2017论文目录 |
list of publications |
编(专)著 |
1.pasquale foggia, cheng-lin liu, mario vento (eds.), graph-based representations in pattern recognition – 11th iapr-tc-15 international workshop gbrpr 2017, lncs 10310, isbn 978-3-310-58960-2, springer, 2017. |
章节 |
1.zhen lei, wang tao, xiangyu zhu, tianyu fu, “countermeasures to face photo spoofing attacks by exploiting structure and texture information from rotated face sequences”, mobile biometrics, guodongguo; harry wechsler (eds.). iet digital library. isbn: 978-1-78561-095-0. 2017 |
2.haijiang zhu, zhanhong zhuang, jinglin zhou, fan zhang, xuejing wang, yihong wu. segmentation of liver cyst in ultrasound image based on adaptive threshold algorithm and particle swarm optimization. multimedia tools and applications, vol. 76, pp. 8951-8968, 2017. |
3.zhenyu tang, yihong wu, and yong fan. groupwise registration of mr brain images with tumors. physics in medicine & biology, vol. 62, no. 17, pp. 6853–6868, 2017. |
4.m.yu, s. h. shen, and z.y. hu*, dynamic graph cuts in parallel, ieee transactions on image processing 26(8): 3775-3788, 2017 |
5.q. l. dong, b. liu, and z.y. hu*, comparison of it neural response statistics with simulations, frontiers in computational neuroscience, july 12, 2017 |
6.ting zhang, qiulei dong*, ming tang, zhanyi hu. two-stream deep correlation network for frontal face recovery, ieee signal processing letters,vol. 24, no.10,pp 1478 – 1482,2017 |
7.hainan cui, shuhan shen, zhanyi hu. tracks selection for robust, efficient and scalable large-scale structure from motion. pattern recognition, vol.72, pp. 341-354 2017. |
8.xiaofeng sun, xiangguo lin, shuhan shen*, zhanyi hu, high-resolution remote sensing data classification over urban areas using random forest ensemble and fully connected conditional random field, isprs international journal of geo-information,6(8),245,2017 ( doi:10.3390/ijgi6080245 ) |
9.zhang ting, dong qiulei*, qin rizhen, and hu zhanyi, physiognomy: personality traits prediction by learning, international journal of automation and computing,14(4):371-385,2017 |
10.kangwei liu, junge zhang, peipei yang, stephen maybank, kaiqi huang, “grma: generalized range move algorithms for the efficient optimization of mrfs,” international journal of computer vision, vol. 121, no. 3, pp. 365-390, 2017. |
11.weihua chen, lijun cao, xiaotang chen and kaiqi huang, “an equalised global graphical model-based approach for multi-camera object tracking,” ieee trans. on circuits and systems for video technology, vol. 27, no. 11, pp. 2367-2381, 2017. |
图象/视频处理与分析(image/video processing and analysis) |
12.haoting liu, hanqing lu, yu zhang: image enhancement for outdoor long-range surveillance using iq-learning multiscale retinex. iet image processing 11(9): 786-795 (2017) |
13.yuhang wang, jing liu, yong li, jun fu, min xu, hanqing lu: hierarchically supervised deconvolutional network for semantic video segmentation. pattern recognition 64: 437-445 (2017) |
14.from remotely sensed images by integrating saliency cue. ieee journal of selected topics in applied earth observations and remote sensing. 2017, 10(3): 906-919. |
15.yueying kao, ran he and kaiqi huang, “deep aesthetic quality assessment with semantic information,” ieee trans. on image processing, vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 1482-1495, 2017. |
16.yan huang, wei wang, liang wang and tieniu tan, “conditional high-order boltzmann machines for supervised relation learning,” ieee trans. on image processing, vol. 26, no. 9, pp. 4297-4310, 2017. |
17.lianrui fu, junge zhang and kaiqi huang, “orgm: occlusion relational graphical model for human pose estimation,” ieee trans. on image processing, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 927-941, 2017. |
18.kaiqi huang, tieniu tan, stephen j. maybank, rama chellappa and jake aggarval, “guest editorial introduction to the special issue on large-scale video analytics for enhanced security: algorithms and systems,” ieee trans. on systems, man, and cybernetics: systems, vol. 47, no. 4, pp. 589-592, 2017. |
19.kaihao zhang, yongzhen huang, yong du and liang wang, “facial expression recognition based on deep evolutional spatial-temporal networks,” ieee trans. on image processing, vol. 26, no. 9, pp. 4193-4203, 2017. |
20.fei liu, guangqi hou, zhenan sun and tieniu tan, “high quality depth map estimation of object surface from light-field images,” neurocomputing, vol. 252, pp. 3-16, 2017. |
21.yi li, yanqing guo, yueying kao and ran he, “image piece learning for weakly supervised semantic segmentation,” ieee trans. on systems, man, and cybernetics: systems, vol. 47, no. 4, pp. 648-659, 2017. |
22.chuan qin, ping ji, xinpeng zhang, jing dong and jinwei wang, “fragile image watermarking with pixel-wise recovery based on overlapping embedding strategy,” signal processing, vol. 138, pp. 280-293, 2017. |
23.bo peng, wei wang, jing dong and tieniu tan, "optimized 3d lighting environment estimation for image forgery detection," ieee transactions on information forensics and security, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 479-494, feb. 2017. |
模式识别(pattern recognition) |
24.junliang xing, zhiheng niu, junshi huang, weiming hu, xi zhou, and shuicheng yan, , “towards robust and accurate multi-view and partially-occluded face alignment,” ieee transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence (pami), vol. pp, no. 99, pp. 1-1, april. 2017. |
26.weiming hu, jin gao, junliang xing, chao zhang, and stephen maybank, “semi-supervised tensor-based graph embedding learning and its application to visual discriminant tracking,” ieee transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence (pami), vol. 39, no. 4, pp. 818-832, april 2017. |
27.houwen peng, bing li, haibin ling, weiming hu, weihua xiong, and stephen j. maybank, “salient object detection via structured matrix decomposition,” ieee transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence (pami), vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 172-188, jan. 2017. |
28.xu-yao zhang*, yoshua bengio, cheng-lin liu, new benchmark for online and offline handwritten chinese character recognition with deep convolutional network and adaptation, pattern recognition, 61: 348-360, 2017. |
29.heng zhang*, xiang-dong zhou, cheng-lin liu, keyword spotting from handwritten chinese documents based on semi-markov conditional random fields, engineering applications of artificial intelligence, 58: 49-61, 2017. |
30.yi-chao wu, fei yin, cheng-lin liu*, improving handwritten chinese text recognition using neural network language models and convolutional neural network shape models, pattern recognition, 65: 251-264, 2017. |
31.xu-yao zhang*, guo-sen xie, cheng-lin liu, yoshua bengio, end-to-end online writer identification with recurrent neural network, ieee trans. human-machine systems, 47(2): 285-292, 2017. |
32.xueyun chen, ren-xi gong, ling-ling xie, shiming xiang, cheng-lin liu, chunhong pan, building regional covariance descriptors for vehicle detection, ieee geoscience and remote sensing letters, 14(4): 524-528, 2017. |
33.guo-sen xie, xu-yao zhang, shuicheng yan, cheng-lin liu*, hybrid cnn and dictionary-based features for scene recognition and domain adaptation, ieee trans. circuits and systems for video technology, 27(6): 1263-1274, 2017. |
34.guo-sen xie, xu-yao zhang, shuicheng yan, cheng-lin liu*, sde: a novel selective, discriminative and equalizing feature representation for visual recognition, international journal of computer vision (ijcv), 124(2): 145~168, 2017. |
35.guo-sen xie, xu-yao zhang, wenhan yang, ming-liang xu, shuicheng yan, cheng-lin liu*, lg-cnn: from local parts to global discrimination for fine-grained recognition, pattern recognition, 71: 118-131, 2017. |
36.dongdong wang, xinwen hou, jiawei xu, shigang yue, cheng-lin liu*, traffic sign detection using a cascade method with fast feature extraction and saliency test, ieee trans. intelligent transportation systems, 18(12): 3290-3302, 2017. |
37.kangwei liu, junge zhang, peipei yang, stephen maybank, kaiqi huang. grma: generalized range move algorithms for the efficient optimization of mrfs. international journal of computer vision (ijcv), 121(3):365-390, february 2017. |
38.pengcheng liu, peipei yang, chong wang, kaiqi huang, tieniu tan. a semi-supervised method for surveillance-based visual location recognition. ieee transactions on cybernetics (tcyb), 47(11): 3719-3732, november 2017. |
39.zhi-yong ran, bao-gang hu, “parameter identifiability in statistical machine learning: a review”, neural computation, vol. 29, pp. 1151-1203, 2017. |
40.xu, g.-b., hu, b.-g., and principe, j., “robust c-loss kernel classifiers”, ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems. on web, 2017. |
41.xu, g.-b., gao, z., hu, b.-g., and principe, j.c., "robust support vector machines based on the rescaled hinge loss function". pattern recognition, vol. 63, pp. 138-148, 2017. |
42.wu, b.-y, hu, b.-g., and ji, q., "a coupled hidden markov random field model for simultaneous face clustering and tracking in videos". pattern recognition, vol. 64, pp. 361-373, 2017. |
43.pengcheng liu, peipei yang, chong wang, kaiqi huang and tieniu tan, “a semi-supervised method for surveillance-based visual location recognition,” ieee trans. on cybernetics, vol. 47, no. 11, pp. 3719-3732, 2017. |
