2018论文目录 |
list of publications |
jinchang ren, amir hussain, jiangbin zheng, chenglin liu, bin luo, huimin
zhao, xinbo zhao (eds.), advances in brain inspired cognitive systems, 9th international
conference, bics 2018, xi’an, china, july 7-8, 2018, lncs vol. 10989, isbn 978-3-030-00562-7,
j.-h. lai, c.-l. liu, x. chen, j. zhou, t. tan, n. zheng, h. zha, pattern
recognition and computer vision, first chinese conference, prcv 2018, guangzhou,
china, no. 23-26, 2018, part i-iv, lncs, vol.11256-11259, springer
jianhua tao, thomas fang zheng, changchun bao, dong wang, ya
li(eds.), man-machine speech communication, isbn:978-981-10-8110-1, springer
赵军,刘康,何世柱,陈玉博,知识图谱,isbn 978-7-04-050984-7,高等教育出版社,2018.12
international journals)
computer vision)
weiming hu, guodong tian, yongxin kang, chunfeng yuan and stephen maybank,
“dual sticky hierarchical dirichlet process hidden markov model and its
application to natural language description of motions”, ieee transactions on pattern
analysis and machine intelligence (pami), vol. 40, no. 10, pp: 2355-2373, oct.,
junliang xing, zhiheng niu, junshi huang, weiming hu, xi zhou and shuicheng
yan, “towards robust and accurate multi-view and partially-occluded face
alignment”, ieee transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence (pami),
vol. 40, no. 4, pp: 987-1001, 2018.
ou wu, xue mao, and weiming hu, “iteratively divide-and-conquer learning
for nonlinear classification and ranking”, acm intelligent systems and technology
(tist), vol. 9, no. 2, article, no. 18:1-26, january, 2018.
weiming hu, baoxin wu, pei wang, chunfeng yuan, yangxi li, and stephen
maybank, “context-dependent random walk graph kernels and tree pattern graph matching
kernels with applications to action recognition”, ieee transactions on image processing
(tip), vol. 27, no. 10, pp: 5060-5075, october., 2018.
weiming hu, yabo fan, junliang xing, liang sun, zhaoquan cai, and stephen
maybank, “deep constrained siamese hash coding network and load-balanced
locality-sensitive hashing for near duplicate image detection”, ieee transactions
on image processing (tip), vol. 27, no. 9, pp: 4452-4464, september, 2018.
junliang xing, weiming hu, haizhou ai, and shuicheng yan, “fat region:
a fast adaptive tree-structured region extraction approach”, ieee transactions on
circuits and systems for video technology, vol. 28, no. 3, pp: 601-615, 2018.
yihong wu, fulin tang and heping li, “image based camera localization:
an overview. visual computing for industry”, biomedicine and art, vol.1, pp.1-13,
haoren wang, juan lei, ao li, yihong wu, “a geometry-based point cloud
reduction method for mobile augmented reality system.”, journal of computer sciences
and technology, vol. 33, no. 6, pp: 1164-1177, 2018.
xiaomei zhao, yihong wu, guidong song, zhenye li, yazhuo zhang, yong
fan., “a deep learning model integrating fcnns and crfs for brain tumor segmentation.”,
medical image analysis, vol. 43, pp: 98-111, 2018.
qiang zheng, yihong wu, yong fan., “integrating semi-supervised and
supervised learning methods for label fusion in multi-atlas based image
segmentation”, frontiers in neuroinformatics, vol. 12, pp: 1-11, 2018.,
jianwei li, wei gao, heping li, fulin tang, yihong wu., “robust and
efficient cpu-based rgb-d scene reconstruction.”, sensors, 18(11): 1-15, 2018.
jianwei li, wei gao, yihong wu., “elaborate scene reconstruction with
a consumer depth camera”, international journal of automation and computing, 15(4):443-453,
yangdong liu, wei gao, zhanyi hu., “geometrically stable tracking for
depth images based 3d reconstruction on mobile devices”. isprs, journal of photogrammetry
and remote sensing, 143(9), 222-232.2018
xinrui meng, wei gao, zhanyi hu., “dense rgb-d slam with multiple cameras.”,
sensors, 18(7), 2018
q dong, h wang, z hu, “statistics of visual responses to image
object stimuli from primate ait neurons to dnn neurons”, neural computation, 30:
447-476, 2018.
q dong, m shu, h cui, h xu, z hu, “learning stratified 3d reconstruction”,
science china, information sciences, 61(2): 023101, 2018.
q. dong, h. wang, z. hu, “commentary: using goal-driven deep
learning models to understand sensory cortex, frontiers in computational”, neuroscience,
2018(doi: 10.3389/fncom.2018.00004.)
l. he, g. h. wang and z. y. hu, “learning depth from single images with
deep neural network embedding focal length”, ieee transactions on image processing,
27(9): 4676-4689, 2018
xiang gao, shuhan shen*, yang zhou, hainan cui, lingjie zhu, zhanyi
hu, “ancient chinese architecture 3d preservation by merging ground and aerial point
clouds”, isprs, journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing, 2018.143(9)., 72-84
xiang gao, lihua hu, hainan cui, shuhan shen, zhanyi hu, “accurate and
efficient ground-to-aerial model alignment”, pattern recognition, 2018.76(4)., 288-302
ting zhang, hong wang, qiulei dong, “deep disentangling siamese network
for frontal face synthesis under neutral illumination”, ieee signal processing letters,
2018.25(9)., 1344-1348
zhiwei fang, jing liu, xueliang liu, qu tang, yong li, hanqing lu, “btdp:
toward sparse fusion with block term decomposition pooling for visual question
answering”, acm transactions on multimedia computing, communications, and
applications (tomm), 2018
fei zhao, jinqiao wang, yi wu, ming tang, “adversarial deep
tracking, ieee transactions on circuits and systems for video technology”, 2018;1-1
jing liu, yuhang wang, yong li, jun fu, jiangyun li, hanqing lu, “collaborative
deconvolutional neural networks for joint depth estimation and semantic
segmentation”, ieee trans. neural netw. learning syst, 2018;29(11):5655-5666
shifeng zhang, xiangyu zhu, zhen lei, xiaobo wang, hailin shi, stan
z. li. “detecting face with densely connected face proposal network”,
neurocomputing. 284: 119-127. 2018.
zichang tan, jun wan, zhen lei, ruicong zhi, guodong guo, stan z.
li. “efficient group-n encoding and decoding for facial age estimation”, ieee
transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence. 40(11): 2610-2623.
xiaobo wang, zhen lei, shengcai liao, xiaojie guo, yang yang, stan
z. li. “dependence-aware feature coding for person re-identification”, ieee
signal processing letters. 25(4):506-510. 2018.
jun wan, zichang tan, zhen lei, guodong guo, stan z. li, “auxiliary
demographic information assisted age estimation with cascaded structure”, ieee
transactions on cybernetics. 48(9):2531-2541. 2018.
wen fang, hai-miao hu, zihao hu, shengcai liao, bo li, “perceptual hash-based
feature description for person re-identification”, neurocomputing, 272:520-531,
yang-yu fan, shu liu, bo li, zhe guo, ashok samal, jun wan, stan z.
li, “label distribution-based facial attractiveness computation by deep
residual learning”, ieee transactions on multimedia. 20(8): 2196-2208. 2018.
pichao wang, wanqing li, philip ogunbona, jun wan, sergio escalera,
rgb-d-based human motion recognition with deep learning: a survey, computer
vision and image understanding, 2018;171:118-139
shibiao xu, xingjia pan, er li, baoyuan wu, shuhui bu, weiming
dong, shiming xiang, xiaopeng zhang, “automatic building rooftop extraction
from aerial images via hierarchical rgb-d priors”, ieee transactions on
geoscience and remote sensing, vol. 56, no. 12, pp.7369-7387, 2018
wei ma, yue qin, shibiao xu, xiaopeng zhang, “interactive stereo
image segmentation via adaptive prior selection”, multimedia tools and
applications, vol. 77, no. 21, pp.28709-28724, 2018
dawar khan, sehat ullah, dongming yan, ihsan rabbi, paul richard,
thuong n. hoang, mark billinghurst, xiaopeng zhang, “robust tracking through
the design of high quality fiducial markers: an optimization tool for artoolkit”,
ieee access, no. 6, pp.22421-22433, 2018
huaiyu li, weiming dong, baogang hu, “facial image attributes
transformation via conditional recycle generative adversarial networks”,
journal of computer science and technology, 33(3): 511-521, 2018
lifang wu, chuncan yan, meng jian, shuang liu, weiming dong, chang
wen chen, “a fast hybrid retargeting scheme with seam context and content aware
strip partition”, neurocomputing, 286: 198-213, 2018
/视频处理与分析(image/video processing and,analysis)
hongsong wang and liang wang, “beyond joints: learning
representations from primitive geometries for skeleton-based action recognition
and detection,” ieee trans. on image processing, 2018;27(9):4382-4394
yunlong wang, fei liu, kunbo zhang, guangqi hou, zhenan sun and
tieniu tan, “lfnet: a novel bidirectional recurrent convolutional neural
network for light-field image super-resolution,” ieee transactions on image
processing, 2018;27(9):4274-4286
jufeng yang, dongyu she, ming sun, ming-ming cheng, paul l. rosin,
and liang wang, “visual sentiment prediction based on automatic discovery of
affective regions,” ieee transactions on multimedia, vol. 20, no. 9,
pp.2513-2525, 2018.
peng xu, qiyue yin, yongye huang, yi-zhe song, zhanyu ma, liang
wang, tao xiang, w. bastiaan kleijn, and jun guo, “cross-modal subspace
learning for fine-grained sketch-based image retrieval,” neurocomputing,
vol.278, pp.75-86, 2018.
quan liu, yingying chen, jinqiao wang, sijiong zhang, “multi-view
pedestrian captioning with an attention topic cnn model”, computers in
industry, 97c.47-53, 2018
chenghua li, chunjie zhang, kun ding, gang li, jian cheng, hanqing
lu, “bundlenet: learning with noisy label via sample correlations”, ieee access,
peisong wang, qinghao hu, zhiwei fang, chaoyang zhao, jian cheng, “deepsearch:
a fast image search framework for mobile devices”, acm transactions on
multimedia computing communications and applications (tomm), vol.14(1), 2018
lingxiang wu, min xu, guibo zhu, jinqiao wang, tianrong rao, “appearance
features in encoding color space for visual surveillance”, neurocomputing, 2018;308:21-30
weize quan, kai wang, dongming yan, xiaopeng zhang, “distinguishing
between natural and computer-generated images using convolutional neural
networks”, ieee transactions on information forensics and security, vol. 13,
no. 11, pp. 2772-2787, november 2018
dongming yang, jiguang zhang, shibiao xu, shuiying ge, g. hemantha
kumar, xiaopeng zhang, “real-time pedestrian detection via hierarchical
convolutional feature”, multimedia tools and applications, vol. 77, no. 19,
pp.25841-25860, 2018
chengcheng ma, jiguang zhang, shibiao xu, weiliang meng, runping
xi, g. hemantha kumar, xiaopeng zhang, “accurate blind deblurring using
salientpatch-based prior for large-size images”, multimedia tools and
applications, vol. 77, no. 21, pp.28077-28100, 2018
mengke yuan, xiaopeng zhang, “bilateral filter acceleration based
on weighted variable projection”, electronics letters, vol. 54, no. 6, pp.352 -
353, 22nd march 2018
zhu-cui jing, juntao ye and guoliang xu. “a geometric flow approach
for region based image segmentation-theoretical analysis”, acta mathematicae
applicatae sinica, 2018, 34(1): 65-76.
