


 list of publications
1.cheng-lin liu, amir hussain, bin luo, kay chen tan, yi zeng, zhaoxiang zhang, advances in brain inspired cognitive systems, bics 2016, beijing, china, november 28-30, 2016, lncs vol.10023, 2016. 
1.sui j, calhoun vd. multivariate approaches for multimodal fusion of structural and functional brain imaging data. fmri techniques and protocols (2nd edition). volume 119 of the series neuromethods. chapter 28, pp 853-869. september 24 2016 springer.
2.fan l, li h, yu s, jiang t. human brainnetome atlas and its potential applications in brain-inspired computing  in brain-inspired computing second international workshop, braincomp 2015, cetraro, italy, july 6-10, 2015, revised selected papers, editors: katrin amunts, lucio grandinetti, thomas lippert, nicolai petkov , publisher: springer international publishing, chapter 1.
国际刊物(international journals
计算机视觉(computer vision
1.haijiang zhu, zhanhong zhuang, jinglin zhou, fan zhang, xuejing wang, yihong wu. segmentation of liver cyst in ultrasound image based on adaptive threshold algorithm and particle swarm optimization. multimedia tools and applications, pp. 1-18, april 2016.
2.youji feng, lixin fan, and yihong wu. fast localization in large scale environments using supervised indexing of binary features. ieee transactions on image processing, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 343-358, 2016.
3.miao yu, shuhan shen, zhanyi hu. dynamic parallel and distributed graph cuts. ieee transactions on image processing, 25(12): 5511-5525, 2016.
4.f. c. wu, m. zhang, g. h. wang, and z. y. hu, triangulation and metric of lines based on geometric error, computer vision and image understanding, vol.145, pp.111-127, 2016
5.jianwei ding, yongzhen huang, wei liu and kaiqi huang, severely blurred object tracking by learning deep image representations, ieee trans. on circuits and systems for video technology, vol. 26, no.2, pp. 319-331, 2016.
6.jianwei ding, yunqi tang, huawei tian, wei liu and yongzhen huang, robust tracking with adaptive appearance learning and occlusion detection, multimedia systems, vol. 22, no.2, pp. 255-269, 2016.
7.fang zhao, yongzhen huang, liang wang, tao xiang and tieniu tan, learning relevance restricted boltzmann machine for unstructured group activity and event understanding, international journal of computer vision, vol. 119, no. 3, pp. 329-345, 2016.
8.longquan dai, mengke yuan, xiaopeng zhang, speeding up the bilateral filter: a joint acceleration way, ieee transactions on image processing, vol. 25, no.6, pp. 2657-2672, 2016.
9.huihuang zhao, jianzhen chen, shibiao xu, ying wang, zhijun qiao. compressive sensing for noisy solder joint imagery based on convex optimization. soldering & surface mount technology 28(2):114-122, 2016.
10.chunfeng yuan, baoxin wu, xi li, weiming hu, stephen maybank and fangshi wang, "fusing r features and local features with context-aware kernels for action recognition," international journal of computer vision (ijcv), vol. 118, no. 2, pp. 151-171, 2016.
11.bing li, weihua xiong, weiming hu, brian funt and junliang xing, "multi-cue illumination estimation via a tree-structured group joint sparse representation," international journal of computer vision (ijcv), vol. 117, no. 1, pp. 21-47, 2016.
图象/视频处理与分析(image/video processing and analysis
12.jun luo, jinqiao wang, huazhong xu, hanqing lu: real-time people counting for indoor scenes. signal processing 124: 27-35, 2016.
13.yingying chen, jinqiao wang, min xu, xiangjian he, hanqing lu: a unified model sharing framework for moving object detection. signal processing 124: 72-80, 2016.
14.haiyun guo, jinqiao wang, yue gao, jianqiang li, hanqing lu: multi-view 3d object retrieval with deep embedding network. ieee trans. image processing 25(12): 5526-5537, 2016.
15.yifan zhang, zhiqiang tang, baoyuan wu, qiang ji, hanqing lu: a coupled hidden conditional random field model for simultaneous face clustering and naming in videos. ieee trans. image processing 25(12): 5780-5792, 2016.
16.chaoyang zhao, jinqiao wang, guibo zhu, yi wu, hanqing lu: learning weighted part models for object tracking. computer vision and image understanding 143: 173-182, 2016.
17.guibo zhu, jinqiao wang, hanqing lu: clustering based ensemble correlation tracking. computer vision and image understanding 153: 55-63, 2016.
18.haiyun guo, jinqiao wang, hanqing lu: multiple deep features learning for object retrieval in surveillance videos, iet computer vision, vol.10 iss.4: 268-271, 2016.
19.yueying kao, kaiqi huang and steve maybank, hierarchical aesthetic quality assessment using deep convolutional neural networks, signal processing: image communication, vol. 47, pp. 500-510, 2016.
20.bo peng, wei wang, jing dong and tieniu tan, optimized 3d lighting environment estimation for image forgery detection, ieee trans. on information forensics and security, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 479-494, 2016.
21.yong du, yun fu and liang wang, representation learning of temporal dynamics for skeleton based action recognition, ieee trans. on image processing, vol. 25, no. 7, pp. 3010-3022, 2016.