44.junge zhang, kaiqi huang, tieniu tan and zhaoxiang zhang, “local structured representation for generic object detection,” frontiers of computer science, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 632-648, 2017. |
45.weiqi zhao, zhang zhang, kaiqi huang, “gestalt laws based tracklets analysis for human crowd understanding,” pattern recognition, vol.75, pp.112-127, 2017. |
46.deepak kumar jain, zhang zhang, kaiqi huang, “multi angle optimal pattern-based deep learning for automatic facial expression recognition,” pattern recognition letters, 2017. |
47.qiyue yin, shu wu and liang wang, “unified subspace learning for incomplete and unlabeled multi-view data,” pattern recognition, vol. 67, pp. 313-327, 2017. |
48.zhen zhou, yongzhen huang, liang wang and tieniu tan, “exploring generalized shape analysis by topological representations,” pattern recognition letters, vol. 87, pp. 177-185, 2017. |
49.zifeng wu, yongzhen huang, liang wang, xiaogang wang and tieniu tan, “a comprehensive study on cross-view gait based human identification with deep cnns,” ieee trans. on pattern analysis and machine intelligence (pami), vol. 39, no. 2, pp. 209-226, 2017. |
50.jie gui, zhenan sun, shuiwang ji, dacheng tao and tieniu tan, “feature selection based on structured sparsity: a comprehensive study,” ieee trans. on neural networks and learning systems, vol. 28, no. 7, pp. 1490-1507, 2017. |
51.ran he, tieniu tan, larry davis and zhenan sun, “learning structured ordinal measures for video based face recognition,” pattern recognition, vol. 75, pp. 4-14, 2017. |
52.dekui ma, jian liang, ran he and xiangwei kong, “nonlinear discrete cross-modal hashing for visual-textual data,” ieee multimedia, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 56-65, 2017. |
53.di miao, man zhang, zhenan sun, tieniu tan and zhaofeng he, “bin-based classifier fusion of iris and face biometrics,” neurocomputing, vol. 224, pp. 105-118, 2017. |
54.nianfeng liu, jing liu, zhenan sun and tieniu tan, “a code-level approach to heterogeneous iris recognition,” ieee trans. information forensics and security, vol. 12, no. 10, pp. 2373-2386, 2017. |
机器学习(machine learning) |
55.kekai sheng, weiming dong, wei li, joseph razik, feiyue huang, bao-gang hu: centroid-aware local discriminative metric learning in speaker verification. pattern recognition 72: 176-185 (2017) |
数据挖掘(data mining) |
56.shu wu, qiang liu, liang wang and tieniu tan, contextual operation for recommender systems, ieee trans. on knowledge and data engineering, vol. 28, no. 8, pp. 2000-2012, 2016. |
57.qiang liu, shu wu and liang wang, “multi-behavioral sequential prediction with recurrent log-bilinear model,” ieee trans. on knowledge and data engineering (tkde), vol. 29, no. 6, pp. 1254-1267, 2017. |
计算机图形学(computer graphics) |
58.abdalla g. m. ahmed; jianwei guo; dong-ming yan; jean-yves franceschi; xiaopeng zhang; oliver deussen. a simple push-pull algorithm for blue-noise sampling. ieee transactions on visualization and computer graphics. 23(12): 2496-2508, 2017 |
59.kaimo hu, dong-ming yan, david bommes, pierre alliez, bedrich benes, error-bounded and feature preserving surface remeshing with minimal angle improvement. ieee trans. vis. comput. graph.23(12): 2560-2573, 2017 |
60.yong zhang, weiming dong, chongyang ma, xing mei, ke li, feiyue huang, bao-gang hu, oliver deussen: data-driven synthesis of cartoon faces using different styles. ieee transactions on image processing 26(1): 464-478 (2017) |
61.juntao ye, guanghui ma, liguo jiang, lan chen, jituo li, gang xiong, xiaopeng zhang, min tang, a unified cloth untangling framework through discrete collision detection. computer graphics forum, vol. 36, no.7, pp. 217-228, 2017. |
62.xiaopeng zhang, guanbo bao, weiliang meng, marc jaeger, hongjun li, oliver deussen and baoquan chen. tree branch level of detail models for forest navigation. computer graphics forum. 2017, 36(8): 402-417. |
63.weiliang meng, jianwei guo, xavier bonaventura, mateu sbert and xiaopeng zhang. shape exploration of 3d heterogeneous models based on cages. multimedia tools and applications. 2017, 76(10): 12369–12390. |
64.hongjun li, xiaopeng zhang, weiliang meng and lin ge. visualization of tomato growth based on dry matter flow. international journal of computer games technology. 2017, 2017(8): 1-12. |
多媒体计算(multimedia computing). |
65.yuxin peng, wen-wu zhu, yao zhao, changsheng xu, qingming huang, hanqing lu, qing-hua zheng, tiejun huang, wen gao: cross-media analysis and reasoning: advances and directions. frontiers of it & ee 18(1): 44-57 (2017) |
66.chaoyang zhao, jinqiao wang, jianqiang li, hanqing lu: automatic group activity annotation for mobile videos. multimedia syst. 23(6): 667-677 (2017) |
67.chaoyang zhao, jinqiao wang, hanqing lu: learning discriminative context models for concurrent collective activity recognition. multimedia tools appl. 76(5): 7401-7420 (2017) |
68.peisong wang, qinghao hu, zhiwei fang, chaoyang zhao, jian chen, deepsearch: a fast image search framework for mobile devices. acm transactions on multimedia computing, communications, and applications. volume 14 issue 1, article no. 6 |
69.junyu gao, tianzhu zhang, xiaoshan yang, changsheng xu, deep relative tracking. ieee trans. image processing 26(4): 1845-1858 (2017) |
70.fudong nian, teng li, yan wang, xinyu wu, bingbing ni, changsheng xu: learning explicit video attributes from mid-level representation for video captioning. computer vision and image understanding 163: 126-138 (2017) |
71.m. shamim hossain, changsheng xu, ying li, al-sakib khan pathan, josu bilbao, wenjun zeng, abdulmotaleb el-saddik: impact of next-generation mobile technologies on iot-cloud convergence. ieee communications magazine 55(1): 18-19 (2017) |
72.sang, jitao; fang, quan; xu, changsheng. exploiting social-mobile information for location visualization. acm transactions on intelligent systems and technology. 8(3): 39:1-39:19 (2017) |
73.lei yu, bing-kun bao, changsheng xu. a discriminative graph inferring framework towards weakly supervised image parsing. multimedia systems. february 2017, volume 23, issue 1, pp 5–18 |
74.yuxin peng, wen-wu zhu, yao zhao, changsheng xu, qingming huang, hanqing lu, qing-hua zheng, tiejun huang, wen gao. cross-media analysis and reasoning: advances and directions. frontiers of information technology & electronic engineering. 44-57 (2017) |
75.m. shamim hossain, changsheng xu, abdel monim m. artoli, m. manzur murshed, stefan goebel. cloud-based multimedia services for healthcare and other related applications. future generation computer systems-the international journal of escience. 27-29(2017) |
76.shengsheng qian, tianzhu zhang, changsheng xu: a generic framework for social event analysis. icmr 2017: 480-483 |
77.fudong nian, bing-kun bao, teng li, changsheng xu. multi-modal knowledge representation learning via webly-supervised relationships mining. the acm international conference on multimedia2017. 411-419,2017 |
78.tianzhu zhang, changsheng xu, ming-hsuan yang. multi-task correlation particle filter for robust visual tracking. international conference on computer vision and pattern recognition. 4819-4827,2017 |
79.junyu gao, tianzhu zhang, changsheng xu. a unified personalized video recommendation via dynamic recurrent neural networks. acm international conference on multimedia. 127-135,2017 |
80.xiaowen huang, yuqi gao, quan fang, jitao sang, changsheng xu. towards smp challenge: stacking of diverse models for social image popularity prediction.acm multimedia 2017. 1895-1900,2017 |
81.yuqi gao, jitao sang, tongwei ren, changsheng xu. towards smp challenge: stacking of diverse models for social image popularity prediction. acm multimedia 2017.1924-1932,2017 |
82.huaiwen zhang, jiaming zhang, jitao sang, changsheng xu. a demo for image-based personality test. multimedia modeling 2017. 433-437,2017 |
83.liancheng xiang, jitao sang, changsheng xu. demographic attribute inference from social multimedia behaviors: a cross-osn approach. multimedia modeling 2017. 515-526,2017 |
84.jia liu, weiming dong, xiaopeng zhang, zhiguo jiang: orientation judgment for abstract paintings. multimedia tools and applications 76(1): 1017-1036 (2017) |
生物特征信息处理(biometric information processing) |
85.kai li, junliang xing, weiming hu, and stephen j. maybank, “d2c: deep cumulatively and comparatively learning for human age estimation,” pattern recognition, vol. 66, pp. 95-105, 2017. |
86.junliang xing, kai li, weiming hu, chunfeng yuan, and haibin ling, “diagnosing deep learning models for high accuracy age estimation from a single image,” pattern recognition, vol. 66, pp. 106-116, 2017. |
87.jianqing zhu, huanqiangzeng, shengcai liao, zhen lei, canhuicai, lixinzheng, “deep hybrid similarity learning for person re-identification”, ieee transaction on circuits and systems for video technology, 2017 |
88.jianqing zhu, shengcai liao, zhen lei, stan z. li, “multi-label convolutional neural network based pedestrian attribute classification”, image and vision computing, vol 58: 224-229, 2017. |
89.hugo jair escalante, isabelle guyon, vassilisathitsos, pat jangyodsuk, jun wan, "principal motion components for one-shot gesture recognition", pattern analysis and applications, vol 20, no. 1, pp.167-182, 2017. |