pattern recognition)
xuyao zhang, fei yin, yanming zhang, chenglin liu, yoshua bengio, “drawing
and recognizing chinese characters with recurrent neural network”, ieee trans. on
pattern analysis and machine intelligence, 40(4): 849-862, 2018.
yuanyuan shen, chenglin liu, “incremental adaptive learning vector
quantization for character recognition with continuous style adaptation”, cognitive
computation, 10: 334-346, 2018.
wenhao he, xuyao zhang, fei yin, chenglin liu, “multi-oriented and multi-lingual
scene text detection with direct regression”, ieee trans. image processing, 27(11):
5406-5419, 2018.
guoshuai liu, ruiqi wang, fei yin, jean-marc ogier, chenglin liu, “fast
genre classification of web images using global and local features”, caai trans.
intelligence technology, 3(3): 161-168, 2018.
hongsong wang and liang wang, “learning content and style: joint
action recognition and person identification from human skeletons,” pattern
recognition, 2018;81:23-35
yan huang, wei wang and liang wang, “video super-resolution via bidirectional
recurrent convolutional networks,” ieee trans. on pattern analysis and machine
intelligence, 2018;40(4):1015-1028
qiyue yin, shu wu, junge zhang and liang wang, “multi-view
clustering via unified and view specific embeddings learning,” ieee trans. on
neural networks and learning systems, 2018;29(11):5541-5553
ran he, tieniu tan, larry davis and zhenan sun, “learning
structured ordinal measures for video based face recognition,” pattern
recognition, 2018;75:4-14
shu zhang, ran he, zhenan sun and tieniu tan, “demeshnet: blind
face inpainting for deep meshface verification,” ieee trans. on information
forensics and security, 2018;13(3):637-647
bo peng, wei wang, jing dong and tieniu tan, “image forensics based
on planar contact constraints of 3d objects,” ieee trans. on information
forensics and security, 2018;13(2):377-392
yunlian sun, man zhang, zhenan sun and tieniu tan, “demographic
analysis from biometric data: achievements, challenges, and new frontiers,”
ieee trans. on pattern analysis and machine intelligence (pami), 2018;40(2):332-351
hongwen zhang, qi li, zhenan sun, and yunfan liu, “combining
data-driven and model-driven methods for robust facial landmark detection,”
ieee transactions on information forensics and security, 2018;13(10):2409-2422
jie gui, tongliang liu, zhenan sun, dacheng tao and tieniu tan,
“fast supervised discrete hashing,” ieee trans. on pattern analysis and machine
intelligence (pami), 2018;40(2):490-496
jie gui, tongliang liu, zhenan sun, dacheng tao and tieniu tan,
“supervised discrete hashing with relaxation,” ieee trans. on neural networks
and learning systems, 2018;29(3):608-617
dong wang, ran he, liang wang and tieniu tan, “robust linear
representation via exploiting structure prior,” pattern recognition, 2018;76:560-568
weiqi zhao, zhang zhang and kaiqi huang, “gestalt laws based
tracklets analysis for human crowd understanding,” pattern recognition, vol.
75, pp. 112-127, 2018.
qi zhang, haiqing li, zhenan sun, and tieniu tan, “deep feature
fusion for iris and periocular biometrics on mobile devices,” ieee transactions
on information forensics and security (tifs), vol. 13, no. 11, pp. 2897-2912,
xiang wu, ran he, zhenan sun and tieniu tan, “a light cnn for deep
face representation with noisy labels,” ieee transactions on information
forensics and security, vol. 13, no. 11, pp. 2884-2896, 2018.
deepak kumar jain, zhang zhang, and kaiqi huang, “random walk-based
feature learning for micro-expression recognition,” pattern recognition
letters, vol.115, pp.92-100, 2018.
chi zhang, guangqi hou, zhaoxiang zhang, zhenan sun, and tieniu
tan, “efficient auto-refocusing for light field camera,” pattern recognition,
vol.81, pp.176-189, 2018.
yuchun fang, qiulong yuan, and zhaoxiang zhang, “on the role of
sparsity in feature selection and an innovative method lrmi,” neurocomputing,
vol.321, pp.237-250, 2018.
zhaoxiang zhang, jiaxin chen, qiang wu, and ling shao, “gii representation-based
cross-view gait recognition by discriminative projection with list-wise
constraints,” ieee transactions on cybernetics, vol.48, no.10, pp.2935-2947,
congqi cao, yifan zhang, chunjie zhang, hanqing lu, “body joint
guided 3-d deep convolutional descriptors for action recognition”, ieee trans.
cybernetics, 2018;48(3):1095-1108
yifan zhang, congqi cao, jian cheng, hanqing lu, “egogesture: a new
dataset and benchmark for egocentric hand gesture recognition”, ieee trans.
multimedia, 2018;20(5):1038-1050
chunjie zhang, jian cheng, qi tian. “multiview label sharing for
visual representations and classification”, ieee transactions on multimedia
(tmm), 2018;20(4):903-913
jian cheng, jiaxiang wu, cong leng, yuhang wang, qinghao hu, “quantized
cnn: a unified approach to accelerate and compress convolutional networks”,
ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems (tnnls), 2018;19(10):4730-4743
chunjie zhang, guibo zhu, chao liang, yifan zhang, qingming huang,
qi tian, “image class prediction by joint object context and background
modeling”, ieee trans. circuits syst. video techn, 2018;28(2):428-438
jun wan, sergio escaler, francisco j. perales, josef kittler, “articulated
motion and deformable objects”, pattern recognition, 79: 55-64, 2018.
tingzhao yu, chaoxu guo, lingfeng wang, shiming xiang and chunhong
pan, “self-paced autoencoder”, ieee signal processing letters, vol. 25, no. 7,
pp. 1054-1058, 2018.
tingzhao yu, chaoxu guo, lingfeng wang, huxiang gu, shiming xiang
and chunhong pan, “joint spatial-temporal attention for action recognition”,
pattern recognition letters, vol. 112, pp. 226-233, 2018.
tingzhao yu, lingfeng wang, huxiang gu, shiming xiang and chunhong
pan, “deep generative video prediction”, pattern recognition letters, vol. 110,
pp. 58-65, 2018.
(machine learning)
feifei zhao, yi zeng, and bo xu, a brain-inspired decision-making spiking
neural network and its application in unmanned aerial vehicle. frontiers in neurorobotics,
qingqun kong, jiuqi han, yi zeng, bo xu, efficient coding matters in
the organization of the early visual system. neural networks, elsevier, 2018;105:218-226.
xiaomei kang, qingqun kong, yi zeng, bo xu, a fast contour detection
model inspired by biological mechanisms in primary vision system. frontiers in computational
neuroscience, 2018;12:28.
jian cheng, peisong wang, gang li, qinghao hu, hanqing lu, “recent
advances in efficient computation of deep convolutional neural networks”,
frontiers of information technology & electronic engineering (fitee), 2018;19(1):64-77
data mining)
qiang liu, feng yu, shu wu and liang wang, “mining significant
microblogs for misinformation identification: an attention-based approach,” acm
trans. on intelligent systems and technology (tist), 2018;9(5):50:1-50:20
computer graphics)
dawar khan, dongming yan, sheng gui, benzhuo lu, xiaopeng zhang,
molecular surface remeshing with local region refinement, international journal
of molecular sciences, vol. 19, no. 5, article 1383, 6 may 2018.
lei yi, hongjun li, jianwei guo, oliver deussen, xiaopeng zhang,
tree growth modelling constrained by growth equations, computer graphics forum,
vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 239-253, 2018
dawar khan, dongming yan, yiqun wang, kaimo hu, juntao ye, xiaopeng
zhang, high-quality 2d mesh generation without obtuse and small angles,
computers & mathematics with applications, vol. 75, no. 2, pp. 582-595,
dawar khan, dongming yan, fan ding, yixin zhuang, xiaopeng zhang, surface
remeshing with robust user-guided segmentation, computational visual media,
4(2): pp. 113-122, 2018
xingyi du, xiaohan liu, dongming yan, caigui jiang, juntao ye and
hui zhang. field-aligned isotropic surface remeshing. computer graphics forum.
37(6):343-357, 2018
sheng gui, dawar khan, qin wang, dongming yan and ben-zhuo lu.
frontiers in biomolecular mesh generation and molecular visualization systems.
visual computing for industry, biomedicine and art, 2018: 1:7.
lei ma, jianwei guo, dongming yan, hanqiu sun and yanyun chen.
instant stippling on 3d scenes. computer graphics forum (pacific graphics),
2018, 37(7).
yuxin mao, lifang wu, dongming yan, jianwei guo, chang wen chen and
baoquan chen. generating hybrid interior structure for 3d printing. computer
aided geometric design, 2018, 62: 63-72.
mohamed ibrahim, dongming yan, fold and fit: space
conserving shape editing, computers & graphics, 2018;70:316-326
haocan xu, jituo li, guodong lu, haiji deng, dongliang zhang and
juntao ye. modeling 3d human body with a smart vest. computer & graphics,
2018, 75: 44-58.
fan tang, weiming dong, yiping meng, xing mei, feiyue huang,
xiaopeng zhang, oliver deussen: animated construction of chinese brush
paintings. ieee transactions on visulization and computer graphics, 24(12):
3019-3031, 2018
dachuan cheng, jian shi, yanyun chen, xiaoming deng, xiaopeng
zhang, learning scene illumination by pairwise photos from rear and front
mobile cameras, computer graphics forum, 2018;37(7):213-221
lan chen, juntao ye, liguo jiang, chengcheng ma, zhanglin cheng,
xiaopeng zhang, synthesizing cloth wrinkles by cnn-based geometry image
superresolution, computer animation and virtual worlds, 2018;29(3-4): e1810
multimedia computing).
tianzhu zhang, changsheng xu, ming-hsuan yang, learning multi-task
correlation particle filters for visual tracking, ieee transactions on pattern
analysis and machine intelligence (tpami), volume: pp, issue: 99, doi:
10.1109/tpami.2018.2797062, 2018.1.
zhang, changsheng xu, ming-hsuan yang, robust structural sparse tracking, ieee
transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence (tpami), volume: pp,
issue: 99, doi: 10.1109/tpami.2018.2797082, 2018.1.
zhang, si liu, changsheng xu, bin liu, ming-hsuan yang, correlation particle
filter for visual tracking, ieee transactions on image processing (tip),
gao, tianzhu zhang, xiaoshan yang, changsheng xu, p2t: part-to-target tracking
via deep regression learning, ieee transactions on image processing (tip),
27(6): 3074-3086,2018.6.