22.zairan wang, jing dong and wei wang, “quantization based watermarking methods against valumetric distortions,” international journal of automation and computing, pp. 1-14, 2016. 
模式识别(pattern recognition
23.yong li, jing liu, zechao li, hanqing lu, songde ma: object co-segmentation via salient and common regions discovery. neurocomputing 172: 225-234, 2016.
24.jinqiao wang, min xu, hanqing lu, ian burnett: activead: a novel framework of linking ad videos to online products. neurocomputing 185: 82-92, 2016.
25.jing liu, yu jiang, zechao li, xi zhang, hanqing lu: domain-sensitive recommendation with user-item subgroup analysis. ieee trans. knowl. data eng. 28(4): 939-950, 2016.
26.weiqiang ren, kaiqi huang, dacheng tao and tieniu tan, weakly supervised large scale object localization with multiple instance learning and bag splitting, ieee trans. on pattern analysis and machine intelligence (pami), vol. 38, no. 2, pp. 405-416, 2016.
27.jie gui, tongliang liu, dacheng tao, zhenan sun and tieniu tan, representative vector machines: a unified framework for classical classifiers, ieee trans. on cybernetics, vol. 46, no. 8, pp. 1877-1888, 2016.
28.qi li, zhenan sun,zhouchen lin, ran he and tieniu tan, transformation invariant subspace clustering, pattern recognition, vol. 59, pp. 142-155, 2016.
29.nianfeng liu, man zhang, haiqing li, zhenan sun and tieniu tan, deepiris: learning pairwise filter bank for heterogeneous iris verification, pattern recognition letters, vol. 82, no. 2, pp. 154-161, 2016.
30.kaiye wang, ran he, liang wang, wei wang and tieniu tan, joint feature selection and subspace learning for cross-modal retrieval, ieee trans. on pattern analysis and machine intelligence (pami), vol. 38, no. 10, pp. 2010-2023, 2016 .
31.ran he, liang wang, zhenan sun, yingya zhang and bo li, information theoretic subspace clustering, ieee trans. on neural network and learning system, vol. 27, no. 12, pp. 2643-2655, 2016.
32.ming-ke zhou, xu-yao zhang, fei yin, cheng-lin liu, discriminative quadratic feature learning for handwritten chinese character recognition, pattern recognition, 49(1): 7-18, 2016.
33.yinglu liu, yanming zhang, xu-yao zhang, cheng-lin liu, adaptive spatial pooling for image classification, pattern recognition, 55: 58-67, 2016.
34.xu-cheng yin, ze-yu zuo, shu tian, cheng-lin liu, text detection, tracking and recognition in video: a comprehensive survey, ieee trans. image processing, 25(6): 2752-2773, 2016.
35.yao lu, kaizhu huang, cheng-lin liu, doubly stochastic projected fixed-point algorithm for large graph matching, pattern recognition, 60: 971-982, 2016.
36.weiming hu, jin gao, junliang xing, chao zhang and stephen maybank, semi-supervised tensor-based graph embedding learning and its application to visual discriminant tracking, ieee transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence (pami),vol.39, no.1, pp.172-188, 2016.
37.weiming hu, xinmiao ding, bing li, jianchao wang, yan gao, fangshi wang and stephen maybank, multi-perspective cost-sensitive context-aware multi-instance sparse coding and its application to sensitive video recognition, ieee transactions on multimedia, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 76-89, 2016.
38.xue zhou, xi li and weiming hu, learning a superpixel-driven speed function for level set tracking, ieee transactions on cybernetics, vol. 46, no. 7, pp. 1498-1510, 2016.
39.ou wu, qiang you, fen xia, lei ma and weiming hu, listwise learning to rank from crowds, acm transactions on knowledge discovery from data (tkdd), vol. 11, no. 1, article4, 2016 
40.ou wu, haiqiang zuo, weiming hu and bing li, multi-modal web aesthetics assessment based on structural svm and multi-task fusion learning, ieee transactions on multimedia, vol.18, no.6, pp. 1-1, 2016.
41.ou wu, qiang you, xue mao, fen xia and weiming hu, listwise learning to rank by exploring structure of objects, ieee transactions on knowledge and data engineering, vol.28, no.7, pp. 1934-1939, 2016.
42.xinmiao ding, bing li, weihua xiong, wen guo,and weiming hu. multi-instance multi-label learning combining hierarchical context and its application to image annotation. ieee trans. on multimedia, vol.18, no.8, pp. 1616-1627, 2016.
43.yongchao gong, shiming xiang, chunhong pan. fine-structured object segmentation via neighborhood propagation, pattern recognition, vol. 60, pp. 130-144, 2016.
44.dongcai cheng, gaofeng meng, shiming xiang and chunhong pan, efficient sea–land segmentation using seeds learning and edge directed graph cut, neurocomputing,  volume 207, pp: 36-47, september, 2016.
45.guangliang cheng, feiyun zhu, shiming xiang and guangliang cheng, road centerline extraction via semi-supervised segmentation and multidirection non-maximum suppression. ieee geoscience and remote sensing letters, volume 13, issue 4, pp 545-549, 2016.
46.guangliang cheng, feiyun zhu, shiming xiang, ying wang and guangliang cheng, accurate urban road centerline extraction from vhr imagery via multiscale segmentation and tensor voting,neurocomputing, volume 205, pp 407-420, 2016.