90.longyin wen, zhen lei, ming-ching chang, honggang qi, siweilyu. “multi-camera multi-target tracking with space-time-view hyper-graph”. international journal of computer vision (ijcv), volume 122, issue 2, pp 313–333, april 2017. |
91.hailin shi, xiaobo wang, dong yi, zhen lei, xiangyu zhu, stan z. li. “cross-modality face recognition via heterogeneous joint bayesian”, ieee signal processing letters, 24(1): 81-85, 2017. |
95.chen, y., yu, j., niu, y., qin, d., liu, h., li, g., hu, y., wang, j., lu, y., kang, y., jiang, y., wu, k., li, s., wei, j., he, j., wang, j., liu, x., luo, y., si, c., bai, r., zhang, k., liu, j., huang, s., chen, z., wang, s., chen, x., bao, x., zhang, q., li, f., geng, r., liang, a., shen, d., jiang, t., hu, x., ma, y., ji, w., sun, y.e., 2017. modeling rett syndrome using talen-edited mecp2 mutant cynomolgus monkeys. cell 169, 945-955 e910. |
140.zhang, y., fan, l., caspers, s., heim, s., song, m., liu, c., mo, y., eickhoff, s.b., amunts, k., jiang, t., 2017c. cross-cultural consistency and diversity in intrinsic functional organization of broca's region. neuroimage 150, 177-190. |
141.zheng, f., xie, w., 2017. high-sensitivity c-reactive protein and cognitive decline: the english longitudinal study of ageing. psychological medicine, 1-9. |
142.zheng, f., yan, h., liu, b., yue, w., fan, l., liao, j., cui, y., lu, t., jiang, t., zhang, d., 2017. aldh2 glu504lys confers susceptibility to schizophrenia and impacts hippocampal-prefrontal functional connectivity. cereb cortex 27, 2034-2040. |
语音语言技术(speech and language technology) |
143.ya li, jianhua tao, wei lai, xiaoying xu, quantitative intonation modeling of interrogative sentences for mandarin speech synthesis, speech communication, volume 89, pp:92-102,2017.05, sci. |
144.zhengqi wen, kehuang li, zhen huang, chin-hui lee, jianhua tao, improving deep neural network based speech synthesis through contextual feature parametrization and multi-task learning, journal of signal processing systems,2017.10.02, doi 10.1007/s11265-017-1293-z.sci. |
145.yibin zheng, ya li, zhengqi wen, bin liu and jianhua tao, investigating deep neural network adaptation for generating exclamatory and interrogative speech in mandarin, ieee journal of signal processing system,2017.9.26, doi 10.1007/s11265-017-1290-2, sci. |
146.jiangyan yi, zhengqi wen, jianhua tao, hao ni, bin liu, ctc regularized model adaptation for improving lstm rnn based multi-accent mandarin speech recognition journal of signal processing systems,2017.9.23, doi 10.1007/s11265-017-1291-1, sci. |
147.yukang jia, zhicheng wu, yanyan xu, dengfeng ke, kaile su, “long short-term memory projection recurrent neural network architectures for piano's continuous note recognition,” j. robotics vol.2017, article id:2061827, 1-7 (https://doi.org/10.1155/2017/2061827),2017. |
148.yanyan xu, dengfeng ke, kaile su, “contextualized latent semantic indexing: a new approach to automated chinese essay scoring”, j. intelligent systems 26(2): 2017, 263-285. |
149.haoran li, jiajun zhang and chengqing zong. implicit discourse relation recognition for english and chinese with multiview modeling and effective representation learning. acm transactions on asian and low-resource language information processing (tallip), vol.16, no. 3, article 19, 21 pages, march 2017. |
150.shaonan wang and chengqing zong. comparison study on critical components in composition model for phrase representation, acm transactions on asian language and low-resource language information processing (tallip), vol. 16, no. 3, article 16, 25 pages, january 2017. |
国内刊物(national journals) |
1.hainan cui, shuhan shen, zhanyi hu, global fusion of generalized camera model for efficient large-scale structure from motion, science china: information science, 60(3): 038101 |
2.王伟,高伟,朱海,胡占义,快速鲁棒的城市场景分段平面重建,自动化学报,第43卷,第4期,pp.674-684,2017 |
3.刘国帅、仲伟峰、殷飞、刘成林,自然场景图像与合成图像的快速分类,中国图象图形学报,22(5): 678-687, 2017. |
4.董晶, 钱银龙, 王伟, “图像隐写分析研究新进展,” 图像与信号处理, vol. 03, no. 03, pp. 131-138, 2017. |
5.吴书, 刘强, 王亮, 情境大数据建模及其在用户行为预测中的应用, 大数据杂志, vol. 2, no. 6, pp. 110-117, 2016. |
6.刘斌,陶建华,联合长短时记忆递归神经网络和非负矩阵分解的语音混响消除方法, 《信号处理》,vol.33,no.3,pp.268-272,2017.03. |
7.王晓斌,黄金杰,刘文举,基于优化卷积神经网络结构的交通标志识别,《计算机应用》,第 37 卷,第2 期, pp 530-534,2017 |
9.杨真,徐士彪,孟维亮,葛水英,杨东明,张晓鹏。基于快速引导滤波的景深实时渲染方法,《中国体视学与图像分析》,2017 (2) :216-223。 |
10.严冬明; 胡楷模; 郭建伟; 王逸群; 张义宽; 张晓鹏, 各向同性三角形重新网格化方法综述, 计算机科学,2017,44(8):9-17. |
11.全卫泽,郭建伟,张义宽,孟维亮,张晓鹏,严冬明,基于采样半径优化的最大化poisson圆盘采样,中国科学信息科学. 47(4), 442-454(2017); |
国际会议(international conferences) |
计算机视觉(computer vision) |
1.yang du, chunfeng yuan, hao yang, weiming hu, and stephen maybank, “spatio-temporal self-organizing map deep network for dynamic object detection from videos,” ieee conference on computer vision and pattern recognition (cvpr), 5475-5484. 2017. |
2.hao yang, chunfeng yuan, junliang xing, and weiming hu, “diversity encouraging ensemble of convolutional networks for high performance action recognition,” ieee international conference image processing, beijing, china, september, pp.2846-2850, 2017. |
3.hao yang, chunfeng yuan, junliang xing, and weiming hu, “scnn: sequential convolutional neural network for human action recognition in videos,” ieee international conference image processing, beijing, china, september, pp.355-359, 2017. |
4.congqi cao, yifan zhang, yi wu, hanqing lu, jian cheng: egocentric gesture recognition using recurrent 3d convolutional neural networks with spatiotemporal transformer modules. international conference on computer vision, 2017 |
5.peisong wang,jian cheng: fixed-point factorized networks. ieee conference on computer vision and pattern recognition, 2017 |
6.xiaomei zhao, yihong wu, guidong song, zhenye li, yazhuo zhang, and yong fan. brain 3d brain tumor segmentation through integrating multiple 2d fcnns. proceedings miccai-brats workshop, 2017. |
7.yihong wu, haoren wang, and fulin tang. conic fitting: new easy geometric method and revisiting sampson distance. acpr, 2017. |
8.hainan cui, xiang gao, shuhan shen, zhanyi hu, hsfm: hybrid structure-from-motion, the ieee conference on computer vision and pattern recognition (cvpr), july 21 – 26, honolulu, hawaii , usa,pp: 2393-2402,2017 |
9.yang zhou, shuhan shen, xiang gao, zhanyi hu. accurate mesh-based alignment for ground and aerial multi-view stereo models. ieee international conference on image processing, sept.17-20, beijing, china, pp: 2627-2631. 2017. |
10.hainan cui, shuhan shen, xiang gao, zhanyi hu. csfm: community-based structure from motion. ieee international conference on image processing, sept.17-20, beijing, china, pp: 4517-4521, 2017. |
11.hainan cui, shuhan shen, xiang gao, zhanyi hu. batched incremental structure-from-motion. international conference on 3d vision (3dv 2017), october 10-12 qingdao, china, pp: 205-214, 2017 |
12.lingjie zhu, shuhan shen, lihua hu, and zhanyi hu. variational building modeling from urban mvs meshes. international conference on 3d vision (3dv 2017), october 10-12 qingdao, china, pp: 318-326, 2017 |
13.xinrui meng, wei gao*, and zhanyi hu, robust 3d indoor map building via rgb-d slam with adaptive imu fusion on robot, international conference on image and graphics (icig2017) |
14.bingke zhu, yingying chen, jinqiao wang, si liu, bo zhang, ming tang,fast deep matting for portrait animation on mobile phone,acm multimedia,acm mm pp:297-305,2017,mountain view, us. |
15.xu zhao,yingying chen, ming tang, jinqiao wang ,joint background reconstruction and foreground segementation via a two-stage convolutional neural network, the ieee international conference on multimedia & expo.(icme2017), id:388,july 10-14,2017, hong kong,china |
16.fei zhao, ming tang, yihongwu, jinqiao wang, densetracker: a multi-task dense network for visual tracking, the ieee international conference on multimedia & expo (icme2017), pp:607--612,july 10-14, 2017, hong kong,china . |
17.yang zhou, shuhan shen, a new visibility model for surface reconstruction, ccf chinese conference on computer vision 2017, tianjing china |
18.yurui tian, bin fan, fucha wu, l2-net: deep learning of discriminative patch descriptor in euclidean space, ieee conference on computer vision and pattern recognition, cvpr 2017, pages: 6128 – 6136, july 21-26,2017, honolulu, hawaii, usa |
19.weihua chen, xiaotang chen, jianguo zhang and kaiqi huang, “beyond triplet loss: a deep quadruplet network for person re-identification,” proc. ieee conference on computer vision and pattern recognition, pp. 1320-1329, july 2017, honolulu, hawaii, usa. |
20.dangwei li, xiaotang chen, zhang zhang and kaiqi huang, “learning deep context-aware features over body and latent parts for person re-identification,” proc. ieee conference on computer vision and pattern recognition, pp. 384-393, july 2017, honolulu, hawaii, usa. |
21.yanhua cheng, rui cai, zhiwei li, xin zhao and kaiqi huang, “locality-sensitive deconvolution networks with gated fusion for rgb-d indoor semantic segmentation,” proc. ieee conference on computer vision and pattern recognition, pp. 3029-3037, july 2017, honolulu, hawaii, usa. |
22.yupei wang, xin zhao and kaiqi huang, “deep crisp boundaries,” proc. ieee conference on computer vision and pattern recognition, pp. 3892-3900, july 2017, honolulu, hawaii, usa. |