yang, tianzhu zhang, changsheng xu: deep-structured event modeling for
user-generated photos. ieee trans. multimedia 20(8): 2100-2113, 2018
yang, tianzhu zhang, changsheng xu: text2video: an end-to-end learning
framework for expressing text with videos. ieee trans. multimedia 20(9):
2360-2370, 2018
jiao, zhetao li, shucheng huang, xiaoshan yang, bin liu, tianzhu zhang:
three-dimensional attention-based deep ranking model for video highlight
detection. ieee trans. multimedia 20(10): 2693-2705, 2018
(medical image analysis)
j, qi s, van erp tgm, bustillo j, jiang r, lin d, turner ja, damaraju e, mayer
ar, cui y, fu z, du y, chen j, potkin sg, preda a, mathalon dh, ford jm,
voyvodic j, mueller ba, belger a, mcewen sc, o'leary ds, mcmahon a, jiang t,
calhoun vd. multimodal neuromarkers in schizophrenia via cognition-guided mri fusion.
nature communications 2018;9(1):3028.
qi s,
yang x, zhao l, calhoun vd, perrone-bizzozero n, liu s, jiang r, jiang t, sui
j, ma x. 2018. microrna132 associated multimodal neuroimaging patterns in
unmedicated major depressive disorder. brain, 141(3):916-926.
r, abbott cc, jiang t, du y, espinoza r, narr kl, wade b, yu q, song m, lin d,
chen j, jones t, argyelan m, petrides g, sui j, calhoun vd (2018): smri
biomarkers predict electroconvulsive treatment outcomes: accuracy with
independent data sets. neuropsychopharmacology, 43(5):1078-1087
n, sui j, chen j, zhang f, tian l, lin d, song m, calhoun vd, cui y, yan h, yan
j, vergara vm, zheng f, liu j, yang z, zuo n, fan l, xu k, liu s, li j, xu y,
liu s, lv l, chen j, chen y, guo h, li p, lu l, wan p, wang h, yang y, zhang h,
zhang d, jiang t. (2018). a schizophrenia-related genetic-brain-cognition
pathway revealed in a large chinese population. ebiomedicine, 37:471-482.
s., calhoun, v.d., van erp, t.g.m., bustillo, j., damaraju, e., turner, j.a.,
du, y., yang, j., chen, j., yu, q., mathalon, d.h., ford, j.m., voyvodic, j.,
mueller, b.a., belger, a., mcewen, s., potkin, s.g., preda, a., jiang, t., and
sui j. multimodal fusion with reference: searching for joint neuromarkers of
working memory deficits in schizophrenia. ieee trans med imaging, 2018.
r, calhoun vd, zuo n, lin d, li j, fan l, qi s, sun h, fu z, song m, jiang t,
sui j. 2018. connectome-based individualized prediction of temperament trait
scores. neuroimage, 183:366-374.
e, gao s, wammes m, theberge j, willimason p, neufeld rj, du y, sui j, calhoun
v. 2018. complexity in mood disorder diagnosis: fmri connectivity networks
predicted medication-class of response in complex patients. acta psychiatr
scand, 138(5):472-482.
s, calhoun vd, sui j. 2018. machine learning in major depression: from
classification to treatment outcome prediction. cns neurosci ther,
d, calhoun vd, lv l, ma x, ke q, fu z, du y, yang y, yang x, pan m, qi s, jiang
r, yu q, sui j. aberrant dynamic functional network connectivity and graph
properties in major depressive disorder. frontiers in psychiatry, 9:339.
d, calhoun vd, fu z, du y, sui j. 2018. an ensemble learning system for a 4-way
classification of alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment. j neurosci
methods, 15(302):75-81.
f, wang p, zhao k, zhou b, yao h, meng q, wang l, zhang z, ding y, wang l, an
n, zhang x, liu y. radiomic features of hippocampal subregions in alzheimer’s
disease and amnestic mild cognitive impairment. front aging neurosci, 2018;10.
xu k,
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speech and language technology)
yang liu,
kun wang, chengqing zong, keh-yih su, a unified framework and models for integrating
translation memory into phrase-based statistical machine translation, computer speech
& language, volume 54, 2018, pages 176-206.
wang, jiajun zhang and chengqing zong. empirical exploring word-character relationship
for chinese sentence representation. acm transactions on asian language and low-resource
language information processing (tallip), vol. 17, no. 3, article 14, 18 pages,
january 2018.
nie, shan liang, wenju liu, xueliang zhang, and jianhua tao, “deep learning based
speech separation via nmf-style reconstructions,” ieee/acm transactions on
audio, speech and language processing, volume: 26 issue: november.2018,
zhang, shan liang, shuai nie, wenju liu, and shouye peng, “robust offline
handwritten character recognition through exploring writer-independent features
under the guidance of printed data,” pattern recognition letters, 106 :20-26,
ning, zhou pan, liu wenju, and ke dengfeng, “sparse representation based image
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cai, yanyan xu, dengfeng ke, kaile su, jing sun, “trainable back-propagated
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cai, yanyan xu, dengfeng ke, kaile su, “learning of human-like algebraic
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cognitive architectures, 25:43-50, 2018.
ye, xu yanyan, ke dengfeng, su kaile, “steganography algorithm for adaptive
multi-rate wideband speech based on algebraic codebook search,” journal of
china universities of posts and telecommunications, june 2018, 25(3): 71–79.
zheng, ya li, zhengqi wen, bin liu, jianhua tao, investigating deep neural
network adaptation for generating exclamatory and interrogative speech in
mandarin, ieee journal of signal processing system, volume90, issue7,
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yi, zhengqi wen, jianhua tao, hao ni, bin liu, ctc regularized model adaptation
for improving lstm rnn based multiaccent mandarin speech recognition, journal
of signal processing systems, volume90, issue7, pp.985-997,2018, sci.
national journals)
international conferences)
(computer vision)
qiang, wang, jin, gao, mengdan, zhang, junliang, xing, and, weiming,
hu, “spcnet: scale position correlation network for end-to-end visual tracking”,
international conference on pattern recognition, beijing, china, august, 20-24,
pp. 1803-1808, 2018.
zongwei zhou, junliang xing, mengdan zhang, and weiming hu, “online
multi-target tracking with tensor-based high-order graph matching”, international
conference on pattern recognition, beijing, china, august, 20-24, pp. 1809-1814,
qiang wang, zhu teng, junliang xing, jin gao, weiming hu and steve maybank,
“learning attentions: residual attentional siamese network for high performance
online visual tracking”, ieee conference on computer vision and pattern recognition
(cvpr), pp. 4854-4863, 2018.
kai li, junliang xing, chi su, weiming hu, yundong zhang and steve maybank,
“deep cost-sensitive and order-preserving feature learning for cross-population
age estimation”, ieee conference on computer vision and pattern recognition (cvpr),
pp. 399-408, 2018.
yang du, chunfeng yuan, bing li, lili zhao, yangxi li and weiming hu,
“interaction-aware spatio-temporal pyramid attention networks for action
classification”, european conference on computer vision (eccv), pp. 388-404, 2018.
mengdan zhang, qiang wang, junliang xing, jin gao, peixi peng, weiming
hu and steve maybank, “visual tracking via spatially aligned correlation filters
network”, european conference on computer vision (eccv), pp. 484-500, 2018.
zheng zhu, qiang wang, bo li, wei wu, junjie yan, and weiming hu, “distractor-aware
siamese networks for visual object tracking”, european conference on computer vision
(eccv), 103-119, 2018.
qiang wang, mengdan zhang, junliang xing, jin gao, weiming hu and steve
maybank, “do not lose the details: reinforced representation learning for high performance
visual tracking”, international joint conference on artificial intelligence (ijcai),
pp. 985-991, 2018.
yang du, chunfeng yuan, bing li, weiming hu, hao yang, zhikang fu and,
lili, zhao, “hierarchical nonlinear orthogonal adaptive-subspace self-organizing
map based feature extraction for human action recognition”, aaai conference on artificial
intelligence (aaai), pp. 6805-6812, 2018.
lingjie zhu, shuhan shen, xiang gao, zhanyi hu, large scale urban scene
modeling from mvs meshes. proceedings of computer vision --, eccv 2018, springer
munich germany, sept.8/14 ,2018, 640-655
yang zhou, shuhan shen, zhanyi, hu., fine-level semantic labeling of
large-scale 3d model by active learning., proceedings of 2018 international conference
on 3d vision., verona, italy, sept.5/8, 2018, pp: 523-532.2018
yangdong liu, wei gao, zhanyi hu., high-quality and memory-efficient
volumetric integration of depth maps using plane priors., proceedings of icpr, 2018.,
beijing, china, aug.20/24,2018, pp: 1749-1754
jinxu liu, wei gao, zhanyi hu., online temporal calibration of camera
and imu using nonlinear optimization., proceedings of icpr, 2018., beijing, china,
aug.20/24, 2018, pp: 1761-1766
hainan cui, shuhan shen, wei gao, voting-based incremental structure-from-motion.
proceedings of icpr, beijing, china, aug.20/24, 2018, pp: 1929-1934
hainan cui, shuhan shen, wei gao, zhiheng wang, progressive large-scale
structure-from-motion with orthogonal msts., proceedings of international conference
on 3d vision (3dv 2018), verona, italy, sept.5/8, 2018, pp:79-88
yibo hu, xiang wu, bin yu, ran he and zhenan sun, “pose-guided
photorealistic face rotation,” proc. ieee international conference on computer
vision and pattern recognition, pp. 8398-8406, june 2018, salt lake city, usa.
yan huang, qi wu, chunfeng song and liang wang, “learning semantic
concepts and order for image and sentence matching,” proc. ieee international
conference on computer vision and pattern recognition, pp. 6163-6171, june
2018, salt lake city, usa.
houjing huang, dangwei li, zhangzhang and kaiqi huang,
“adversarially occluded samples for improving generalization of person
re-identification models,” proc. ieee international conference on computer
vision and pattern recognition, june 2018, salt lake city, usa.
debang li, huikai wu, junge zhang and kaiqi huang, “a2-rl:
aesthetics aware reinforcement learning for image cropping,” proc. ieee
international conference on computer vision and pattern recognition, june 2018,
salt lake city, usa.
yan li, junge zhang, kaiqi huang and jianguo zhang, “discriminative
learning of latent features for zero-shot recognition,” proc. ieee
international conference on computer vision and pattern recognition, june 2018,
salt lake city, usa.
huikai wu, shuai zheng, junge zhang and kaiqi huang, “fast
end-to-end trainable guided filter,” proc. ieee international conference on
computer vision and pattern recognition, june 2018, salt lake city, usa.
lingxiao he, jian liang, haiqing li and zhenan sun, “deep spatial
feature reconstruction for partial person re-identification: freestyle
approach,” proc. ieee international conference on computer vision and pattern
recognition, june 2018, salt lake city, usa.
lingxiao he, haiqing li, qi zhang and zhenan sun, “dynamic feature
learning for partial face recognition,” proc. ieee international conference on
computer vision and pattern recognition, june 2018, salt lake city, usa.
chunfeng song, yan huang, wanli ouyang and liang wang, “mask-guided
contrastive attention model for person re-identification,” proc. ieee
international conference on computer vision and pattern recognition, pp.