47.zisha zhong, bin fan, kun ding, haichang li, shiming xiang, chunhong pan. efficient multiple feature fusion with hashing for hyperspectral imagery classification: a comparative study. ieee transactions on geoscience and remote sensing. 54(8): 4461-4478, 2016.
48.wei sui, lingfeng wang, bin fan, hongfei xiao, huai-yu wu, chunhong pan:layer-wise floorplan extraction for automatic urban building reconstruction. ieee trans. vis. comput. graph. 22(3): 1261-1277, 2016.
49.lingfeng wang, xu-yao zhang, chunhong pan:msdlsr: margin scalable discriminative least squares regression for multicategory classification. ieee trans. neural netw. learning syst. 27(12): 2711-2717, 2016.
50.yonghao he, shiming xiang, cuicui kang, jian wang, chunhong pan:cross-modal retrieval via deep and bidirectional representation learning. ieee trans. multimedia 18(7): 1363-1377, 2016.
机器学习(machine learning)
51.hu, b.-g., and xing, h.-j. “an optimization approach of deriving bounds between entropy and error from joint distribution: case study for binary classifications”, entropy, vol. 18, pp. 1-19, 2016.
数据挖掘(data mining
52.shu wu, qiang liu, liang wang and tieniu tan, contextual operation for recommender systems, ieee trans. on knowledge and data engineering, vol. 28, no. 8, pp. 2000-2012, 2016.
53.shu wu, weiyu guo, song xu, yongzhen huang, liang wang and tieniu tan, coupled topic model for collaborative filtering with user-generated content, ieee trans. human-machine systems, vol. 46, no.6, pp. 908-920, 2016. 
54.weiyu guo, shu wu, liang wang and tieniu tan, personalized ranking with pairwise factorization machines", neurocomputing, vol. 214, pp. 191-200, 2016.
计算机图形学(computer graphics
55.yan kong, weiming dong, xing mei, chongyang ma, tong-yee lee, siwei lyu, feiyue huang, xiaopeng zhang: measuring and predicting visual importance of similar objects. ieee transactions on visualization and computer graphics 22(12): 2564-2578 (2016).
56.weiming dong, fuzhang wu, yan kong, xing mei, tong-yee lee, xiaopeng zhang: image retargeting by texture-aware synthesis. ieee transactions on visualization and computer graphics 22(2): 1088-1101 (2016).
57.abdalla ahmed, hélène perrier, david coeurjolly, victor ostromoukhov, jianwei guo, dong-ming yan, hui huang, oliver deussen. low-discrepancy blue noise sampling.acm transactions on graphics (proc. of siggraph asia), 2016.
58.chi-han peng, yong-liang yang, fan bao, daniel fink, dong-ming yan, peter wonka, niloy mitra, computational network design from functional specifications. acm transactions on  graphics (proc. of siggraph), 2016.
59.dong-ming yan, peter wonka .non-obtuse remeshing with centroidal voronoi tessellation. ieee transactions on visualization and computer graphics, 2016, 22(9): 2136-2144.
60.haiyong jiang, liangliang nan, dong-ming yan, weiming dong, xiaopeng zhang, peter wonka.automatic constraint detection for 2d layout regularization. ieee transactions on visualization and computer graphics, 2016, 22(8), 1933-1944.
61.mohamed ebeida, ahmad rushdi, muhammad awad, ahmed mahmoud, dong-ming yan, shawn english, john owens, chandrajit bajaj, scott mitchell. disk density tuning of a maximal random packing. computer graphics forum (proc. sgp), 2016, 35(5). 
62.haiyong jiang, dong-ming yan, weiming dong, fuzhang wu, liangliang nan, xiaopeng zhang. symmetrization of facade layouts. graphical models (special issue of cvm 2016), 2016.
63.jianwei guo, dong-ming yan, li chen, xiaopeng zhang, oliver deussen, peter wonka. tetrahedral meshing via maximal poisson-disk sampling. computer-aided geometric design (special issue of gmp 2016), 2016. 
64.sen zhang, jianwei guo, hui zhang, xiaohong jia, dong-ming yan, jun-hai yong, peter wonka. capacity constrained blue-noise sampling on surfaces. computes & graphics, 2016, 55, 44-54.
65.weize quan, jianwei guo, dong-ming yan, weiliang meng, xiaopeng zhang. analyzing surface sampling patterns using the localized pair correlation function. computational visual media,  2(3): 219-230 (2016).
66.tuanfeng y. wang, yuan liu, xuefeng liu, zhouwang yang, dong-ming yan, ligang liu. global stiffness structural optimization for 3d printing under unknown loads. journal of computer graphics techniques, 2016. 
67.fuzhang wu, weiming dong, yan kong, xing mei, dong-ming yan, xiaopeng zhang, jean-claude paul. feature-aware natural texture synthesis. the visual computer, 2016, 32(1). 
68.jianwei guo, dong-ming yan, xiaopeng zhang, oliver deussen, peter wonka. tetrahedral meshing via maximal poisson-disk sampling. computer aided geometric design. 43, 186-199,2016.
69.sen zhang, jianwei guo, hui zhang, xiaohong jia, dong-ming yan, jun-hai yong, peter wonka. capacity constrained blue-noise sampling on surfaces. computers & graphics. 2016.