23.yan huang, wei wang and liang wang, “instance-aware image and sentence matching with selective multimodal lstm,” proc. ieee conference on computer vision and pattern recognition, pp. 7254-7262, july 2017, honolulu, hawaii, usa. |
24.hongsong wang and liang wang, “modeling temporal dynamics and spatial configurations of actions using two-stream recurrent neural networks,” proc. ieee conference on computer vision and pattern recognition, pp. 3633-3642, july 2017, honolulu, hawaii, usa. |
25.jingyu liu, liang wang and ming-hsuan yang, “referring expression generation and comprehension via attributes,” proc. ieee international conference on computer vision, pp. 4856-4864, october 2017, venice, italy. |
26.zhen zhou, yan huang, wei wang, liang wang and tieniu tan, “see the forest for the trees: joint spatial and temporal recurrent neural networks for video-based person re-identification,” proc. ieee conference on computer vision and pattern recognition, pp. 6776-6785, july 2017, honolulu, hawaii, usa. |
27.bo peng, wei wang, jing dong and tieniu tan, “position determines perspective: investigating perspective distortion for image forensics of faces,” proc. ieee conference on computer vision and pattern recognition workshops (cvprw), pp. 1813-1821, july 2017, honolulu, hawaii, usa. |
28.huaibo huang, ran he, zhenan sun and tieniu tan, “wavelet-srnet: a wavelet-based cnn for multi-scale face super resolution,” proc. ieee international conference on computer vision, pp.1813-1821, october 2017, venice, italy. |
29.rui huang, shu zhang, tianyu li and ran he, “beyond face rotation: global and local perception gan for photorealistic and identity preserving frontal view synthesis,” proc. ieee international conference on computer vision, pp. 2439-2448, october 2017, venice, italy. |
模式识别(pattern recognition) |
30.jie yang, chunhong pan, cheng-lin liu, xinwei jiang, enhancement of low light level images with regression methods, proc. 9th international conference on digital image processing (icdip 2017), hong kong, may 19-22, 2017. |
31.guibo zhu, zhaoxiang zhang, xu-yao zhang, cheng-lin liu, diverse neuron type selection for convolutional neural networks, international joint conference on artificial intelligence (ijcai-17), melbourne, august 19-25, 2017. pp.3560-3566. |
32.bi-ren tan, fei yin, yi-chao wu, cheng-lin liu, chinese handwriting generation by neural network based style transformation, proc. 9th int. conf. on image and graphics (icig), shanghai, 2017. |
33.ting-bing xu, peipei yang, xu-yao zhang, cheng-lin liu, margin-aware binarized weight networks for image classification, proc. 9th int. conf. on image and graphics (icig), shanghai, 2017. |
34.nibal nayef, fei yin, imen bizid, hyunsoo choi, yuan feng, dimosthenis karatzas, et al., cheng-lin liu, jean-marc ogier, icdar2017 robust reading challenge on multi-lingual scene text detection and script identification – rrc-mlt, proc. 14th int. conf. document analysis and recognition (icdar), osaka, japan, november 10-15, 2017, pp.1454-1459. |
35.zhuo chen, yichao wu, fei yin and cheng-lin liu, simultaneous script identification and handwriting recognition via multi-task learning of recurrent neural networks, proc. 14th int. conf. document analysis and recognition (icdar), osaka, japan, november 10-15, 2017, pp.525-530. |
36.xue-hang yang, wenhao he, fei yin and cheng-lin liu, a unified video text detection method with network flow, proc. 14th int. conf. document analysis and recognition (icdar), osaka, japan, november 10-15, 2017, pp.332-337. |
37.tie-qiang wang, fei yin and cheng-lin liu, radical-based chinese character recognition via multi-labeled learning of deep residual networks, proc. 14th int. conf. document analysis and recognition (icdar), osaka, japan, november 10-15, 2017, pp.579-584. |
38.hong-ming yang, xu-yao zhang, fei yin and cheng-lin liu, handwriting style mixture adaptation, proc. 14th int. conf. document analysis and recognition (icdar), osaka, japan, november 10-15, 2017, pp.998-1003. |
39.yi-chao wu, fei yin, zhuo chen and cheng-lin liu, handwritten chinese text recognition using separable multi-dimensional recurrent neural network, proc. 14th int. conf. document analysis and recognition (icdar), osaka, japan, november 10-15, 2017, pp.79-84. |
40.yue xu, wenhao he, fei yin and cheng-lin liu, page segmentation for historical handwritten documents using fully convolutional networks, proc. 14th int. conf. document analysis and recognition (icdar), osaka, japan, november 10-15, 2017, pp.541-546. |
41.cong wang, fei yin and cheng-lin liu, scene text detection with novel superpixel based character candidate extraction, proc. 14th int. conf. document analysis and recognition (icdar), osaka, japan, november 10-15, 2017, pp.929-934. |
42.wenhao he, xu-yao zhang, fei yin, cheng-lin liu, deep direct regression for multi-oriented scene text detection, international conference on computer vision (iccv 2017), venice, italy, oct. 22-29, 2017, pp.745-753. |
43.zi-jian xing, fei yin, yi-chao wu, cheng-lin liu, offline signature verification using convolution siamese network, proceedings of the 9th international conference on graphic and image processing (icgip’2017). |
44.guo-shuai liu, fei yin, zhenbo luo and cheng-lin liu, fast genre classification of web images using global and local features, proc. 4th asian conference on pattern recognition (acpr), nanjing, china, november 26-29, 2017, pp.834-839. |
45.zhao zhong, fei yin, xu-yao zhang and cheng-lin liu, handwritten chinese character blind inpainting with conditional generative adversarial nets, proc. 4th asian conference on pattern recognition (acpr), nanjing, china, november 26-29, 2017, pp.804-809. |
46.wujiahemaiti simayi, askar hamdulla, cheng-lin liu, holistic handwritten uyghur word recognition using convolutional neural networks, proc. 4th asian conference on pattern recognition (acpr), nanjing, china, november 26-29, 2017, pp.846-851. |
47.hanjun dai, bo dai, yan-ming zhang, shuang li, and le song. recurrent hidden semi-markov model. in international conference on learning representations (iclr), toulon, france, april 24-26, 2017. |
48.weiyang liu, yan-ming zhang, xingguo li, zhiding yu, bo dai, tuo zhao, le song. deep hyperspherical learning. in advances on neural information processing systems (nips), long beach, usa, december 4-9, 2017. |
49.wenzhen huang, peipei yang, kaiqi huang. a self-paced category-aware approach for unsupervised adaptation networks. the ieee international conference on data mining (icdm), 2017. |
50.wenzhen huang, peipei yang, kaiqi huang. from classification to regression: model transfer for visual aesthetic quality assessment. the 4th conference on pattern recognition (acpr), 2017. |
51.fan, y., lyu, s., ying, y. and hu, b.-g., "learning with average top-k loss", in: nips-2017. |
52.fan, y., he, r., liang, j., and hu, b.-g., "self-paced learning: an implicit regularizationperspective", in: aaai-2017. |
53.xuecai hu, xin zhao, kaiqi huang and tieniu tan, “adversarial learning based saliency detection,” proc. asian conference on pattern recognition, pp. 256-261, november 2017, nanjing, china. |
54.wenzhen huang, peipei yang and kaiqi huang, “from classification to regression: model transfer for visual aesthetic quality assessment,” proc. asian conference on pattern recognition, pp. 304-309, november 2017, nanjing, china. |
55.yang zhou, kai yu, biao leng, zhang zhang, dangwei li, kaiqi huang, bailan feng and chunfeng yao, "weakly-supervised learning of mid-level features for pedestrian attribute recognition and localization," proc. british machine vision conference, pp. 1-9, september 2017, london, britain. |
56.hongsong wang and liang wang, “learning robust representations using recurrent neural networks for skeleton based action classification and detection,” proc. ieee conference on multimedia and expo workshop on large scale 3d human activity analysis challenge in depth videos, pp. 591-596, july 2017, hong kong, china. |
57.yuqi zhang, yongzhen huang and liang wang, “multi-task deep learning for fast online multiple object tracking,” proc. asian conference on pattern recognition, pp. 138-143, november 2017, nanjing, china. |
58.jiabin ma, wei wang and liang wang, "irregular convolutional neural networks,” proc. asian conference on pattern recognition, pp. 268-273, november 2017, nanjing, china. |
59.zhihe lu, zhihang li, jie cao, ran he and zhenan sun, “recent progress of face image synthesis,” proc. asian conference on pattern recognition, pp. 7-12, november 2017, nanjing, china. |
60.yibo hu, xiang wu and ran he, “attention-set based metric learning for video face recognition,” proc. asian conference on pattern recognition, pp. 97-102, november 2017, nanjing, china. |
61.yunbo wang, dong cao and zhenan sun, “target code guided binary hashing representations with deep neural network,” proc. asian conference on pattern recognition, pp. 530-535, november 2017, nanjing, china. |
62.qi li, ran he, zhenan sun and tieniu tan, “fast multi-view face alignment via multi-task auto-encoders,” proc. international joint conference on biometrics, october 2017, denver, colorado, usa. |
人工智能(artificial intelligence) |
63.man zhang, ran he, dong cao, zhenan sun and tieniu tan, simultaneous feature and sample reduction for image-set classification, proc. aaai conference on artificial intelligence, pp. 1401-1407, february 2016, phoenix, usa. |