1179-1188, june 2018, salt lake city, usa.
chenyang si, wei wang, liang wang and tieniu tan, “multistage
adversarial losses for pose-based human image synthesis,” proc. ieee
international conference on computer vision and pattern recognition, pp.
118-126, june 2018, salt lake city, usa.
junbo wang, wei wang, yan huang, liang wang and tieniu tan, “m^3:
multimodal memory modelling for video captioning,” proc. ieee international
conference on computer vision and pattern recognition, pp. 7512-7520, june
2018, salt lake city, usa.
yunlong wang, fei liu, zilei wang, guangqi hou, zhenan sun and
tieniu tan, “end-to-end view synthesis for light field imaging with pseudo
4dcnn,” proc. springer european conference on computer vison, pp. 340-355,
september 2018, munich, germany.
chenyang si, ya jing, wei wang, liang wang and tieniu tan,
“skeleton-based action recognition with spatial reasoning and temporal stack
learning,” proc. springer european conference on computer vison, pp. 106-121,
september 2018, munich, germany.
chenglong li, chengli zhu, yan huang, jin tang and liang wang,
“cross-modal ranking with soft consistency and noisy labels for robust rgb-t
tracking,” proc. springer european conference on computer vision, pp.831-847,
september 2018, munich, germany.
bingke zhu, yingying chen, ming tang, jinqiao wang, progressive
cognitive human parsing. american association for ai national conference(aaai),
2018: 7607-7614
zhiwei fang, jing liu, yanyuan qiao, qu tang, yong li, hanqing lu,
enhancing visual question answering using dropout. acm multimedia (acm mm) 2018:
zhiwei fang, jing liu, qu tang, yong li, hanqing lu, answer
distillation for visual question answering, asian conference on computer
vision(accv), 2018
linyu zheng, ming tang, jinqiao wang, learning robust gaussian
process regression for visual tracking. international joint conference on
artificial intelligence(ijcai), 2018: 1219-1225
fei liu, jing liu, jun fu, hanqing lu, improving residual block for semantic image segmentation. ieee fourth
international conference on multimedia big data (bigmm), 2018: 1-5
shifeng zhang, longyin wen, xiao bian, zhen lei, stan z. li.
occlusion-aware r-cnn: detecting pedestrians in a crowd, european conference on
computer vision (eccv2018), munich, germany, september 8-14, 2018.
wei liu, shengcai liao, weidong hu, xuezhi liang, xiao chen.
learning efficient single-stage pedestrian detectors by asymptotic localization
fitting, european conference on computer vision (eccv2018), munich, germany,
september 8-14, 2018.
xiaobo wang, zhen lei, hailin shi, xiaojie guo, xiangyu zhu, stan
z. li. co-referenced subspace clustering, proc. ieee international conference
on multimedia and expo, san diego, usa, july 23-27, 2018.
wei liu, shengcai liao, weidong hu, xuezhi liang, improving tiny
vehicle detection in complex scenes, proc. ieee international conference on
multimedia and expo, san diego, usa, july 23-27, 2018.
shifeng zhang, longyin wen, xiao bian, zhen lei, stan z. li.
single-shot refinement neural network for object detection, in proceedings of
ieee international conference on computer vision and pattern recognition
(cvpr2018), salt lake city, utah, june 18-22, 2018.
jinlin wu, hailin shi, shu zhang, zhen lei, yang yang, stan z. li.
de-mark gan: removing densewatermarkwith generative adversarial network. in
proceedings of the 11th iapr international conference on biometrics (icb2018).
queensland, australia, feb. 20-23, 2018.
hanyu wang, jianwei guo, dongming yan, weize quan, xiaopeng zhang,
learning 3d keypoint descriptors for non-rigid shape matching, in: proc of
european conference on computer vision, munich, germany, september 8 - 14,
2018, pp. 3-20, part 8, lncs, vol. 11212, springer nature switzerland, 2018
yong zhang, weiming dong, bao-gang hu, qiang ji: classifier
learning with prior probabilities for facial action unit recognition. cvpr
2018: 5108-5116
yong zhang, rui zhao, weiming dong, baogang hu, qiang ji: bilateral
ordinal relevance multi-instance regression for facial action unit intensity
estimation. cvpr 2018: 7034-7043
yong zhang, weiming dong, bao-gang hu, qiang ji: weakly-supervised
deep convolutional neural network learning for facial action unit intensity
estimation. cvpr 2018: 2314-2323
pattern recognition)
tie-qiang wang, chenglin liu, fully convolutional network based skeletonization
for handwritten chinese character, 32nd aaai conference on artificial intelligence
(aaai 2018), new orleans, usa, february 2-7, 2018.
xiao-hui li, fei yin, chenglin liu, printed/handwritten texts and graphics
separation in complex documents using conditional random fields, 13th iapr int.
workshop on das, vienna, austria, april 24-27, 2018.
xue-hang yang, fei yin, chenglin liu, online video text detection with
markov decision process, 13th iapr int. workshop on das, vienna, austria, april
24-27, 2018.
yuan-yuan shen, xu-yao zhang, chenglin liu, online semi-supervised
learning with adaptive vector quantization, proc. first international conference
on pattern recognition and artificial intelligence (icprai), montreal, canada, 2018.
hong-ming yang, xu-yao zhang, fei yin, chenglin liu, robust classification
with convolutional prototype learning, cvpr 2018, salt lake city, usa, june 18-22,
zhao zhong, junjie yan, wei wu, jing shao, chenglin liu, practical block-wise
neural network architecture generation, cvpr 2018, salt lake city, usa, june 18-22,
yue xu, fei yin, zhaoxiang zhang, chenglin liu, multi-task layout analysis
for historical handwritten documents using fully convolutional networks, ijcai-ecai-2018,
stockholm, sweden, july 13-19, 2018.
cong wang, fei yin, chenglin liu, memory-augmented attention model
for scene text recognition, proc. 16th icfhr, niagara falls, usa, august 5-8, 2018,
hong-ming yang, xu-yao zhang, fei yin, jun sun, chenglin liu, deep transfer
mapping for unsupervised writer adaptation, proc. 16th icfhr, niagara falls, usa,
august 5-8, 2018, pp.151-156.
chu wang, yan-ming zhang, chenglin liu, anomaly detection via minimum
likelihood generative adversarial networks, proc. 24th icpr, beijing, china, august
20-24, 2018, pp.1121-1126, 2018.
wei feng, wen-hao he, fei yin, chenglin liu, scene text detection with
recurrent instance segmentation, proc. 24th icpr, beijing, china, august 20-24,
2018, pp.2227-2232, 2018.
xiao-hui li, fei yin, chenglin liu, page object detection from pdf document
images by deep structured prediction and supervised clustering, proc. 24th icpr,
beijing, china, august 20-24, 2018, pp.3627-2632, 2018.
jin-wen wu, fei yin, yan-ming zhang, xu-yao zhang, chenglin liu, image-to-markup
generation via paired adversarial learning, ecml pkdd 2018.
tie-qiang wang, chenglin liu, deepad: a deep learning based approach
to stroke-level abnormality detection in handwritten chinese character
recognition, proc. icdm 2018, singapore, nov. 17-20, 2018.
zhihang li, yibo hu, man zhang, min xu, ran he, “protecting your
faces: meshfaces generation and removal via high-order relation-preserving
cyclegan,” proc. international conference on biometrics, february 2018, gold
coast, queensland, australia.
zihui yan, lingxiao he, man zhang, zhenan sun, tieniu tan,
“hierarchical multi-class iris classification for liveness detection,” proc.
international conference on biometrics, february 2018, gold coast, queensland,
jiabin ma, weiyu guo, wei wang and liang wang, “rotateconv: making
asymmetric convolutional kernels rotatable,” proc. international conference on
pattern recognition, pp.55-60, august 2018, beijing, china.
wenlong cheng, yan huang and liang wang, “towards unconstrained
pointing problem of visual question answering: a retrieval-based method,” proc.
international conference on pattern recognition, pp.3303-3308, august 2018,
beijing, china.
peipei li, yibo hu, qi li, ran he and zhenan sun, “global and local
consistent age generative adversarial networks,” proc. international conference
on pattern recognition, pp. 1073-1078, august 2018, beijing, china.
hongwen zhang, qi li, and zhenan sun, “joint voxel and coordinate
regression for accurate 3d facial landmark localization,” proc. international
conference on pattern recognition, pp. 2202-2208, august 2018, beijing, china.
jiedong hao, jing dong, wei wang, and tieniu tan, “deepfirearm:
learning discriminative feature representation for fine-grained firearm
retrieval,” proc. international conference on pattern recognition, pp.
3335-3340, august 2018, beijing, china.
wu zheng and zhaoxiang zhang, “accelerating the classification of
very deep convolutional network by a cascading approach,” proc. international
conference on pattern recognition, pp.355-360, august 2018, beijing, china.
gangming zhao, zhaoxiang zhang, he guan, peng tang and jingdong
wang, “rethinking relu to train better cnns,” proc. international conference on
pattern recognition, pp.603-608, august 2018, beijing, china.
lin li, zhaoxiang zhang, yan huang and liang wang, “deep temporal
feature encoding for video action recognition,” proc. international conference
on pattern recognition, pp.1109-1114, august 2018, beijing, china.
he guan, zhaoxiang zhang and tieniu tan, “inception donut
convolution for top-down semantic segmentation,” proc. international conference
on pattern recognition, pp.2492-2497, august 2018, beijing, china.
yibo hu, lingxiao song, bing yu, ran he and zhenan sun,
“adversarial embedding and variational aggregation for video face recognition,”
proc. ieee international conference on biometrics: theory, applications and
systems, october 2018, los angeles, usa.
haiyun guo, chaoyang zhao, zhiwei liu, jinqiao wang, hanqing lu,
learning coarse-to-fine structured feature embedding for vehicle re-identification.
association for the advance of artificial intelligence (aaai), 2018: 6853-6860
yunze gao, yingying chen, jinqiao wang, ming tang, hanqing lu,
dense chained attention network for scene text recognition. ieee international
conference on image processing(icip), 2018: 679-683
xiaomei zhang, yingying chen, bingke zhu, jinqiao wang, ming tang,
hanqing lu, tree hierarchical cnns for object parsing. the 25th ieee
international conference on image processing (icip), 2018: 1588-1592
xu zhao, chaoyang zhao, yousong zhu, ming tang, jinqiao wang,
improved single shot object detector using enhanced features and predicting
heads. ieee fourth international conference on multimedia big data (bigmm),
2018: 1-5
ming tang, bin yu, fan zhang, jinqiao wang, high-speed tracking with
multi-kernel correlation filters. cvpr 2018: 4874-4883
jianqing zhu, huanqiang zeng, zhen lei, shengcai liao, lixin zheng,
canhui cai. a shortly and densely connected convolutional neural network for
vehicle re-identification. in proceedings of international conference on
pattern recognition (icpr2018). beijing, china, august 20-24, 2018.