70.xiaojuan ning, yinghui wang, weiliang meng, xiaopeng zhang. optimized shape semantic graph representation for object understanding and recognition in point clouds. optical  engineering 55(10),2016
71.jia liu, zhiguo jiang, hongjun li, weilong ding, xiaopeng zhang: 3d plant modeling based on bp neural network. trans. on edutainment 12: 109-126, 2016.
多媒体计算(multimedia computing
72.ahmed ghoneim, deep relative attributes, ieee transactions on multimedia, 18 (9), 1832-1842,2016.
73.xiaoshan yang, tianzhu zhang, changsheng xu. semantic feature mining for video event understanding. acm transactions on multimedia computing, communications and applications. 12(4): 55:1-55:22, 2016.
74.ming yan, jitao sang, changsheng xu, m. shamim hossain: a unified video recommendation by cross-network user modeling, acm tomm, 12(4): article 53 2016.
75.tianzhu zhang, bernard ghanem, si liu, changsheng xu, narendra ahuja. robust visual tracking via exclusive context modeling. ieee trans. cybernetics. 46(1): 51-63, 2016.
76.kui jia, tsung-han chan, zinan zeng, shenghua gao, gang wang, tianzhu zhang, yi ma. roml: a robust feature correspondence approach for matching objects in a set of images. international journal of computer vision 117(2): 173-197, 2016.
77.shengsheng qian, tianzhu zhang, changsheng xu, jie shao: multi-modal event topic model for social event analysis. ieee trans. multimedia. ieee trans. multimedia, 18(2): 233-246, 2016.
78.yu jiang, jing liu, hanqing lu: chat with illustration. multimedia syst. 22(1): 5-16, 2016.
79.ting yuan, jian cheng, xi zhang, qinqshan liu, hanqing lu: enriching one-class collaborative filtering with content information from social media. multimedia syst. 22(1): 51-62, 2016.
80.jinqiao wang, zhan qu, yingying chen, tao mei, min xu, la zhang, hanqing lu: adaptive content condensation based on grid optimization for thumbnail image generation. ieee trans. circuits syst. video techn. 26(11): 2079-2092, 2016.
81.zechao li, jinhui tang, xueming wang, jing liu, hanqing lu: multimedia news summarization in search. acm tist 7(3): 33, 2016.
生物特征信息处理(biometric information processing
82.yunlian sun, kamal nasrollahi, zhenan sun and tieniu tan, complementary cohort strategy for multimodal face pair matching, ieee trans. on information forensics and security, vol. 11, no. 5, pp. 937-950, 2016.
83.shengcai liao, anil k. jain, and stan z. li, a fast and accurate unconstrained face detector, ieee transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence (tpami), vol.38, no.2, 2016. 
84.jun wan, guodong guo, stan z li, explore efficient local features from rgb-d data for one shot learning gesture recognition, ieee transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence (tpami), vol. 38, no. 8, pp. 1626-1639, 2016. 
85.longyin wen, zhen lei, siwei lyu, stan z. li, ming-hsuan yang. exploiting hierarchical dense structures on hypergraphs for multi-object tracking, ieee transaction on pattern analysis and machine intelligence, 38(10):1983-1996, 2016. 
86.zhen lei, dong yi, stan z. li. learning stacked image descriptor for face recognition. ieee transaction on circuits and systems for video technology, 26(9): 1685-1696, 2016.
医学图像分析(medical image analysis)
87.calhoun vd, sui j. 2016. multimodal fusion of brain imaging data: a key to finding the missing link(s) in complex mental illness. biol psychiatry cogn neurosci neuroimaging 1:230-244.
88.chen j, shu h, wang z, zhan y, liu d, liao w, xu l, liu y, zhang z. 2016. convergent and divergent intranetwork and internetwork connectivity patterns in patients with remitted late-life depression and amnestic mild cognitive impairment. cortex 83:194-211.
89.cui y, liu b, zhou y, fan l, li j, zhang y, wu h, hou b, wang c, zheng f, qiu c, rao ll, ning y, li s, jiang t. 2016. genetic effects on fine-grained human cortical regionalization. cereb cortex 26:3732-3743.
90.fan l, li h, zhuo j, zhang y, wang j, chen l, yang z, chu c, xie s, laird ar, fox pt, eickhoff sb, yu c, jiang t. 2016. the human brainnetome atlas: a new brain atlas based on connectional architecture. cereb cortex 26:3508-3526.
91.fan x, wang y, liu y, liu x, zhang c, wang l, li s, ma j, jiang t. 2016. brain regions associated with telomerase reverse transcriptase promoter mutations in primary glioblastomas. j neurooncol 128:455-462.
92.fan x, wang y, wang k, liu s, liu y, ma j, li s, jiang t. 2016. anatomical specificity of vascular endothelial growth factor expression in glioblastomas: a voxel-based mapping analysis. neuroradiology 58:69-75.
93.fang x, zhang y, wang y, zhang y, hu j, wang j, zhang j, jiang t. 2016. disrupted effective connectivity of the sensorimotor network in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. j neurol 263:508-516.
94.fang x, zhang y, zhou y, cheng l, li j, wang y, friston kj, jiang t. 2016. resting-state coupling between core regions within the central-executive and salience networks contributes to working memory performance. front behav neurosci 10:27.