64.weihua chen, xiaotang chen, jianguo zhang, kaiqi huang, “a multi-task deep network for person re-identification,” proc. aaai conference on artificial intelligence, pp. 3988-3994, february 2017, san francisco, california, usa. |
65.wei tang, gang hua and liang wang, “how to train a compact binary neural network with high accuracy,” proc. aaai conference on artificial intelligence, pp. 2625-2631, february 2017, san francisco, california, usa. |
66.xiaohan li, shu wu and liang wang, “blood pressure prediction via recurrent models with contextual layer,” proc. international conference on world wide web, pp. 685-693, april 2017, perth, australia. |
67.feng yu, qiang liu, shu wu, liang wang and tieniu tan, “a convolutional approach for misinformation identification,” proc. international joint conference on artificial intelligence (ijcai), pp. 3901-3907, august 2017, melbourne, australia. |
68.ran he, xiang wu, zhenan sun and tieniu tan, “learning invariant deep representation for nir-vis face recognition,” proc. aaai conference on artificial intelligence, pp. 2000-2006, february 2017, san francisco, california, usa. |
69.yanbo fan, ran he, jian liang and baogang hu, “self-paced learning: an implicit regularization perspective,” proc. aaai conference on artificial intelligence, pp. 1877-1883, february 2017, san francisco, california, usa. |
70.qi li, zhenan sun, ran he and tieniu tan, “deep supervised discrete hashing,” proc. conference on neural information processing systems (nips) december 2017, long beach, usa. |
机器学习(machine learning) |
71.qinghao hu, jiaxiang wu, lu bai, yifan zhang, jian cheng: fast k-means for large scale clustering. international conference on information and knowledge management (2017) |
数据挖掘(data mining) |
72.feng yu, qiang liu, shu wu, liang wang and tieniu tan, a dynamic recurrent model for next basket recommendation, proc. acm sigir conference on research and development in information retrieval, pp. 729-732, july 2016, pisa, italy. |
73.wenzhen huang, peipei yang and kaiqi huang, “a self-paced category-aware approach for unsupervised adaptation networks,” proc. ieee international conference on data mining (icdm), november 2017, new orleans, louisiana, usa. |
74.qiang liu, shu wu and liang wang, “deepstyle: learning user preferences for visual recommendation,” acm sigir conference on research and development in information retrieval (sigir), pp. 84-844, 2017. |
生物特征信息处理(biometric information processing ) |
75.jun wan, sergio escalera, anbarjafarigholamreza, hugo jair escalante, xavier baro, isabelle guyon, meysammadadi, allikjuri, gorbovajelena, chi lin, yiliangxie, "results and analysis of chalearn lap multi-modal isolated and continuous gesture recognition, and real versus fake expressed emotions challenges ", iccv workshops, 2017. |
76.yiliang chen, zichang tan, alex po leung, jun wan, jianguo zhang, "multi-region ensemble convolutional neural networks for high accuracy age estimation", bmvc 2017. |
77.shifeng zhang, xiangyu zhu, zhen lei, hailin shi, xiaobo wang, stan z. li, "s3fd: single shot scale-invariant face detector", in proceedings of ieee international conference on computer vision, (iccv2017). venice, oct. 22-29, 2017. |
78.xiaobo wang, xiaojieguo, zhen lei, changqing zhang, stan z. li. “exclusivity-consistency regularized multi-view subspace clustering”, in proceedings of ieee international conference on computer vision and pattern recognition, (cvpr2017). honolulu, hawaii, july 21-july 26, 2017. |
79.shifeng zhang, xiangyu zhu, zhen lei, hailin shi, xiaobo wang, and stan z. li, "faceboxes: a cpu real-time face detector with high accuracy", in proceedings of the iapr/ieee international joint conference on biometrics (ijcb2017), denver, colorado, usa, october 1-4, 2017. |
80.haibo jin, xiaobo wang, shengcai liao, stan z. li, "deep person re-identification with improved embedding and efficient training", inproceedings of the iapr/ieee international joint conference on biometrics (ijcb2017), denver, colorado, usa, october 1-4, 2017. |
81.jianzhuguo, shuai zhou, jinlin wu, jun wan, xiangyu zhu, zhen lei, stan z. li "multi-modality network with visual and geometrical information for micro emotion recognition", winner of joint challenge on dominant and complementary emotion recognition using micro emotion features and head, in conjunction with fg2017, washington, dc. may 30 –june 3, 2017. |
82.yang yang, longyinwen, siweilyu, stan z. li, "unsupervised learning of multi-level descriptors for person re-identification", in proceedings of the thirty-first aaai conference on artificial intelligence, (aaai 2017), san francisco, california usa, february 4–9, 2017. |
83.hailin shi, xiaobo wang, dong yi, zhen lei, xiangyu zhu, stan z. li. “cross-modality face recognition via heterogeneous joint bayesian”, ieee signal processing letters, 24(1): 81-85, 2017. |
计算机图形学(computer graphics) |
84.mengdan zhang, jiashi feng, junliang xing, and weiming hu, “robust visual object tracking with top-down reasoning,” acm multimedia conference (acm mm), pp.226-234,2017. |
85.xinying liu, hongjun li, weiliang meng, shiming xiang and xiaopeng zhang. 3d point cloud classification based on discrete conditional random field. edutainment 2017. bournemouth, united kingdom 2017: 115--137. |
86.xingjia pan, juntao ye, fan tang, weiming dong, feiyue huang, and xiaopeng zhang. 2017. content-based measure of image set diversity. in siggraph asia 2017 posters (sa '17). acm, new york, ny, usa, article 43, 2 pages. |
87.yingying deng, fan tang, weiming dong, hanxing yao, and bao-gang hu. 2017. style-oriented representative paintings selection. in siggraph asia 2017 posters (sa '17). acm, new york, ny, usa, article 12, 2 pages. jianwei guo, zhanglin cheng, shibiao xu, xiaopeng zhang. realistic procedural plant modeling guided by 3d point cloud. siggraph 2017. los angeles, us. 85:1--85:2, |
88.jiawei han, dong-ming yan, lili wang, qinping zhao. computing restricted voronoi diagram on graphics hardware. pacific graphics 2017, taiwan. 23-26 |
89.yiqun wang, dong-ming yan, chengcheng tang, xiaohan liu. obtuse triangle elimination for isotropic remeshing. siggraph posters 2017. los angeles, us. 81:1-81:2 |
90.lifang wu, miao yu, yisong gao, dong-ming yan, ligang liu. multi-dof 3d printing with visual surveillance. siggraph asia posters 2017 tailand. 6:1-6:2 |
91.jianwei, guo, zhanglin cheng, shibiao xu, xiaopeng zhang, realistic procedural plant modeling guided by 3d point cloud, acm siggraph poster, 85:1-85:2, 2017 |
92.xinying liu, hongjun li, weiliang meng, shiming xiang and xiaopeng zhang, 3d point cloud classification based on discrete conditional random field. edutainment 2017. bournemouth, united kingdom 2017: 115-137. |
图象/视频处理与分析(image/video processing and analysis) |
93.yousong zhu, chaoyang zhao, jinqiao wang, xu zhao, yi wu, hanqing lu: couplenet: coupling global structure with local parts for object detection. corr abs/1708.02863 (2017) |
94.jun fu, jing liu, yuhang wang, hanqing lu: densely connected deconvolutional network for senantic segmentation.ieee international conference on image processing (2017) |
95.yating he, min huang, qinghai miao, haiyun guo and jinqiao wang: deep embedding network for robust age estimation. ieee international conference on image processing (2017) |
96.quan liu, yingying chen, jinqiao wang and sijiong zhang: joint visual context for pedestrian captioning. international conference on internet multimedia computing and service (2017) |
97.longquan dai, mengke yuan, zechao li, xiaopeng zhang, jinhui tang, hardware-efficient guided image filtering for multi-label problem, ieee conference on computer vision and pattern recognition 2017: 4905-4913 |
98.yueying kao, ran he and kaiqi huang, “automatic image cropping with aesthetic map and gradient energy map,” proc. ieee international conference on acoustics, speech and signal processing (icassp), pp. 1982-1986, march 2017, new orleans, usa. |
99.zhen jia, junge zhang, kaiqi huang and tieniu tan, “encyclopedia enhanced semantic embedding for zero-shot learning,” proc. ieee international conference on image processing, pp. 1287-1291september 2017, beijing, china. |
100.yabei li,junge zhang, yanhua cheng, kaiqi huang and tieniu tan, “semantics-guided multi-level rgb-d feature fusion for indoor semantic segmentation,” proc. ieee international conference on image processing, pp. 1262-1266, september 2017,beijing, china. |
101.yonggwon ri, jing dong, wei wang and tieniu tan, “adaptive histogram shifting based reversible data hiding,” international conference on intelligent information hiding and multimedia signal processing, pp. 42-50, august 2017, matsue, shimane, japan. |
102.jiedong hao, wei wang, jing dong and tieniu tan, “mfc: a multi-scale fully convolutional approach for visual instance retrieval,” pro. ieee international conference on multimedia and expo (icme), july 2017, hong kong, china. |
103.jun guo, yanqing guo, xiangwei kong and ran he, “unsupervised feature selection with ordinal locality,” proc. ieee international conference on multimedia and expo, july 2017, hong kong, china. |
104.yanli chen, hongxia wang and hanzhou wu, “data hiding-based video error concealment method using compressed sensing,” proc. international conference on cloud computing and security (icccs'17), pp. 28-38, june 2017, nanjing, china. |