qi zhang, qizhao jin, jianlong chang, shiming xiang and chunhong
pan, "kernel-weighted graph convolutional network: a deep learning
approach for traffic forcasting," in international conference on pattern
recognition, 2018, pp. 1018-1023
xiyan liu, gaofeng meng, shiming xiang, chunhong pan. semantic
image synthesis via conditional cycle-generative adversarial networks. in
proceedings of the 24th international conference on pattern recognition.
beijing, china, accepted, 2018.
xiaoye wang, hongping yan, chunlei huo, jiayuan yu, chunhong pan, enhancing
pix2pix for remote sensing image classification, icpr, 2018.
liang yan, bin fan, shiming xiang and chunhong pan, adversarial
domain adaptation with a domain similarity discriminator for semantic
segmentation of urban areas, ieee international conference on image processing,
pp 1583--1587, 2018.
chunlei huo, jiayuan yu, yunpeng jing, chunhong pan,learning deep relationship for image change detection, igarss,
yongcheng liu, lu sheng, jing shao, junjie yan, shiming xiang and
chunhong pan. multi-label image classification via knowledge distillation from
weakly-supervised detection, in acm international conference on multimedia.
seoul, korea, pp. 700-708, 2018.
chaoxu guo, tingzhao yu, huxiang gu, shiming xiang and chunhong
pan, mgn: multi-glimpse network for action recognition, international
conference on accoustics, speech and signal processing, pp 1932-1936, 2018.
jianlong chang, jie gu, lingfeng wang, gaofeng meng, shiming xiang,
chunhong pan. structure-aware convolutional neural networks. in advances in
neural information processing systems, pp. 11-20, 2018.
artificial intelligence)
tielin zhang, yi zeng, dongcheng zhao, bo xu. brain-inspired balanced
tuning for spiking neural networks. the 27th international joint conference on artificial
intelligence (ijcai-18), stockholm, sweden, 2018.
tielin zhang, yi zeng, dongcheng zhao, mengting shi. a plasticity-centric
approach to train the non-differential spiking neural networks. the thirty-second
aaai conference on artificial intelligence (aaai-18), lousiana, usa, 2018.
chunshui cao, yongzhen huang, zilei wang, liang wang, ninglong xu,
tieniu tan, “lateral inhibition-inspired convolutional neural network for
visual attention and saliency detection,” proc. aaai conference on artificial
intelligence, february, louisiana, usa.
yabei li, junge zhang, yanhua cheng, kaiqi huang and tieniu tan,
“df2net: a discriminative feature learning and fusion network for rgb-d indoor
scene classification,” proc. aaai conference on artificial intelligence,
february 2018, louisiana, usa.
yi li, lingxiao song, xiang wu, ran he, and tieniu tan,
“anti-makeup: learning a bi-level adversarial network for makeup-invariant face
verification,” proc. aaai conference on artificial intelligence, february 2018,
louisiana, usa.
yan li*, zhen jia*, junge zhang, kaiqi huang and tieniu tan, “deep
semantic structural constraints for zero-shot learning,” proc. aaai conference
on artificial intelligence, february 2018, louisiana, usa.
xiang wu, lingxiao song, ran he and tieniu tan, “oupled deep
learning for heterogeneous face recognition,” proc. aaai conference on
artificial intelligence, february 2018, louisiana, usa.
lingxiao song, man zhang, xiang wu and ran he, “dversarial
discriminative heterogeneous face recognition,” proc. aaai conference on
artificial intelligence, february 2018, louisiana, usa.
wei wang, hao wang, zhiyong ran and ran he, “information-theoretic
domain adaptation under severe noise conditions,” proc. aaai conference on
artificial intelligence, february 2018, louisiana, usa.
wangli hao, zhaoxiang zhang, and he guan, “integrating both visual
and audio cues for enhanced video caption,” proc. aaai conference on artificial
intelligence, february 2018, louisiana, usa.
wangli hao, zhaoxiang zhang, he guan, “cmcgan: a uniform framework
for cross-modal visual-audio mutual generation,” proc. aaai conference on
artificial intelligence, february 2018, louisiana, usa.
yuntao chen, naiyan wang, and zhaoxiang zhang, “darkrank:
accelerating deep metric learning via cross sample similarities transfer,”
proc. aaai conference on artificial intelligence, february 2018, louisiana,
yue xu, fei yin, zhaoxiang zhang and chenglin liu, “multi-task
layout analysis for historical handwritten documents using fully convolutional
networks,” pro. international joint conference on artificial intelligence,
pp.1057-1063, july 2018, stockholm, sweden.
yueying kao, weiming li, zairan wang, dongqing zou, ran he, qiang
wang, minsu ahn and sunghoon hong, “an appearance-and-structure fusion network
for object viewpoint estimation,” proc. international joint conference on
artificial intelligence, pp.4929-4935, july 2018, stockholm, sweden.
he guan and zhaoxiang zhang, “view decomposition and adversarial
for semantic segmentation,” pacific rim international conference on artificial
intelligence, pp.247-255, august 2018, nanjing, china.
wu zheng and zhaoxiang zhang, “weakly-supervised object
localization by cutting background with deep reinforcement learning,” pacific
rim international conference on artificial intelligence, pp.210-218, august
2018, nanjing, china.
jie cao, yibo hu, hongwen zhang, ran he, and zhenan sun, “learning
a high fidelity pose invariant model for high-resolution face frontalization,”
proc. conference on neural information processing systems (nips), pp.2869-2879,
december 2018, montreal, canada.
huaibo huang, zhihang li, ran he, zhenan sun, and tieniu tan,
“introvae: introspective variational autoencoders for photographic image
synthesis,” proc. conference on neural information processing systems (nips),
pp.52-63, december 2018, montreal, canada.
xiangyu he, jian cheng, learning compression from limited unlabeled
data. european conference on computer vision (eccv), 2018: 778-795
qinghao hu, peisong wang, jian cheng, from hashing to cnns:
training binary weight networks via hashing. the thirty-second aaai conference
on artificial intelligence(aaai), 2018: 3247-3254
qinghao hu, gang li, peisong wang, yifan zhang, jian cheng, traning
binary weight networks via semi-binary decomposition, european conference on
computer vision(eccv), 2018:657-673
gang li, fanrong li, tianli zhao, jian cheng, block convolution:
towards memory-efficient inference of large-scale cnns on fpga. design
automation & test in europe(date), 2018: 1163-1166
peisong wang, qinghao hu, yifan zhang, chunjie zhang, yang liu,
jian cheng, two-step quantization for low-bit neural networks. the ieee
conference on computer vision and pattern(cvpr), 2018: 4376-4384
tianli zhao, xiangyu he, jian cheng. bitstream: efficient computing
architecture for real-time low-power inference of binary neural networks on
cpus. acm mm 2018
pichao wang, wanqing li, jun wan, philio ogunbona, xinwang liu.
cooperative training of deep aggregation networks for rgb-d action recognition.
proc. aaai conference on artificial intelligence, 2018.
xiaobo wang, shifeng zhang, zhen lei, si liu, xiaojie guo, stan z.
li. ensemble soft-margin softmax loss for image classification. in proceedings
of the 27th international joint conference on artificial intelligence
(ijcai-2018), stockholm, sweden, july 13-19, 2018.
computer graphics)
weiliang meng, shibiao xu, er li, xiangyong zeng, xiaopeng zhang,
accurate 3d locating and tracking of basketball players from multiple videos,
in: proc of acm siggraph asia technical briefs, tokyo, japan, december 4 - 7,
2018, pp. 27:1-27:4, acm press, 2018
lei wang, weiliang meng, runping xi, yanning zhang, ling lu,
xiaopeng zhang, large-scale 3d point cloud classification based on feature
description matrix by cnn, in: proc of casa, 31st international conference on
computer animation and social agents, beijing, china, may 21-23, 2018, pp.
43-47, acm press, 2018.
yifan men, zeyu shen, dawar khan and dongming yan. improving
regularity of the centoridal voronoi tessellation. siggraph posters. 2018.
多媒体计算(multimedia computing)
feifei zhang, tianzhu zhang, qirong mao, changsheng xu: joint pose
and expression modeling for facial expression recognition. ieee international
conference on computer vision and pattern recognition (cvpr), 2018.7.
junyu gao, tianzhu zhang, changsheng xu: watch, think and attend:
end-to-end video classification via dynamic knowledge evolution modeling. acm
international conference on multimedia (acm mm), 2018.10, full paper.
yaoyu li, tianzhu zhang, lingyu duan, changsheng xu: a unified
generative adversarial framework for image generation and person
re-identification. acm international conference on multimedia (acm mm),
2018.10, full paper.
feifei zhang, tianzhu zhang, qirong mao, lingyu duan, changsheng
xu: facial expression recognition in the wild: a cycle-consistent adversarial
attention transfer approach. acm international conference on multimedia (acm
mm), 2018.10, full paper.
fan qi, xiaoshan yang, changsheng xu: a unified framework for
multimodal domain adaptation. acm multimedia 2018: 429-437
yikun sheng, xiaoshan yang, changsheng xu: a standalone demo for
quiz game "describe and guess". mipr 2018: 206-207
yikun sheng, xiaoshan yang, xueliang liu, changsheng xu:
attribute-assisted domain transfer from image to sketch. mipr 2018: 287-292
yu song, fan tang, weiming dong, xiaopeng zhang, oliver deussen,
tong-yee lee: photo squarization by deep multi-operator retargeting. acm
multimedia 2018: 1047-1055
kekai sheng, weiming dong, chongyang ma, xing mei, feiyue huang,
bao-gang hu: attention-based multi-patch aggregation for image aesthetic
assessment. acm multimedia 2018: 879-886
kekai sheng, weiming dong, haibin huang, chongyang ma, bao-gang hu:
gourmet photography dataset for aesthetic assessment of food images. siggraph
asia technical briefs 2018: 20:1-20:4
/视频处理与分析(image/video processing and analysis)
jianze wei, jian liang, ran he and jinfeng yang, “learning
discriminative geodesic flow kernel for unsupervised domain adaptation,” pro.
ieee international conference on multimedia and expo (icme), july 2018, san
diego, usa.
junbo wang, wei wang, yan huang, liang wang, and tieniu tan,
“hierarchical memory modelling for video captioning,” in 2018 acm multimedia
conference (mm’18), pp.63-71, october 2018, seoul, republic of korea.
zhihe lu, tanhao hu, lingxiao song, zhaoxiang zhang and ran he,
“conditional expression synthesis with face parsing transformation,” in 2018
acm multimedia conference (mm’18), pp.1083-1091, october 2018, seoul, republic
of korea.
kui ye, jing dong, wei wang, bo peng, and tieniu tan, “feature
pyramid deep matching and localization network for image forensics,”
asia-pacific signal and information processing association(aspipa) annual
summit and conference, november 2018, hawaii, usa.
