction to fluid dynamics for computer graphics. these result in fluid-like effects that you can see in movies and games. i will also talk about controlling simulations using machine learning. more specifically we control the simulations using driving forces. we compute the differential response of the simulation to the controls using an adjoint method. this technique is known as “back-propagation” in the deep learning community. the adjoint is however much more general and can be applied to a wide range of problems.


jos stam is a graphics researcher. he was born in the netherlands and grew up and studied mathematics and computer science at the university of geneva. in 1995 he completed his doctoral studies in computer science at the university of toronto. he joined alias|wavefront in 1997. in 2006 he started working as a senior principal research scientist for autodesk as part of their acquisition of alias. since 2018 stam is a full-time graphics researcher at nvidia, working on the future of graphics, ai, etc.
his research spans several areas of graphics: natural phenomena, physics-based simulation, rendering and surface modeling. most of his research ended up in the maya software. he did ground breaking research on subdivision surfaces and fluid animation. in 2005, he was awarded one of the most prestigious awards in computer graphics: the siggraph computer graphics achievement award. he also won three oscar awards for the impact his work has had on the movie industry: in 2006 and 2019 for his work on subdivision surfaces, and in 2008 for his work on fluid dynamics. in 2015 he published a book titled “the art of fluid animation” which was recently translated into chinese.

中科院自动化研究所 模式识别国家重点实验室 事业单位  京icp备14019135号-3
nlpr, institute of automation, chinese academy of sciences