105.yong liu, hongxia wang, hanzhou wu and yi chen, “an efficient copy-move detection algorithm based on superpixel segmentation and harris key-points,” proc. international conference on cloud computing and security (icccs'17), pp. 61-73, june 2017, nanjing, china. |
106.haichao shi, jing dong, wei wang, yinlong qian, and xiaoyu zhang, “ssgan: secure steganography based on generative adversarial networks,” proc. pacific-rim conference on multimedia, harbin, september, 2017. |
多媒体计算(multimedia computing) |
107.han yu, guanghui ren, ruihe qian, yao sun, changhu wang, hanqing lu, si liu: rsvp: a real-time surveillance video parsing system with single frame supervision. acm multimedia 2017: 1257-1258 |
108.longteng guo, jing liu, yuhang wang, zhonghua luo, wei wen, hanqing lu: sketch-based image retrieval using generative adversarial networks. acm multimedia 2017: 1267-1268 |
109.qinghao hu, jiaxiang wu, jian cheng, lifang wu, hanqing lu: pseudo label based unsupervised deep discriminative hashing for image retrieval. acm multimedia 2017: 1584-1590 |
110.yunze gao, yingying chen, jinqiao wang, hanqing lu: reading scene text with attention convolutional sequence modeling. corr abs/1709.04303 (2017) |
医学图像分析(medical image analysis) |
111.gao s, osuch ea, wammes m, théberge j, jiang t, calhoun vd, sui j. discriminating bipolar disorder from major depression based on kernel svm using functional independent components. ieee conference on machine learning for signal processing (mlsp) 2017. september 25-28, roppongi, tokyo, japan |
113.yan w, plis s, calhoun vd, liu s, jiang r, jiang t-z, sui j. discriminating schizophrenia from normal controls using resting state functional network connectivity: a deep neural network and layer-wise relevance propagation method. paper presented at: ieee conference on machine learning for signal processing (mlsp) 2017. september 25-28, roppongi, tokyo, japan |
114.ye, c., prince, j.l., 2017b. fiber orientation estimation guided by a deep network. med image comput comput assist interv 10433, 575-583. |
115.zhao, k., ding, y., wang, p., dou, x., zhou, b., yao, h., an, n., zhang, y., zhang, x., liu, y., 2017. early classification of alzheimer's disease using hippocampal texture from structural mri. in: gimi, a.k.b. (ed.), proc. spie 10137, medical imaging 2017: biomedical applications in molecular, structural, and functional imaging, 101372e, orlando, florida, united states pp. 101372e-101377. |
语音语言技术(speech and language technology) |
116.bin liu,jianhua tao,dawei zhang,yibin zheng,a novel pitch extraction based on jointly trained deep blstm recurrent neural networks with bottleneck features,icassp 2017, pp:336-340, march.5-9, 2017, new orleans,ei |
117.jiangyan yi,jianghua tao,zhengqi wen and ya li,distilling knowledge from an ensemble of models for punctuation prediction,18th annual conference of the speech communication associatio(interspeech 2017), pp:2779-2783,august 20-24, 2017, sweden,stockholm,ei. |
118.jian huang,ya li,jianhua tao,jiangyan li,effect of dimensional emotion in discrete speech emotion classification,2017 affective social multimedia computing( asmmc 2017),agu 26,2017,stockholm sweden. |
119.jian huang,ya li,jianhua tao,zhen lian, zhengqi wen, minghao ynag,jiangyan li,continuous multimodal emotion prediction based on long short term memory recurrent neural network,the audio/visual emotion challenge and workshop (avec 2017), pp:11-18,october 23,2017,mountain view,ca,usa. |
120.bocheng zhao,minghao yang,hang pan,qingjie zhu,jianghua tao,nonrigid point matching of chinese characters for robot writing,ieee ro,pp:762-767, 2017.8.25,macao,china, ei. |
121.xiaoke qi,jianhuatao,a domain knowledge-assisted nonlinear model for head-related transfer functions based on bottleneck deep neural network,18th annual conference of the speech communication associatio(interspeech 2017),pp:3058-3062, agu 21,2017,stockholm, sweden,ei. |
122.yibin zheng,jianhua tao,zhengqi wen,ya li and bin liu,investigating efficient feature representation method and training object function for blstm-based phone duration prediction,18th annual conference of the speech communication associatio(interspeech 2017), pp:784-788, agu 21,2017, stockholm,sweden,ei. |
123.jia dai, wei xue and wenju liu, “multilingual i-vector based statistical modeling for music genre classification”, in the proceedings of interspeech2017 (the 18th annual conference of the international speech communication association), august 20-24, stockholm, sweden, 2017, 459-463. |
124.ning liu, dongxiang zhang, xing xu, wenju liu, dengfeng ke, long guo, shengkun shi, hui liu and lijiang chen, “an iterative refinement framework for image document binarization with bhattacharyya similarity measure,” in the proceedings of icdar2017 (the 14th iapr international conference on document analysis and recognition), november 10-15, 2017, kyoto terrsa, japan, 93-98. |
125.ning liu, dongxiang zhang, xing xu, long guo, lijiang chen, wenju liu and dengfeng ke, “robust math formula recognition in degraded chinese document images,” in the proceedings of icdar2017 (the 14th iapr international conference on document analysis and recognition), november 10-15, 2017, kyoto terrsa, japan, 113-118. |
126.chenghao cai, dengfeng ke, yanyan xu, kaile su, “symbolic manipulation based on deep neural networks and its application to axiom discovery”, in the proceedings of ijcnn2017(2017 international joint conference on neural networks), may 14-19, 2017, anchorage, alaska,usa, pp. 2136-2143. |
127.jinming zhao, yanyan xu, dengfeng ke, kaile su, “deep neural network bottleneck features for bird species verification”, in the proceedings of ijcnn2017(2017 international joint conference on neural networks), may 14-19, 2017, anchorage, alaska,usa, pp. 927-933. |
128.haoran li, junnan zhu, cong ma, jiajun zhang and chengqing zong. multi-modal summarization for asynchronous collection of text, image, audio and video. in proceedings of the 2017 conference on empirical methods in natural language processing (emnlp-17), copenhagen, denmark. september 9-11, 2017, pp. 1103--1113 |
129.shaonan wang, jiajun zhang and chengqing zong. exploiting word internal structures for generic chinese sentence representation. in proceedings of conference on empirical methods in natural language processing (emnlp), copenhagen, denmark, september 9-11, 2017, pp. 298-303 |
130.shaonan wang, jiajun zhang and chengqing zong. learning sentence representation with guidance of human attention. in proceedings of the 26th international joint conference on artificial intelligence (ijcai), melbourne, australia, august 19-25, 2017 , pp. 4137-4143 |
131.huijia wu, jiajun zhang and chengqing zong, a dynamic window network for ccg supertagging, in proceedings of the 31st aaai conference on artificial intelligence (aaai-17), california, usa, february 4–9, 2017, pages 3337-3343 |
132.long zhou, wenpeng hu, jiajun zhang and chengqing zong. neural system combination for machine translation. in proceedings of the 55th annual meeting of the association for computational linguistics (acl2017),vancouver, canada, july 30-august 4, 2017, pp. 378-384. |
133.long zhou, jiajun zhang and chengqing zong. look-ahead attention for generation in neural machine translation. in proceedings of the sixth conference on natural language processing and chinese computing (nlpcc-2017),dalian, china, november, 8-12, 2017. (best paper award) |
134.junnan zhu, long zhou, haoran li, jiajun zhang, yu zhou and chengqing zong. augmenting neural sentence summarization through extractive summarization. in proceedings of the 6th conference on natural language processing and chinese computing (nlpcc-2017), dalian, china, november 8-12, 2017. |
135.yining wang, yang zhao,jiajun zhang and chengqing zong. towards neural machine translation with partially aligned corpora. in proceedings of the 8th international joint conference on natural language processing (ijcnlp), taipei, taiwan, november 27 - december 1, 2017, pp. 384-393 |
136.zengxiangrong,guo shangmin, he shizhu, liu kang, zhao jun,which is the effective way for gaokao: information retrieval or neural networks?,proceedings of the 15th conference of the european chapter of the association for computational linguistics,doi: 10.18653/v1/e17-1011 ,valencia, spain 2017 |
137.guoliang ji, kang liu, shizhu he, jun zhao,distant supervision for relation extraction with sentence-level attention and entity descriptions,the association for the advancement of artificial intelligence,3060-3066,2017,san francisco, california usa |
138.bingning wang,kang liu,jun zhao,conditional generative adversarial networks for commonsense machine comprehension,twenty-sixth international joint conference on artificial intelligence,doi: 10.24963/ijcai.2017/576,melbourne, australia |
139.shizhu he, cao liu, kang liu, jun zhao,generating natural answers by incorporating copying and retrieving mechanisms in sequence-to-sequence learning,proceedings of the 55th annual meeting of the association for computational linguistics,doi: 10.18653/v1/p17-1019 ,vancouver, canada |
140.shulin liu,yubo chen,kang liu,jun zhao,exploiting argument information to improve event detection via supervised attention mechanisms,proceedings of the 55th annual meeting of the association for computational linguistics,doi: 10.18653/v1/p17-1164 ,vancouver, canada |