(medical image analysis)
yao d, guo x, zhao q, liu l, cao q, wang y, calhoun vd, sun l, sui
j. discriminating adhd from healthy controls using a novel feature selection
method based on relative importance and ensemble learning. the 40th
international engineering in medicine and biology conference (embc) 2018. july
17-21, honolulu, hi.
zhi d, ma x, lv l, ke q, yang y, yang x, pan m, qi s, jiang r, du
y, yu q, jiang t, sui j. abnormal dynamic functional network connectivity and
graph theoretical analysis in major depressive disorder. the 40th international
engineering in medicine and biology conference (embc) 2018. july 17-21,
honolulu, hi, usa.
luo n, tian l, calhoun vd, chen j, lin d, veragara vm, rao s, zhang
f, sui j. exploring different impaired speed of genetic-related brain function
and structures in schizophrenic progress using multimodal analysis. the 40th
international engineering in medicine and biology conference(embc) 2018.july
17-21, honolulu, hawaii, usa.
yan w, zhang h, sui j, shen d. deep chronnectome learning via full
bidirectional long short-term memory networks for mci diagnosis. medical image
computing and computer assisted intervention – miccai 2018 lcns 11072.1-9 roma.
(speech and language technology)
shaonan wang, jiajun zhang and chengqing zong. associative multichannel
autoencoder for multimodal word representation. in proceedings of the 2018 conference
on empirical methods in natural language processing (emnlp), brussels, belgium,
october 31th–november 4th, 2018, pp. 116-124
junnan zhu, haoran li, tianshang liu, yu zhou, jiajun zhang and chengqing
zong. msmo: multimodal summarization with multimodal output. in proceedings of the
2018 conference on empirical methods in natural language processing(emnlp), brussels,
belgium, october 31th–november 4th, 2018, pp. 4154-4164
yining wang, jiajun zhang, feifei zhai, jingfang xu and chengqing zong.
three strategies to improve one-to-many multilingual translation. in proceedings
of the 2018 conference on empirical methods in natural language processing(emnlp),
brussels, belgium, october 31th–november 4th, 2018, pp. 2955-2960
jingyuan sun, shaonan wang and chengqing zong. memory, show the way:
memory based few shot word representation learning. in proceedings of the 2018 conference
on empirical methods in natural language processing (emnlp), brussels, belgium,
october 31th–november 4th, 2018, pp. 1435-1444
weikang wang, jiajun zhang, han zhang, mei-yuh hwang, chengqing zong
and zhifei li. a teacher-student framework for maintainable dialog manager. in proceedings
of the 2018 conference on empirical methods in natural language processing (emnlp),
brussels, belgium, october 31th–november 4th, 2018, pp. 3803-3812
yang zhao, jiajun zhang, zhongjun he, chengqing zong, and hua wu. addressing
troublesome words in neural machine translation. in proceedings of the 2018 conference
on empirical methods in natural language processing (emnlp), brussels, belgium,
october 31th–november
4th, 2018,pp. 391-400
haoran li, jiajun zhang and chengqing zong. ensure the correctness of
the summary: incorporate entailment knowledge into abstractive sentence summarization.
in proceedings of the 27th international conference on computational linguistics
(coling), santa fe, new-mexico, usa, august 20th-26th, 2018, pp.1430-1441
junjie li, haitong yang and chengqing zong. document-level multi-aspect
sentiment classification by jointly modeling users, aspects, and overall ratings.
in proceedings of the 27th international conference on computational linguistics
(coling), santa fe, new-mexico, usa, august 20th-26th, 2018, pp. 925-936
qianlong du, keh-yih su and chengqing zong. adopting the word-pair-dependency-triplets
with individual comparison for natural language inference. in proceedings of the
27th international conference on computational linguistics (coling), santa fe, new-mexico,
usa, august 20th-26th, 2018, pp.414-425
he bai, jiajun zhang, yu zhou, liang zhao, mei-yuh hwang and chengqing
zong. source critical reinforcement learning for transferring spoken language understanding
to a new language. in proceedings of the 27th international conference on computational
linguistics (coling), santa fe, new-mexico, usa, august 20th-26th, 2018, pp.3597-3607
yang zhao, yining wang, jiajun zhang and chengqing zong. phrase table
as recommendation memory for neural machine translation, the 27th international
joint conference on artificial intelligence and the 23rd european conference on
artificial intelligence (ijcai-ecai), stockholm, sweden, july 13-19, 2018, pp. 4610-4615
haoran li, junnan zhu, tianshang liu, jiajun zhang, and chengqing zong.
multi-modal sentence summarization with modality attention and image filtering,
the 27th international joint conference on artificial intelligence and the 23rd
european conference on artificial intelligence (ijcai-ecai), stockholm, sweden,
july 13-19, 2018, pp. 4152-4158
shaonan wang, jiajun zhang, nan lin and chengqing zong. investigating
inner properties of multimodal representation and semantic compositionality with
brain-based componential semantics. in proceedings of the thirty-second aaai conference
on artificial intelligence (aaai-18), new orleans, louisiana, usa, february 2-7,
2018, pp. 5964-5972
shaonan wang, jiajun zhang and chengqing zong. learning multimodal word
representation via dynamic fusion methods. in proceedings of the thirty-second aaai
conference on artificial intelligence (aaai-18), new orleans, louisiana, usa, february
2-7, 2018, pp. 5973-5980
cao liu, shizhu he, kang liu, jun zhao, curriculum learning for
natural answer generation, proceedings of the 27th international joint
conference on artificial intelligence, p4223-4229,2018.7.13, stockholm, sweden
yubo chen, hang yang, kang liu, jun zhao, yantao jia, collective
event detection via a hierarchical and bias tagging networks with gated multi-level
attention mechanisms,2018 conference on empirical methods in natural language
processing, 1267–1276, 2018.10.31, brussels, belgium
pengfei cao, yubo chen, kang liu, jun zhao, shengping liu,
adversarial transfer learning for chinese named entity recognition with
self-attention mechanism, conference on empirical methods in natural language
processing, p182-192,2018.10.31, brussels, belgium
yanchao hao, hao liu, shizhu he, kang liu, jun zhao,
pattern-revising enhanced simple question answering over knowledge bases, proceedings
of the 27th international conference on computational linguistics,
p3272-3282,2018.08.20, santa fe, new mexico, usa
bingning wang, kang liu, jun zhao, deep semantic hashing with
multi-adversarial training, the conference on information and knowledge
management, p1453-1462,2018.10.22, torino, italy
xiangrong zeng, daojian zeng, shizhu he, kang liu, jun zhao,
extracting relational facts by an end-to-end neural model with copy mechanism, proceedings
of the 56th annual meeting of the association for computational linguistics,
p506-514,2018.07.15, melbourne, australia
hang yang, yubo chen, kang liu, yang xiao, jun zhao, dcfee: a
document-level chinese financial event extraction system based on automatically
labeled training data, proceedings of the 57th annual meeting of the
association for computational linguistics, p50-55,2018.07.15, melbourne,
xiangrong zeng, shizhu he, kang liu, jun zhao, large scaled relation
extraction with reinforcement learning,the
thirty-second aaai conference on artificial intelligence,
p5658-5665,2018.02.07, new orleans, louisiana, usa
jian liu, yubo chen, kang liu, jun zhao, event detection via gated
multilingual attention mechanism, the thirty-second aaai conference on
artificial intelligence, p4865-4872,2018.02.08, new orleans, louisiana, usa
bin liu, shuai nie, yaping zhang, dengfeng ke, shan liang, wenju
liu, “boosting noise robustness of acoustic model via deep adversarialtraining,”
in the proceedings of icassp’2018 (2018 ieee international conference on
acoustics, speech, and signal processing), april 15-20, 2018, calgary, alberta,
canada, 5034-5038.
shuai nie, shan liang, bin liu, yaping zhang, wenju liu and jianhua
tao,“deep noise tracking network: a hybrid signal processing/deep learning
approach to speech enhancement,” in the proceedings of interspeech2018 (the 19th annual conference of the international speech
communication association),
september 2-6, hyderabad, india, 2018, 3219-3223.
changliang li, yixin su, wenju liu, “text-to-text generative
adversarial networks,” in the proceedings of ijcnn2018(2018 international joint
conference on neural networks), july 8-13 2018, rio de janeiro, brazil,
bin liu, shuai nie, shan liang, zhanlei yang, wenju liu,
“stochastic multiple choice learning for acoustic modeling,” in the proceedings
of ijcnn2018(2018 international joint conference on neural networks), july 8-13
2018, rio de janeiro, brazil, 2433-2438.
tianyu liu, yongzhi ying, yanyan xu, dengfeng ke, kaile su,
“fine-grained air quality prediction using attention based neural network,” in
the proceedings of ijcnn2018(2018 international joint conference on neural
networks), july 8-13 2018, rio de janeiro, brazil, 3841-3846.
ke ding, ne luo, yanyan xu, dengfeng ke, kaile su,
“mutual-optimization towards generative adversarial networks for robust speech
recognition,” in the proceedings of icpr2018(24th international conference on
pattern recognition), augest 20-24 2018, beijing, china, 2699-2704.