95.he h, yu q, du y, vergara v, victor ta, drevets wc, savitz jb, jiang t, sui j, calhoun vd. 2016. resting-state functional network connectivity in prefrontal regions differs between unmedicated patients with bipolar and major depressive disorders. j affect disord 190:483-493.
96.jie n, zhu m, ma x, osuch ea, wammes m, jean t, li h, zhang y, jiang t, sui j, calhoun, vd. 2016. discriminating bipolar disorder from major depression using whole brain functional connectivity: a feature selection analysis with svm-foba algorithm. journal of singal processing systems. doi:10.1007/ s11265-016-1159-9.pp1-13 
97.li w, liu b, xu j, jiang t, yu c. 2016. interaction of comt rs4680 and bdnf rs6265 polymorphisms on functional connectivity density of the left frontal eye field in healthy young adults. hum brain mapp 37:2468-2478.
98.li y, xie s, liu b, song m, chen y, li p, lu l, lv l, wang h, yan h, yan j, zhang h, zhang d, jiang t. 2016. diffusion magnetic resonance imaging study of schizophrenia in the context of abnormal neurodevelopment using multiple site data in a chinese han population. transl psychiatry 6:e715.
99.liu c, li y, edwards tj, kurniawan nd, richards lj, jiang t. 2016. altered structural connectome in adolescent socially isolated mice. neuroimage 139:259-270.
100.liu y, jiang w, chen y, liu y, zeng p, xue f, wang q. 2016. cytotoxicity of mequindox and its metabolites in hepg2 cells in vitro and murine hepatocytes in vivo. mutat res genet toxicol environ mutagen 797:36-45.
101.liu y, tan l, wang hf, liu y, hao xk, tan cc, jiang t, liu b, zhang dq, yu jt, alzheimer's disease neuroimaging i. 2016. multiple effect of apoe genotype on clinical and neuroimaging biomarkers across alzheimer's disease spectrum. mol neurobiol 53:4539-4547.
102.neubert a, yang z, engstrom c, xia y, strudwick mw, chandra ss, fripp j, crozier s. 2016. automatic segmentation of the glenohumeral cartilages from magnetic resonance images. med phys 43:5370.
103.qu j, qin l, cheng s, leung k, li x, li h, dai j, jiang t, akgoz a, seethamraju r, wang q, rahman r, li s, ai l, jiang t, young gs. 2016. residual low adc and high fa at the resection margin correlate with poor chemoradiation response and overall survival in high-grade glioma patients. eur j radiol 85:657-664.
104.sepehrband f, alexander dc, clark ka, kurniawan nd, yang z, reutens dc. 2016. parametric probability distribution functions for axon diameters of corpus callosum. front neuroanat 10:59.
105.sepehrband f, alexander dc, kurniawan nd, reutens dc, yang z. 2016. towards higher sensitivity and stability of axon diameter estimation with diffusion-weighted mri. nmr biomed 29:293-308.
106.shen j, zhang p, liu h, xu l, xu j, qin w, liu b, jiang t, yu c. 2016. modulation effect of the sorl1 gene on functional connectivity density in healthy young adults. brain struct funct 221:4103-4110.
107.si j, zhang x, li y, zhang y, zuo n, jiang t. 2016. correlation between electrical and hemodynamic responses during visual stimulation with graded contrasts. j biomed opt 21:091315.
108.wang j, qin w, liu f, liu b, zhou y, jiang t, yu c. 2016. sex-specific mediation effect of the right fusiform face area volume on the association between variants in repeat length of avpr1a rs3 and altruistic behavior in healthy adults. hum brain mapp 37:2700-2709.
109.wang j, tian y, wang m, cao l, wu h, zhang y, wang k, jiang t. 2016. a lateralized top-down network for visuospatial attention and neglect. brain imaging behav 10:1029-1037.
110.wang j, zhang j, rong m, wei x, zheng d, fox pt, eickhoff sb, jiang t. 2016. functional topography of the right inferior parietal lobule structured by anatomical connectivity profiles. hum brain mapp 37:4316-4332.
111.wang p, wing yk, xing j, liu y, zhou b, zhang z, yao h, guo y, shang y, zhang x. 2016. rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder in patients with probable alzheimer's disease. aging clin exp res 28:951-957.
112.wu h, sun h, wang c, yu l, li y, peng h, lu x, hu q, ning y, jiang t, xu j, wang j. 2016. abnormalities in the structural covariance of emotion regulation networks in major depressive disorder. j psychiatr res 84:237-242.
113.wu y, li h, zhou y, yu j, zhang y, song m, qin w, yu c, jiang t. 2016. sex-specific neural circuits of emotion regulation in the centromedial amygdala. sci rep 6:23112.
114.wu y, wang j, zhang y, zheng d, zhang j, rong m, wu h, wang y, zhou k, jiang t. 2016. the neuroanatomical basis for posterior superior parietal lobule control lateralization of visuospatial attention. front neuroanat 10:32.
115.wu y, zhang y, liu y, liu j, duan y, wei x, zhuo j, li k, zhang x, yu c, wang j, jiang t. 2016. distinct changes in functional connectivity in posteromedial cortex subregions during the progress of alzheimer's disease. front neuroanat 10:41.