141.yanchao hao,yuanzhe zhang,kang liu,shizhu he,zhanyi liu,hua wu,jun zhao,an end-to-end model for question answering over knowledge base with cross-attention combining global knowledge,proceedings of the 55th annual meeting of the association for computational linguistics,01/2017 doi:10.18653/v1/p17-1021,vancouver, canada |
国内会议(national conference) |
1.shifeng zhang, xiangyu zhu, zhen lei, hailin shi, xiaobo wang, stan z. li. “detecting face with densely connected face proposal network”. in proceedings of the 12th chinese conference on biometrics, (ccbr2017).shenzhen, china, oct. 28-29, 2017. |
2.傅睿博,李雅,温正棋,陶建华,基于静音时长和文本特征融合的韵律边界自动标注,第十四届中国语音学学术会议,2017.10.11-13,江苏,连云港.最佳学生论文奖. |
3.杨明浩,张珂,赵博程,朱庆杰,潘航,那燊若阳,湛永松,陶建华,具有智能交互学习能力的机械臂写字系统,第十三届全国人机交互学术会议,2017.07. 24-26,青岛,山东.最佳论文奖. |
4.张大伟,杨明浩,陶建华,基于医学影像的语音驱动舌位运动合成,第十四届全国人机语音通讯学术会议, 2017.10.11-13,江苏,连云港. |
5.易江燕,陶建华,刘斌,温正棋,基于迁移学习的鲁棒语音识别声学建模方法,第十四届中国语音学学术会议,2017.10.11-13,江苏,连云港. |
6.郑艺斌,陶建华,李雅,温正棋,刘斌,基于注意力的端到端韵律结构和重音联合预测方法,第十四届全国人机语音通讯学术会议,2017.10.11-13,江苏,连云港. |
7.潘航,杨明浩,朱庆杰,湛永松,陶建华,一种人机交互中精确手势检测方法,第十三届全国人机交互学术会议,2017.07. 24-26,青岛,山东. |
8.周惠,杨明浩,潘航,唐仁俊,那燊若阳,湛永松,陶建华,面向手势跟踪的卷积神经网络结构与参数分析,第十三届全国人机交互学术会议,2017.07. 24-26,青岛,山东. |
9.乌日其其格,陶建华,白音门德,易江燕,温正棋,白烨, 面向语音识别的蒙古语标准音语音库的建立, 第十六届全国少数民族语言文字信息处理学术研讨会, 2017.09.21-22,广西,桂林. |
10.jiangyan yi,jianhua tao,zhengqi wen,ya li and hao ni,acoustic model compression with knowledge transfer,第十四届中国语音学学术会议, 2017.10. 11-13, 江苏,连云港. |
11.xiaoke qi,jianhuatao,distance-dependent modeling of head-related transfer functions based on spherical fourier-bessel transform,第十四届全国人机语音通讯学术会议, 2017.10.11-13,江苏,连云港. |
12.yang zhao, yining wang, jiajun zhang and chengqing zong. cost-aware learning rate for neural machine translation. in proceedings of the sixteenth china national conference on computational linguistics, (ccl 2017), nanjing, china, october 13-15, 2017 |
13.chuanhai dong, huijia wu, jiajun zhang and chengqing zong.multichannel lstm-crf for named entity recognition in chinese social media.in proceedings of the sixteenth china national conference on computational linguistics, (ccl 2017), nanjing, china, october 13-15, 2017, pp. 197-208 |
14.yang liu, jiajun zhang and chengqing zong. memory augmented attention model for chinese implicit discourse relation recognition. in proceedings of the sixteenth china national conference on computational linguistics, (ccl 2017), nanjing, china, october 13-15, 2017, pp. 411-423 |
15.cao liu, shizhu he, hang yang, kang liu, and jun zhao,unsupervised joint entity linking over question answering pair with global knowledge,chinese computational linguistics and natural language processing based on naturally annotated big data,volume 10565,273-286,nanjing, china |
16.shulin liu, yubo chen, kang liu, jun zhao,improving event detection via information sharing among related event types, chinese computational linguistics and natural language processing based on naturally annotated big data,122-134,2017-07-30,nanjing, china |
17.jian liu, yubo chen, kang liu, jun zhaoattention-based event relevance model for stock price movement prediction,全国知识图谱与语义计算大会 (ccks 2017)26-29 ,2017-08,chengdu,china |
18.da li, zhang zhang and tieniu tan, “large-scale slow feature analysis using spark for visual object recognition,” proc. ccf chinese conference on computer vision, pp. 132-142, october 2017, tianjin, china. |
19.chaoyou fu, xiang wu, jing dong and ran he, "global perception feedback convolutional neural networks," proc. advances in image and graphics technologies, pp. 65-73, june 2017, beijing, china. |
20.min ren, lingxiao he, haiqing li, yunfan liu, zhenan sun and tieniu tan, “robust partial person re-identification based on similarity-guided sparse representation,” proc. chinese conference on biometric recognition, pp. 650-659,october 2017, shenzhen, china. |
21.junbo wang, wei wang, liang wang and tieniu tan, “prenet: parallel recurrent neural networks for image classification,” proc. ccf chinese conference on computer vision, pp. 461-473, october 2017, tianjin, china. |
22.tao zhang, wei wang, liang wang and qinghua hu, “relevance and coherence based image caption,” proc. ccf chinese conference on computer vision, pp. 258-269, october 2017, tianjin, china. |
23.qiyue yin, yan huang, shu wu and liang wang, “learning shared and specific factors for multi-modal data,” proc. ccf chinese conference on computer vision, pp. 89-98, october 2017, tianjin, china. |
24.kui ye, xiaobo sun, jindong xu, jing dong and tieniu tan, “influence evaluation for image tampering using saliency mechanism,” proc. ccf chinese conference on computer vision, pp. 518-527, october 2017, tianjin, china. |
25.kui ye, jing dong, wei wang, jingdong xu and tieniu tan, “image forgery detection based on semantic image understanding,” proc. ccf chinese conference on computer vision, pp. 472-481, october 2017, tianjin, china. |
26.yonggwon ri, jing dong, wei wang and tieniu tan, “high capacity reversible data hiding with contrast enhancement,” proc. ccf chinese conference on computer vision, pp. 284-294, october 2017, tianjin, china. |
开放课题客座发表论文 |
国际刊物(international journals) |
1.xiaojiang peng, l. wang, x.x. wang, and y. qiao , bag of visual words and fusion methods for action recognition: comprehensive study and good practice, cviu, 150:109-125, 2016. |
2.lu bai, luca rossi, lixin cui, zhihong zhang, peng ren, xiao bai, edwin r. hancock: quantum kernels for unattributed graphs using discrete-time quantum walks. pattern recognition letters 87: 96-103, 2017. |
3.juan guo, shen cai*, zhanhao wu, yuncai liu.a versatile homography computation method based on two real points [j]. image and vision computing, 64c, 23-33, 2017. |
4.zu-chen wang and yu-chun fang: a hybrid approach for face alignment. pattern recognition and image analysis27 (3) :645-652, 2017 |
5.yi li, yan-qing guo, yue-ying kao, and ran he: image piece learning for weakly supervised semantic segmentation. ieee transactions on systems man and cybernetics systems, 47(4): 648-659, 2017. |
6.jiu-jun wang, yan-qing guo, jun guo, ming li and xiang-wei kong: synthesis linear classifier based analysis dictionary learning for pattern classification. neurocomputing, 238: 103-113, 2017. |
7.jiu-jun wang, yan-qing guo, jun guo, xiang-yang luo, and xiang-wei kong: class-aware analysis dictionary learning for pattern classification. ieee signal processing letters, pp(99): 1-1, 2017. |
8.miao li, yan-qing guo, ming li, guo-qi luo, and xiang-wei kong: coupled dictionary learning for target. recognition in sar images. ieee geoscience and remote sensing letters, 14(6): 791-795, 2017. |
9.qian-yu wang, yan-qing guo, jun guo, and xiang-wei kong: synthesis k-svd based analysis dictionary learning for pattern classification. multimedia tools and applications, 1-19, 2017. |
10.qin li, xiaoshuang shi, linfei zhou, zhifeng bao, and zhenhua guo: active learning via local structure recognition. pattern recognition letters 92:81-88, 2017. |
11.bo jiang, jin tang, xiaochun cao and bin luo: lagrangian relaxation graph matching. pattern recognition, 61: 255-265, 2017. |
12.bo jiang, jin tang, aihua zheng and bin luo: image representation and matching with geometric-edge random structure graph, pattern recognition letters, 87:20-28, 2017. |
13.zhuqiang chen, bo jiang (通讯作者), jin tang and bin luo, image set representation and classification with attributed covariate-relation graph model and graph sparse representation classification, neurocomputing, 226: 262-268, 2017 |
14.y. sun, l. ren, z. wei, s. liu, y. zhai, a weakly supervised method for makeup-invariant face verification. pattern recognition 66: 153-159,2017 |
15.xinyu ou, hefei ling, han yu, si liu. adult images and videos recognition by deep multi-context network and fine-to-coarse strategy. acm transactions on intelligent systems and technology (tist) 8(5): 68,2017 |
16.xinyu ou, ping li, hefei ling, si liu, tianjiang wang, dan li. objectness region enhancement networks for scene parsing. journal of computer science and technology (jcst) 32(4): 683-700, 2017 |
18.miao q, xu p*, li x, et al. the recognition of the point symbols in the scanned topographic maps[j]. ieee transactions on image processing, 2017, 26(6): 2751-2766. |
19.miao q, liu r, quan y, et al. remote sensing image fusion based on shearlet and genetic algorithm[j]. international journal of bio-inspired computation, 2017, 9(4): 240-250. |
20.xu p, guo s, miao q, et al. face detection of golden monkeys via regional color quantization and incremental self-paced curriculum learning[j]. multimedia tools and applications, 2017: 1-28. |
22.heng yao, shuozhong wang, xinpeng zhang, chuan qin, and jinwei wang: detecting image splicing based on noise level inconsistency, multimedia tools and applications, vol. 76, no. 10, pp. 12457–12479, 2017. |
23.jie gui, zhenan sun, shuiwang ji, dacheng tao, and tieniu tan, "feature selection based on structured sparsity: a comprehensive study", ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems, vol. 28, no. 7, pp. 1490-1507, 2017. |
24.jun-bao li, jing liu, jeng-shyang pan, hongxun yao: magnetic resonance super-resolution imaging measurement with dictionary-optimized sparse learning. measurement science review 17(3): 145-152, 2017. |