yibin zheng, jianhua tao, zhengqi wen, ya li, blstm-crf based
end-to-end prosodic boundary prediction with context sensitive embeddings in a
text-to-speech front-end,19th annual conference of the speech communication associatio
(interspeech 2018), pp:47-51, september.9/2,2018, hyderabad, india, ei
yibin zheng, jianhua tao, zhengqi wen, ruibo fu, on the application
and compression of deep time delay neural network for embedded statistical
parametric speech synthesis,19th annual conference of the speech communication associatio
(interspeech 2018), pp:922-926, september.9/2,2018, hyderabad, india, ei
jian huang, ya li, jianhua tao, zheng lian, jiangyan yi, end-to-end
continuous emotion recognition from video using 3d convlstm networks,2018 ieee
international conference on acoustics, speech and signal processing, pp: 6837-6841,
april4/15,2018, calgary, alberta, canada, ei
jian huang, ya li, jianhua tao, zheng lian, mingyue niu, jiangyan yi,
speech emotion recognition using semi-supervised learning with ladder
networks,2018 first asian conference on affective computing and intelligent
interaction (acii asia), pp:1-5, may5/20,2018, beijing, china, ei
jian huang, ya li, jianhua tao, zheng lian, speech emotion
recognition from variable-length inputs with triplet loss function, interspeech
2018: conference of the international speech communication association,
pp:3673-3677, september9/2,2018, hyderabad, india, ei
jian huang, ya li, jianhua tao, zheng lian, mingyue niu, minghao yang,
multimodal continuous emotion recognition with data augmentation using
recurrent neural networks, acmmm 2018-avec’18, pp:57-64, october,10/22,2018,
seoul, republic of korea, ei
jian huang, ya li, jianhua tao, zheng lian, mingyue niu, minghao yang,
deep learning for continuous multiple time series annotations, acmmm 2018-avec’18,
pp:91-98, october,10/22,2018, seoul, republic of korea, ei
zheng lian, ya li, jianhua tao, jian huang, mingyue niu, region
based robust facial expression analysis,2018 first asian conference on
affective computing and intelligent interaction (acii asia), pp:1-5, may5/20,2018,
beijing, china, ei
zheng lian, ya li, jianhua tao, jian huang, speech emotion
recognition via contrastive loss under siamese networks, acmmm 2018-mmac'18, pp:21-26,
october,10/26,2018, seoul, republic of korea, ei
ruibo fu, jianhua tao, zhengqi wen, progressive neural networks
based features prediction for the target cost in unit-selection speech
synthesizer, 14th international conference on signal processing (icsp2018), pp:504-509,
august,8/12,2018, beijing, china, ei
ruibo fu, jianhua tao, yibin zheng, zhengqi wen, deep metric
learning for the target cost in unit-selection speech synthesizer,19th annual
conference of the speech communication associatio (interspeech 2018), pp:2514-2518,
september9/2,2018, hyderabad, india, ei
ruibo fu, jianhua tao, yibin zheng, zhengqi wen, transfer learning
based progressive neural networks for acoustic modeling in statistical
parametric speech synthesis,19th annual conference of the speech communication associatio
(interspeech 2018), pp:907-911, september9/2,2018, hyderabad, india, ei
ya li, jianhua tao, björn schuller, shiguang shan, dongmei jiang,
jia jia, mec 2017: multimodal emotion recognition challenge,2018 1st asian
conference on affective computing and intelligent interaction, acii asia 2018,
pp:1-5, may5/20,2018, beijing, china, ei
mingyue niu, ya li, jianhua tao, su-jing wang, micro-expression
recognition based on local two-order gradient pattern,2018 1st asian conference
on affective computing and intelligent interaction, acii asia 2018, pp:1-6,
may5/20,2018, beijing, china, ei
minghao yang, jianhua tao, dawei zhang, reducing tongue shape
dimensionality from hundreds of available resources using autoencoder,
international conference on pattern recognition, pp:2839-2844,
august,8/20,2018, beijing china, ei
minghao yang, ke zhang, nashengruoyang, jianhua tao, self-talk
responses to users' opinions and challenge in human computer dialog,
international conference on pattern recognition, pp:2875-2880,8/20,2018,
beijing china, ei
bocheng zhao, minghao yang, jianhua tao, pen tip motion prediction
for handwriting drawing order recovery using deep neural network, international
conference on pattern recognition, pp:704-2709,8/20,2018, beijing china, ei
xiaoke qi, jianhua tao, sparsity-constrained weight mapping for
head-related transfer functions individualization from anthropometric features,
interspeech 2018: conference of the international speech communication
association, pp:841-845, september9/2,2018, hyderabad, india, ei
jiangyan yi, jianhua tao, zhengqi wen, ye bai, adversarial multilingual
training for low-resource speech recognition, ieee international conference on
acoustics, speech and signal processing, pp:4899-4903, april4/15,2018, calgary,
alberta, canada, ei
ye bai, jianhua tao, jiangyan yi, zhengqi wen, cunhang fan, clmad:
a chinese language model adaptation dataset, the 11th international symposium
on chinese spoken language processing (iscslp), taiwan, china,
november11/25,2018, ei
cunhang fan, bin liu, jianhua tao, zhengqi wen, jiangyan yi, ye
bai, utterance-level permutation invariant training with discriminative
learning for single channel speech separation, the 11th international symposium
on chinese spoken language processing (iscslp), taiwan, china,
november11/25,2018, ei
bin liu, jianhua tao, yibin zheng, a novel unified framework for
speech enhancement and bandwidth extension based on jointly trained neural
networks, the 11th international symposium on chinese spoken language
processing (iscslp), taiwan, china, november11/25,2018, ei
(national conference)
yuchen liu, long zhou, yining wang, yang zhao, jiajun zhang and chengqing
zong. a comparable study on model averaging, ensembling and reranking in nmt. in
proceedings of the seventh conference on natural language processing and chinese
computing (nlpcc-2018), hohhot, china, august, 26-30, 2018, pp. 299-308
jinghui yan, jiajun zhang, jinan xu and chengqing zong, the impact of
named entity translation for neural machine translation, in proceedings of china
workshop on machine translation cwmt. 2018, october 25-26, 2018, wuyishan, china
xiaoqing li, jinghui yan, jiajun zhang and chengqing zong, neural name
translation improves neural machine translation, in proceedings of china workshop
on machine translation cwmt 2018, october 25-26, 2018, wuyishan, china
刘宇宸, 闫璟辉, 张家俊, 宗成庆. 第十四届机器翻译研讨会中科院自动化所技术报告. 2018. 第十四届全国机器翻译研讨会论文集.
li liu, linlin huang, fei yin, youbin chen, off-line signature verification
using a region based metric learning network, chinese conference on pattern recognition
and computer vision (prcv 2018), lncs 11256, springer, pp.74-86, 2018.
wei zhang, hongwen zhang, qi li, fei liu, zhenan sun, xin li, and
xinxin wan, “cross-cascading regression for simultaneous head pose estimation
and facial landmark detection,” proc. chinese conference on pattern
recognition, pp. 148-156, august 2018, urumqi, china.
mingkang liu, qi li, zhenan sun, and qiyao deng, “face clustering
utilizing scalable sparse subspace clustering and the image gradient feature
descriptor,” proc. chinese conference on pattern recognition, pp. 311-320,
august 2018, urumqi, china.
jianzhu guo, xiangyu zhu, zhen lei, stan z. li. face synthesis for
eyeglasss-robust face recognition. in proceedings of the 13th chinese
conference on biometrics (ccbr2018). xinjiang, china, august 11-12, 2018.
chubin zhuang, shifeng zhang, xiangyu zhu, zhen lei, stan z. li.
single shot attention-based face detector. in proceedings of the 13th chinese
conference on biometrics (ccbr2018). xinjiang, china, august 11-12, 2018.
qingbin liu, shizhu he, kang liu, shengping liu, jun zhao,learning
to detect verbose expressions in spoken texts, china national conference on
computational linguistics lncs, volume 11221,p363-375,2018.10.19,changsha,china
pengfei cao, yubo chen, kang liu and jun zhao,adversarial training for
relation classification with attention based gate mechanism, china conference
on knowledge graph and semantic computing ccis, volume 957,p91-102,2018.08.14,tianjin,china
xinyu zuo, yubo chen, kang liu and jun zhao, event coreference resolution via a multi-loss neural network
without using argument information, china conference on knowledge graph and
semantic computing,2018.08.14, tianjin, china
d. j. zeng, y. dai, f. li, r.s. sherratt and j. wang. adversarial
learning for distant supervised relation extraction. computers, materials and
continua. 55 (1). pp. 121-136, 2018.
d. j. zeng, y. dai, f. li and j. wang. aspect based sentiment
analysis by a linguistically regularized cnn with gated mechanism. journal of
intelligent & fuzzy systems. 2018 (已录用)
baochang zhang, shang zhen luan, chen chen, jungong han, lingshao,
latent constrained correlation filter, ieee transactions on image processing,
shangzhen luan, baochang zhang, chen chen, jungong han, jianzhuang
liu, gabor convolutional networks, ieee transactions on image processing, 2018.
baochang zhang , alessandro perina , ce li , qixiang ye , vittorio
murino , alessio del bue , manifold constraint transfer for visual
structure-driven optimization, pattern recognition, 2018.
chunyu xie, ce li, baochang zhang, etc. hierarchical residual
stochastic networks for time series recognition, information science, 2018.
chunlei li, guangshuai gao, zhoufeng liu, miao yu and di huang:
fabric defect detection based on biological vision modeling. ieee access 6:
27659-27670, 2018.
jun-bao li, huanyu liu, jeng-shyang pan, hongxun yao. training
samples-optimizing based dictionary learning algorithm for mr sparse
superresolution reconstruction. biomedical signal processing and control
39:177-184, 2018.
x. jia, x. shi and f. chen. survey on the theory and applications
of µ-bases for rational curves and surfaces. journal of computational and
applied mathematics, vol. 329, 2-23, 2018.
j. gui, t. liu, z. sun, d. tao, and t. tan, "fast supervised
discrete hashing", ieee transactions on pattern analysis and machine
intelligence, vol. 40, no. 2, pp. 490-496, 2018.
j. gui, t. liu, z. sun, d. tao, and t. tan, "supervised
discrete hashing with relaxation", ieee transactions on neural networks
and learning systems, vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 608-617, 2018.
zhong zhang*, meiyan huang: discriminative structural metric
learning for person re-identification in visual internet of things. ieee
internet of things journal (ieee iot), 5(5): 3361-3368, 2018.
zhong zhang*, donghong li, shuang liu, baihua xiao, xiaozhong cao:
cross-domain ground-based cloud classification based on transfer of local
features and discriminative metric learning. remote sensing, 10(1) 8: 1-22,
zhong zhang*, hong wang, shuang liu, and baihua xiao: consecutive
convolutional activations for scene character recognition. ieee access, 6:
35734-35742, 2018.
zhong zhang*, hong wang, shuang liu, and baihua xiao: deep
contextual stroke pooling for scene character recognition. ieee access, 6:
16454-16463, 2018.
feifei zhang, qirong mao, xiangjun shen, yongzhao zhan, ming dong.
spatially coherent feature learning for pose-invariant facial expression
recognition, acm transactions on multimedia computing and communication,
14(1s):1-19, 2018.
qirong mao, feifei zhang, ming dong. cascaded multi-level
transformed dirichlet process for multi-pose facial expression recognition, the
computer journal, 61(11), 1605-1619, 2018.
chao shen, yufei chen, yao liu, xiaohong guan, adaptive
human-machine interactive behavior analysis with wrist-worn devices for
password inference. ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems,
xiaoming liu, chao shen*, xiaohong guan, yadong zhou, we know who
you are: discovering similar groups across multiple social networks. ieee
transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics: systems, 2018.
chao shen, yuanxun li, yufei chen, xiaohong guan, roy a. maxion.
performance analysis of multi-motion sensor behavior for active smartphone
authentication, ieee transactions on information forensics and security, 2018.
chao shen, yufei chen, xiaohong guan. performance evaluation of
implicit smartphones authentication via sensor-behavior analysis. information
sciences, 2018.
chao shen, yufei chen, xiaohong guan, roy maxion. pattern-growth
based mining mouse-interaction behavior for an active user authentication
system. ieee transactions on dependable secure computing, 2018.
jinrong he, yingzhou bi, bin liu1, zhigao zeng. "graph-dual
laplacian principal component analysis". journal of ambient intelligence
and humanized computing, 2018. published online. doi :
jun li, yangkun luo, chong wang, zhigao zeng. "simplified
particle swarm algorithm based on nonlinear decrease extreme disturbance and
cauchy mutation". international journal of parallel, emergent and
distributed systems,2018, https://doi.org/10.1080/17445760.2018.1455834. (ei 期刊)
yewang chen, shengyu tan, nizar bougulia. a fast clustering
algorithm based on pruning unnecessary distance computations in dbscan for
high-dimensional data. 2018,pattern
recognition, vol(83):375-387 (online, sci if 4.582,模式识别国际顶级期刊,thomson jcr 一区,中科院2区)
yewang chen, shengyu tang,songwen pei, etl. dheat: a density heat-based algorithm for
clustering with effective radius. ieee transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics:
systems. 2018, vol(48):4, pp: 649-660 ( sci, if 5.13, thomson jcr二区,中科院大小类 3区)
mo-yi zhang, qiu-yu zhang, hong-xiang duan, and hai-yan chen:
self-calibration based view-invariant hand gesture trajectory analysis, journal
of information hiding and multimedia signal processing, 9(5):1114-1127, 2018. (已录待刊, ei)
shuang liu*, xiaolong hao, zhong zhang, “pedestrian retrieval via
part-based gradation regularization in sensor networks,” ieee access, vol. 6,
pp. 38171-38178, 2018;
wenqi ren, jingang zhang, xiangyu xu, lin ma, xiaochun cao, gaofeng
meng and wei liu: deep video dehazing with semantic segmentation. ieee trans.