116.xie s, chen l, zuo n, jiang t. 2016. diffusionkit: a light one-stop solution for diffusion mri data analysis. j neurosci methods 273:107-119.
117.xie w, zheng f, song x, zhong b, yan l. 2016. renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system blockers for heart failure with reduced ejection fraction or left ventricular dysfunction: network meta-analysis. int j cardiol 205:65-71.
118.xu j, qin w, liu b, jiang t, yu c. 2016. interactions of genetic variants reveal inverse modulation patterns of dopamine system on brain gray matter volume and resting-state functional connectivity in healthy young adults. brain struct funct 221:3891-3901.
119.yang sq, xu zp, xiong y, zhan yf, guo ly, zhang s, jiang rf, yao yh, qin yy, wang jz, liu y, zhu wz. 2016. altered intranetwork and internetwork functional connectivity in type 2 diabetes mellitus with and without cognitive impairment. sci rep 6:32980.
120.yang x, li j, liu b, li y, jiang t. 2016. impact of picalm and clu on hippocampal degeneration. hum brain mapp 37:2419-2430.
121.yang y, fan l, chu c, zhuo j, wang j, fox pt, eickhoff sb, jiang t. 2016. identifying functional subdivisions in the human brain using meta-analytic activation modeling-based parcellation. neuroimage 124:300-309.
122.yang z, ye c, bogovic ja, carass a, jedynak bm, ying sh, prince jl. 2016. automated cerebellar lobule segmentation with application to cerebellar structural analysis in cerebellar disease. neuroimage 127:435-444.
123.ye c, prince jl. 2016. a bayesian approach to fiber orientation estimation guided by volumetric tract segmentation. comput med imaging graph 54:35-47.
124.ye c, prince jl. 2017. probabilistic tractography using lasso bootstrap. medical image analysis 35:544-553.
125.ye c, zhuo j, gullapalli rp, prince jl. 2016. estimation of fiber orientations using neighborhood information. medical image analysis 32:243-256.
126.yu q, wu l, bridwell da, erhardt eb, du y, he h, chen j, liu p, sui j, pearlson g, calhoun vd. 2016. building an eeg-fmri multi-modal brain graph: a concurrent eeg-fmri study. front hum neurosci 10:476.
127.zhan y, ma j, alexander-bloch af, xu k, cui y, feng q, jiang t, liu y, alzheimer's disease neuroimaging i. 2016. longitudinal study of impaired intra- and inter-network brain connectivity in subjects at high risk for alzheimer's disease. journal of alzheimer's disease : jad 52:913-927.
128.zhang c, lu j, liu b, cui q, wang y. 2016. primate-specific mir-603 is implicated in the risk and pathogenesis of alzheimer's disease. aging (albany ny) 8:272-290.
129.zhang df, li j, wu h, cui y, bi r, zhou hj, wang hz, zhang c, wang d, alzheimer's disease neuroimaging i, kong qp, li t, fang y, jiang t, yao yg. 2016. cfh variants affect structural and functional brain changes and genetic risk of alzheimer's disease. neuropsychopharmacology 41:1034-1045.
130.zhang j, li c, jiang t. 2016. new insights into signed path coefficient granger causality analysis. front neuroinform 10:47.
131.zhang w, wang j, fan l, zhang y, fox pt, eickhoff sb, yu c, jiang t. 2016. functional organization of the fusiform gyrus revealed with connectivity profiles. hum brain mapp 37:3003-3016.
132.zhang yy, xu l, rao ll, zhou l, zhou y, jiang t, li s, liang zy. 2016. gain-loss asymmetry in neural correlates of temporal discounting: an approach-avoidance motivation perspective. sci rep 6:31902.
133.zhang z, zheng f, you y, ma y, lu t, yue w, zhang d. 2016. growth arrest specific gene 7 is associated with schizophrenia and regulates neuronal migration and morphogenesis. mol brain 9:54.
134.zheng f, cui y, yan h, liu b, jiang t. 2016. the effects of a genome-wide supported variant in the cacna1c gene on cortical morphology in schizophrenia patients and healthy subjects. sci rep 6:34298.
135.zhuo j, fan l, liu y, zhang y, yu c, jiang t. 2016. connectivity profiles reveal a transition subarea in the parahippocampal region that integrates the anterior temporal-posterior medial systems. j neurosci 36:2782-2795.
136.zuo n, song m, fan l, eickhoff sb, jiang t. 2016. different interaction modes for the default mode network revealed by resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging. eur j neurosci 43:78-88.
语音语言技术(speech and language technology
138.jiajun zhang, yu zhou and chengqing zong. abstractive cross-language summarization via translation model enhanced predicate argument structure fusing. ieee/acm transactions on audio, speech and language processing, 2016, 24(10): 1842-1853
139.haitong yang and chengqing zong. learning generalized features for semantic role labeling. acm transactions on asian language and low-resource language information processing (tallip), vol.15, no.4, article 28, april 2016
140.siwei lai, kang liu, shizhu he, jun zhao, how to generate a good word embedding?, ieee intelligent systems, volume: 31, issue: 6, nov.-dec. 2016
141.minghao yang,jinlin jiang,jianhua tao, kaihui mu,hao li,emotional head motion predicting from prosodic and linguistic features. multimedia tools and applications, 2016, 75(9):5125-5146.