25.xiuyuan chen, xiyuan peng, ran duan, and junbao li*. deep kernel learning method for sar image target recognition. review of scientific instruments 88:104706, 2017. |
26.shidong wang, yaping he, hengyu yang, kunxia wang, jian wang. video smoke detection using shape, color and dynamic features. journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 305-313, 2017 |
27.miaoyu, shuhan shen and zhanyi hu*. dynamic graph cuts in parallel, ieee transactions on image processing, vol. 26, no. 8, 2017. |
28.zhong zhang, shuang liu, xing mei, baihua xiao, liang zheng: learning completed discriminative local features for texture classification. pattern recognition (pr), 67(2017): 263-275, 2017 |
29.zhong zhang*, hong wang, and shuang liu: scene character recognition using coupled spatial learning. ieice transactions on information and systems, e100-d (7): 1546-1549, 2017. |
30.yufei chen, chao shen. performance analysis of smartphone-sensor behavior for human activity recognition. ieee access, 5(1), 3095-3110, 2017. |
31.liang he, zhixiang li, chao shen. performance evaluation of anomaly-detection algorithm for keystroke-typing based insider detection. tsinghua science and technology, 2017. |
国内刊物(national journals) |
1.贾丹,尤飞,张庆立,曾志高,基于k-means算法的彩色qr码识别问题研究[j].《包装学报》2017年第9卷,第5期 |
2.朱宗宝,王坤侠,肖玲玲,刘文静,一种基于小波包主成分分析的语音情感识别方法,安徽建筑大学校报,25卷5期,35-39,2017 |
国际会议(international conferences) |
1.lu bai, luca rossi, lixin cui, edwin r. hancock: a nested alignment graph kernel through the dynamic time warping framework. in proceedings of iapr-tc-15 international workshop on graph-based representations in pattern recognition (gbrpr 2017): 59-69. |
2.lixin cui, lu bai, luca rossi, edwin r. hancock: adaptive feature selection based on the most informative graph-based features. in proceedings of iapr-tc-15 international workshop on graph-based representations in pattern recognition (gbrpr 2017): 276-287. |
3.tianzhen dong, mingyang qin, wenju li, lanfeng zhou*, xiao qi. research of image segmentation based on theory of morphological connectivity. icspac 2017, shenzhen, guangdong, china. |
4.yu-chunfang, zheng-yanma, zhao-xiangzhang, xu-yao zhang, xiang bai:dynamic multi-task learning with convolutional neural network. ijcai 2017:1668-1674. |
5.xiao-kang tu and yu-chun fang:ultra-deep neural network for faceanti-spoofing. iconip 2017:686-695. |
6.wei zhang, yu-chun fang, and zheng-yan ma:the effect of task similarity on deeptransfer learning.iconip 2017:256-265. |
7.si-rui cai, yu-chun fang, and zheng-yan ma:will outlier tasks deteriorate multitaskdeep learning? iconip 2017:246-255. |
8.zu-chen wang and yu-chun fang:multimodal fusion of spatial-temporal features foremotion recognition in the wild. pcm 2017. |
9.yu-chun fang and yan-dan zheng:metric learning based on attribute hypergraph. icip 2017. |
10.jun guo, yan-qing guo, xiang-wei kong, and ran he: unsupervised feature selection with ordinallocality. icme 2017: 1213-1218. |
11.nan xu, yan-qing guo, and xiang-wei kong: saliency detection via local single gaussian model. icip 2017 |
12.bo jiang, jin tang, chris ding, and bin luo: nonnegative orthogonal graph matching. aaai 2017: 4089-4095. |
13.bo jiang, jin tang, bin luo and chris ding, binary constraint preserving graph matching, cvpr 2017:4402-4409 |
14.si liu, changhu wang, ruihe qian, han yu, renda bao, yao sun, surveillance video parsing with single frame supervision. ieee conference on computer vision and pattern recognition (cvpr 2017), hawaii, america, 2017:413-421 |
15.z. wei, y. sun, j. wang, s. liu, learning adaptive receptive field for deep image parsing network. ieee conference on computer vision and pattern recognition (cvpr 2017), hawaii, america,2017: 2434-2442 |
17.shuo xing, xueliang liu, richang hong, ye zhao. generating chinese poems from images based on neural network. pcm 2017, aug 28-29, harbin. china. |
18.miao q, li y, ouyang w, et al. multimodal gesture recognition based on theresc3d network[c]//proceedings of the ieee conference on computer vision and pattern recognition. 2017: 3047-3055. |
19.si-xing liu, timothyapasibaabeo, and xiang-jun shen. "least-squares regulation based graph embedding", pcm2017. |
20.cheng-wei cai, dickson keddywornyo, liangjun wang, and xiang-jun shen. "building weighted classifier ensembles through classifiers pruning", icimcs2017. |
21.yong dong, xiang-jun shen, liangjun wang, dickson keddywornyo and zheng-jun zha. "diversity-induced weighted classifier ensemble learning", icip 2017. |
22.yifan gao, hangqi yan, lei zhang, runping xi, yanning zhang, wei wei. matrix decomposition based salient object detection in hyperspectral imagery. [c]. 2017 13th international conference on natural computation, fuzzy systems and knowledge discovery |
23.yongfeng yang, yun zhang, shuxin luan, lei zhang, jing sui, yuanchao zhang, lingzhong fan, hua zhao, tianzi jiang. subgenual anterior cingulate cortex, a potential biomarker for treatment-resistant depression. 5th international workshop on neuroinformation, dedicated to neuroimaging, and focus in eeg, meg and mri. oral presenter. 2017 in chengdu, china. |
24.xinguo yu, wenbin gan and mingshu wang, understanding explicit arithmetic word problems and explicit plane geometry problems using syntax-semantics models, the 21th international conference on asian language processing (ialp 2017). |
25.wenbin gan, xinguo yu, chao sun, bin he and mingshu wang, understanding plane geometry problems by integrating relations extracted from text and diagram, pacific-rim symposium on image and video technology (psivt), springer international publishing, 2017. |
26.xinguo yu, pengpeng jian, bin he, gang zhao and meng xia. automatic problem understanding from circuit schematics, pacific-rim symposium on image and video technology(psivt), springer international publishing, 2017. |
27.chao sun, yao su, and xinguo yu. machine solving on hypergeometric distribution problems. pacific-rim symposium on image and video technology (psivt), springer international publishing, 2017. |
28.bin he, pengpeng jian, meng xia, chao sun and xinguo yu. extracting algebraic relations from circuit images using topology breaking down and shrinking. pacific-rim symposium on image and video technology (psivt), springer international publishing, 2017. |
29.yewang chen, nizar borguila etl. frs: fast range search by pruning unnecessary distance computations based on k-d tree. workshop on ieee conference on data mining 2017. |
30.huanyu liu, yumei zhen, junbao li, cong hu, jeng-shyang pan: the framework of remote image management based on arcgis server. eiis 2017: 796-800 |
31.huanyu liu, junbao li, cong hu, jeng-shyang pan: deep convolutional neural networks-based age and gender classification with facial images. eiis 2017: 801-804 |
32.boya wang, jianqing xu, junbao li, cong hu, jeng-shyang pan: scene text recognition algorithm based on faster rcnn. eiis 2017: 805-808. |
33.qiuchen li, junbao li, cong hu, jeng-shyang pan: a framework of object tracking based on stc algorithm. eiis 2017: 809-813. |
34.kunxia wang, zongcheng chu, kai wang, tongqing yu, li liu. speech emotion recognition using multiple classifiers. apweb-waim 2017: web and big data pp 84-93 (ei) |
35.yi lai, and ying liu. improved single image dehazing with heterogeneous atmospheric light estimation. in proc. china conference on computer vision (cccv 2017), tianjin, china. (accepted for publication, ei) |
36.yi lai, yuanqi su, yuehu liu, and ying liu. improved single image haze removal for intelligent driving. ieee 2017 itsc workshop on transportation 5.0, yokohama, japan. (accepted for publication, ei) |
37.yufei chen, chao shen, zhao wang, tianwen yu. modeling interactive sensor-behavior with smartphones for implicit and active user authentication. in proceedings of ieee international conference on identity, security and behavior analysis (isba), new delhi, india, 2017. |
38.chao shen, ruiyuan lu, saeid samizade, liang he. passive fingerprinting for wireless devices: a multi-level decision approach. in proceedings of ieee international conference on identity, security and behavior analysis (isba), new delhi, india, 2017. |
39.zhao wang, chao shen, yufei chen. handwaving auhticaiton: unlocking your smartwatch through handwaving biometrics. in proceedings of the 12th chinese conference on biometric recognition, shenzhen, china, 2017. |
国内会议(national conference): |
1.yi-fan li, ying-hui zhao, tai-feng tan, ning-jie liu and yu-chun fang. personal identification based on content-independent eeg signal analysis. chinese conference on biometric recognition(ccbr’12), shenzhen, china, 2017, pp. 537-544. |
2.qiu-long yuan, yu-chun fang. a novel automatic grouping algorithm for feature selection. cccv 2017. |
3.2017.08.11-13 北方精神医学论坛年会,大会报告 题目:抑郁症的基础研究的临床转化应用,山东 烟台 |
4.daojian zeng, junxin zeng, yuan dai. using cost-sensitive ranking loss to improve distant supervised relation extraction. proceedings of the sixteenth china national conference on computational linguistics (ccl2017), nanjing, china, 2017, pp. 184-196. (best paper) |
5.guopeng xu, haitang lu, feifei zhang, qirong mao. affective rating ranking based on face images in arousal-valence dimensional space. in: proceedings of the chinese conference on multimedia (china mm’17), nanjing, china, 2017. |