on image processing, 2018.
boyi li, wenqi ren, dengpan fu, dacheng tao, dan feng, wenjun zeng,
and zhangyang wang:benchmarking
single image dehazing and beyond. ieee trans. on image processing, 2018.
yanxiong li, xianku li, yuhan zhang, mingle liu, and wucheng wang:
anomalous sound detection using deep audio representation and a blstm network
for audio surveillance of roads. ieee access 6(10): 58043-58055, 2018.
xiao-diao chen, junyi ma, jiapei jin, yigang wang. a
two-points-pade- approximant-based method for bounding some trigonometric
functions. journal of inequalities and applications, (2018) 2018:140.
xiao-diao chen, song jin, li-geng chen, yigang wang. a new method
for refining the shafer’s equality and bounding the definite integrals. results
in mathematics, 2018,73(2): 78.
yongming li*, tingjie xie, pin wang, jie wang, shujun liu, xichuan
zhou, xinzheng zhang. joint spectral-spatial hyperspectral image classification
based on hierarchical subspace switch ensemble learning algorithm. applied
intelligence, 2018, 48(11): 4128-4148 (sci: 000446426900016/ei: 20182205265474)
pin wang, jie wang, lirui wang, meifang yin, yongming li, jun wu.
classification of pathogenic bacteria using near-infrared diffuse reflectance
spectroscopy reflectance spectroscopy, journal of applied spectroscopy,
2018,85(6):904-911 (sci/ei收录)
j. yang, d. she, m. sun, m.-m. cheng, p. l. rosin, l. wang, visual
sentiment prediction based on automatic discovery of affective regions, tmm,
20(9): 2513-2525, 2018
j. yang, x. sun, y.-k. lai, l. zheng, m.-m. cheng, recognition from
web data: a progressive filtering approach, tip, 27(11): 5303-5315, 2018
j. yang, j. liang, h. shen, k. wang, p. l. rosin, m.-h. yang,
dynamic match kernel with deep convolutional features for image retrieval, tip,
27(11): 5288-5302, 2018
amaia calleja, pengbo bo, haizea gonzález, michael bartoň and luis
norberto lópez de lacalle: highly accurate 5-axis flank cnc machining with
conical tools. international journal of advanced manufacturing technology
97(5-8):1605-1615, 2018.
peng li, peng ren, xiaoyu zhang*, qian wang, xiaobin zhu, lei wang:
region-wise deep feature representation for remote sensing images. remote
sensing, 10(6), 871, 1-14, 2018.
peng li, xiaoyu zhang, xiaobin zhu, peng ren: online hashing for
scalable remote sensing image retrieval. remote sensing, 10(5), 709, 1-15,
qiu-feng wang, mirror xu, and amir hussain: large-scale ensemble
model for customer churn prediction in search ads. cognitive computation, 2018.
qiu-feng wang, mirror xu, and amir hussain: large-scale ensemble
model for customer churn prediction in search ads. cognitive computation, 2018.
wei ma, yue qin, shibiao xu, and xiaopeng zhang, interactive stereo
image segmentation via adaptive prior selection. multimedia tools and
applications 77(21):28709-28724, 2018. (sci)
张永兵,张秋余,李宗义,段宏湘,张墨逸.基于近似匹配的假位置k-匿名位置隐私保护方法[j],控制与决策,2018. (已录待刊,ei)
来毅,任莉,刘颖,空间差异度量约束的图像修复算法[j],电讯技术,vol. 58,no. 8,pp. 900-906,aug. 2018. (中文核心)
来毅,辛可嘉,刘颖,多特征融合的视频镜头分割算法[j],电讯技术,vol. 58,no. 7,pp. 792-797,july.
郑玉健,伯彭波. 基于边界曲线的拟可展曲面构造方法及在船体造型中的应用[j],计算机辅助设计与图形学学报 7: 1243-1250,2018
郑荟莹,伯彭波. 曲率线驱动的b样条曲面交互编辑 [j],计算机辅助设计与图形学学报 6: 1065-1072,2018
李超,赵文萍,赵子平. 多视角判别分析的情感识别.信号处理,2018,vol.34(8):998-1007
马伟,龙晴晴,秦悦,徐士彪,张晓鹏. 基于画作线条结构分解的高清古画修复[j],计算机辅助设计与图形学学报,30(9):1652-1661,2018. (ei)
wei wang, guoheng ren, liyong chen. efficiently extracting dominant
planes from massive 3d points based on scene structure priors. advances in
intelligent systems and computing. 2018:856(965-973).
shangzhen luan,baochang
zhang, chen chen,jungong
convolutional networks, 2018.
hongfeng bao, le wu*, peijie sun. contextual attention model for
social recommendation. the 19th pacific-rim conference on multimedia (pcm
2018), 630:641, hefei, china. (ei, ccf推荐c类会议)
nelson ruwa, qirong mao, liangjun wang, and ming dong. affective
visual question answering network: 2018 ieee conference on multimedia
information processing and retrieval (mipr) (2018). miami, fl, usa, 2018.4.10-12, isbn:
978-1-5386-1857-8, pp: 170-173.
feifei zhang, tianzhu zhang, qirong mao and changsheng xu: joint
pose and expression modeling for facial expression recognition, cvpr2018, salt
lake city, usa, 2018.6.18-22.
feifei zhang, tianzhu zhang, qirong mao, lingyu duan and changsheng
xu: facial expression recognition in the wild: a cycle-consistent adversarial
attention transfer approach, acm multimedia2018, seoul, korea, 2018.10.22-26.
chao shen, qi lv, zhao wang, yufei chen, xiaohong guan.
hand-interactive behavior analysis for user authentication systems with
wrist-worn devices, 2018 ieee international conference on infomration,
cybernetics, and computational social systems, 2018. (best paper award)
yewang chen, lida zhou, liangliang sheng etl. semi-convex hull
tree: fast neighbor query algorithm on gpus. icdm2018 (accepted,数据挖掘三大顶级学术会议之一)
qiuyu zhang, qian wang, moyi zhang and hongxiang duan: dynamic hand
gesture tracking method based on key frame and video perceptual hashing, isai
2018, june 22-24, 2018 suzhou, jiangsu, china.
wenqi ren, lin ma, jiawei zhang, jinshan pan, xiaochuncao, wei liu
and ming-hsuan yang: gated fusion network for single image dehazing. cvpr 2018
wenqi ren, lin ma, jinshan pan, xiaochun cao, wangmeng zuo, wei liu
and ming-hsuan yang: deep non-blind deconvolution via generalized low-rank
approximation. nips 2018
yanxiong li, xianku li, yuhan zhang, wucheng wang, mingle liu, and
xiaohui feng:acoustic
scene classification using deep audio feature and blstm network. icalip
j. yang, d. she, y.-k. lai, p. l. rosin, m.-h. yang, weakly supervised
coupled networks for visual sentiment analysis, cvpr, 2018, spotlight
j. yang, l. chen, l. zhang, x. sun, d. she, s.-p. lu, m.-m. cheng,
historical context-based style classification of painting images via label
distribution learning, acm mm, 2018
y. zhang, j. fu, d. she, y. zhang, s. wang, j. yang, text emotion
distribution learning via multi-task convolutional neural network, ijcai, 2018
j. fu, d. she, x. yao, y. zhang, j. yang, deep coordinated textual
and visual network for sentiment-oriented cross-modal retrieval, pricai, 2018
j. yang, x. sun, j. liang, p. l. rosin, clinical skin lesion
diagnosis using representations inspired by dermatologist criteria, cvpr, 2018
j. liang, j. yang, h.-y. lee, k. wang, m.-h. yang, sub-gan: an unsupervised
generative model via subspaces, eccv, 2018
lixin cui, lu bai, luca rossi, zhihong zhang, yuhang jiao, edwin r.
hancock. a preliminary survey of analyzing dynamic time-varying financial
networks using graph kernels. in proceedings of joint iapr international
workshop on structural, syntactic, and statistical pattern recognition,
(s sspr), 2018. (oral,ei检索)
lixin cui, lu bai, luca rossi, zhihong zhang, lixiang xu, edwin r. hancock.
a mixed entropy local-global reproducing kernel for attributed graphs. in
proceedings of joint iapr international workshop on structural, syntactic, and
statistical pattern recognition(s sspr),2018. (oral,ei检索)
yuhang jiao, lixin cui, lu bai, yue wang. analyzing time series
from chinese financial market using a linear-time graph kernel. in proceedings
of joint iapr international workshop on structural, syntactic, and statistical
pattern recognition, (s sspr),2018. (oral,ei检索)
lixin cui, lu bai, luca rossi, yue wang, jiao yuhang, edwin
hancock. a deep hybrid graph kernel through deep learning networks. in
proceedings of international conference on pattern recognition (icpr), 2018.
(oral, 待ei检索;国际模式识别重要会议; ccf推荐)
xiao-yu zhang, shupeng wang, yanfei lv, peng li, haiping wang:
augmented self-paced learning with generative adversarial networks. in proc.
international conference on computational science (iccs), 450-456, 2018.
xiao-yu zhang, shupeng wang, xin jin, xiaobin zhu, binbin li:
effective semi-supervised learning based on local correlation. in proc.
international conference on computational science (iccs), 775-781, 2018.
shupeng wang, xiao-yu zhang*, xianglei dang, binbin li, haiping
wang: effective learning with joint discriminative and representative feature
selection. in proc. international conference on computational science (iccs),
632-638, 2018.
jinxiang ma, xinnan fan, hongchun pan, shiming xiang, zhixiang wu,
xuewu zhang. underwater image enhancement with contextual regularization and
adaptive gain compensation, 2nd international symposium on artificial
intelligence and applications. novemner 22~24,2018. changzhou, jiangsu, china.
ziping zhao, yu zheng, zixing zhang, haishuai wang, yiqin zhao,
chao li. exploring spatio-temporal representations by integrating
attention-based bidirectional-lstm-rnns and fcns for speech emotion
recognition. insterspeech 2018:272-276.
ziping zhao, yiqin zhao, zhongtian bao, haishuai wang, zixing
zhang, chao li. deep spectrum feature representations for speech emotion
recognition. asmmc-mmac’ 18:27-33.
jitao sang: deep learning interpretation. acm multimedia 2018
yang wang, zhibin pan, “a state codebook generation algorithm of
side match vector quantization,” international conference on intelligent
information hiding and multimedia signal processing, sendai, japan, november
2018, pp.305-312.
(national conference):
1. 曾道建,童国维,戴愿,李峰,韩冰,谢松县. 基于序列到序列模型的法律问题关键词抽取. 第十七届中国计算语言学大会. 2018.10.19-21 |