142.bin liu,jianhua tao,zhengqi wen,fuyuan mo, speech enhancement based on analysis-synthesis framework with improved parameter domain enhancement, signal processing systems, volume 82, number 1,pp:141-150,january 2016.
143.hao che,ya li,jianhua tao,zhengqi wen, investigating effect of rich syntactic features on mandarin prosodicboundaries prediction, journal of signal processing systems, volume 82, issue 2, pp:263–271,february 2016.
国内刊物(national journals
计算机视觉(computer vision
1.余淼, 胡占义. 一种鲁棒的约束物体检测和语义分割类别一致性的高阶能量项. 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报,vol.28, no.8, pp.1201-1214, 2016.
2.舒茂, 王红, 组合优化算法在酶功能设计中的应用研究,计算机辅助设计与图形学学报, 28(10): 1803-1810 ,2016.
3.何雷, 董秋雷, 胡占义, 从单幅图像学习场景深度信息固有的歧义性,中国科学: 信息科学46(7): 811-818, 2016.
4.张驰, 刘菲, 侯广琦, 孙哲南, 谭铁牛, 光场成像技术及其在计算机视觉中的应用, 中国图象图形学报, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 263-281, 2016.
模式识别(pattern recognition
5.曾毅、刘成林、谭铁牛,类脑智能研究的回顾与展望,计算机学报,39(1): 212-222, 2016.
人工智能(artificial intelligence
6.吴书, 刘强, 王亮, 情境大数据建模及其在用户行为预测中的应用, 大数据杂志, vol. 2, no. 6, pp. 110-117, 2016. 
语音语言技术(speech and language technology
9.王少楠,宗成庆. 一种基于双通道lda模型的汉语词义表示与归纳方法. 计算机学报,2016年8月,第39卷,第8期,第1652-1666页
10.吴惠甲,张家俊,宗成庆. 基于神经语言模型的范畴标注方法. 软件学报,2016年11月,第27卷,第11期,第2691-2700页
国际会议(international conferences
计算机视觉(computer vision)
1.xiaomei zhao, yihong wu, guidong song, zhenye li, yong fan, and yazhuo zhang. brain tumor segmentation using a fully convolutional neural network with conditional random fields. proceedings miccai-brats workshop, 2016.
2.xiaofeng sun, shuhan shen, zhanyi hu. automatic building extraction from oblique aerial images. the 23th international conference on pattern recognition, 2016.
3.hainan cui, shuhan shen, zhanyi hu. robust global translation averaging with feature tracks. the 23th international conference on pattern recognition, 2016.
4.qiulei dong, hao hu ,sequential factorization for nonrigid structure from motion via lbfgs,the 23th international conference on pattern recognition, 2016.
5.zhang ting, dong qiulei, hu zhanyi,pursuing face identity from view-specific representation to view-invariant representation,international conference on image processing, pp:3244-3248, 9.25-28. 2016.
6.zhang zhang, kaiqi huang, tieniu tan, peipei yang and jun li, red-sfa: relation discovery based slow feature analysis for trajectory clustering, proc. ieee conference on computer vision and pattern recognition, pp. 752-760, july 2016, las vegas, nevada, usa.
7.deepak kumar jain, zhang zhang and kaiqi huang, hybrid patch based diagonal pattern geometric appearance model for facial expression recognition, proc. chinese conference on intelligent visual surveillance (ivs), pp. 752-760, october 2016, beijing, china.
8.yuqi zhang, yongzhen huang and liang wang, what makes for good multiple object trackers, proc. international conference on digital signal processing, october 2016, beijing, china. 
9.shibiao xu*, longquan dai*, jiguang zhang, jinhui tang, g.hemanth kumar, yanning zhang, and xiaopeng zhang#. joint depth map interpolation and segmentation with planar surface model. siggraph asia technical briefs 2016. 
10.xinchu shi, haibin ling, weiming hu and junliang xing, "tensor power iteration for multi-graph matching," ieee conference on computer vision and pattern recognition , pp. 5062-5070, 2016.
11.pei wang, chunfeng yuan, weiming hu, bing li, yanning zhang. graph based skeleton motion representation and similarity measurement for action recognition. european conference on computer vision , pp.370-385, 2016.
12.yanghao li, cuiling lan, junliang xing, wenjun zeng, chunfeng yuan, jiaying liu. online human action detection using joint classification-regression recurrent neural networks. in proceedings of european conference on computer vision, pp. 203-220, 2016.
13.chi su , shiliang zhang, junliang xing, wen gao, qi tian. deep attributes driven multi-camera person re-identification. in proceedings of european conference on computer vision, pp. 475-491, 2016.
14.shengtao xiao, jiashi feng, junliang xing, hanjiang lai, shuicheng yan, ashraf kassim. robust facial landmark detection via recurrent attentive-refinement networks. in proceedings of european conference on computer vision, pp. 57-72, 2016.
模式识别(pattern recognition
15.chenghua li, qiang song, yuhang wang, hang song, qi kang, jian cheng, hanqing lu: learning to recognition from bing clickture data. icme workshops 2016: 1-4
16.chenghua li, qi kang, guojing ge, qiang song, hanqing lu and jian cheng: deepbe: learning deep binary encoding for multi-label classification, chalearn looking at people cvpr workshop 2016
17.jiaxiang wu, qinghao hu, cong leng, jian cheng: shoot to know what: an application of deep networks on mobile devices, aaai 2016: 4399-4400
18.congqi cao, yifan zhang, chunjie zhang, hanqing lu: action recognition with joints-pooled 3d deep convolutional descriptors. ijcai 2016: 3324-3330
19.xiaoxiang liu, lingxiao song, xiang wu and tieniu tan, transferring deep representation for nir-vis heterogeneous face recognition, proc. international conference on biometrics, june 2016, halmstad, sweden. 
20.qi zhang, haiqing li, zhenan sun, zhaofeng he and tieniu tan, exploring complementary features for iris recognition on mobile devices, proc. international conference on biometrics, june 2016, halmstad, sweden. 
21.nianfeng liu, haiqing li, man zhang, zhenan sun and tieniu tan, accurate iris segmentation in non-cooperative environments using fully convolutional networks, proc. international conference on biometrics, june 2016, halmstad, sweden.
22.shu zhang, ran he, zhenan sun and tieniu tan, multi-task convnet for blind face inpainting with application to face verification, proc. international conference on biometrics, june 2016, halmstad, sweden.
23.man zhang, qi zhang, zhenan sun, tieniu tan, shujuan zhou and nasir uddin ahmed, the btas∗ competition on mobile iris recognition, proc. ieee international conference on biometrics: theory, applications and systems, september 2016, new york, usa.
24.lingxiao he, haiqing li, fei liu, nianfeng liu and zhenan sun, multi-patch convolution neural network for iris liveness detection, proc. ieee international conference on biometrics: theory, applications and systems, september 2016, new york, usa.
25.lingxiao he, haiqing li, qi zhang and zhenan sun, multiscale representation for partial face recognition under near infrared illumination, proc. ieee international conference on biometrics: theory, applications and systems, september 2016, new york, usa.
26.shuxuan guo, li liu, wei wang, songyang lao and liang wang, an attention model based on spatial transformers for scene recognition, proc. international conference on pattern recognition, december 2016, cancun, mexico.
27.wenkai dong, shu zhang and ran he, digital recognition from lip texture analysis, proc. international conference on digital signal processing, october 2016, beijing, china.
28.zhihe lu, xiang wu and ran he, person identification from lip texture analysis, proc. international conference on digital signal processing, october 2016, beijing, china.
29.jie cao, haiqing li, zhenan sun and ran he, accurate mouth status detection via cnn, proc. international conference on digital signal processing, october 2016, beijing, china.
30.yan-ming zhang, xu-yao zhang, xiao-tong yuan, cheng-lin liu, large-scale graph-based semi-supervised learning via tree laplacian solver, aaai 2016, phoenix, arizona, usa.
31.kai chen, cheng-lin liu, m. seuret, hao wei, m. liwicki, j. hennebert, r. ingold, page segmentation for historical document images based on superpixel classification with unsupervised feature learning, proc. 12th iapr workshop on das, santorini, greece, 2016, pp.299-304.
32.zheng zhang, yong xu, cheng-lin liu, natural scene character recognition using robust pca and sparse representation, proc. 12th iapr workshop on das, santorini, greece, 2016, pp.340-345.
33.kai chen, fei yin, cheng-lin liu, effective candidate component extraction for text localization in born-digital images by combining text contours and stroke interior regions, proc. 12th iapr workshop on das, santorini, greece, 2016, pp.352-357.
34.yongzhong wang, xu-yao zhang, yanming zhang, xinwen hou and cheng-lin liu, exploiting coarse-to-fine mechanism for fine-grained recognition, proc. 2016 icip, phoenix, usa, pp.649-653.
35.ting-bing xu, guang-liang cheng, jie yang, cheng-lin liu, fast aircraft detection using end-to-end fully convolutional network, proc. international conference on digital signal processing (dsp 2016), beijing, china, 2016, pp.139-143.
36.jie yang, xinwei jiang, pp.139-143, cheng-lin liu, chunhong pan, enhancement of low light level images with coupled dictionary learning, proc. 23rd icpr, cancun, mexico, 2016, pp.740-745.
37.wenhao he, yuxuan luo, fei yin, han hu, junyu han, errui ding, cheng-lin liu, context-aware mathematical expression recognition: an end-to-end framework and a benchmark, proc. 23rd icpr, cancun, mexico, 2016, pp.3235-3240.
38.jun-yu ye, yan-ming zhang, cheng-lin liu, joint training of conditional random fields and neural networks for stroke classification in online handwritten documents, proc. 23rd icpr, cancun, mexico, 2016, pp.3253-3258.
39.zhao zhong, xu-yao zhang, fei yin, cheng-lin liu, handwritten chinese character recognition with spatial transformer and deep residual networks, proc. 23rd icpr, cancun, mexico, 2016, pp. 3429-3434.
40.hong-ming yang, xu-yao zhang, fei yin, zhenbo luo, cheng-lin liu, unsupervised adaptation of neural networks for chinese handwriting recognition, proc. 15th icfhr, shenzhen, china, 2016, pp.512-517.
41.kai chen, m. seuret, m. liwicki, j. hennebert, cheng-lin liu, r. ingold, page segmentation for historical handwritten document images using conditional random fields, proc. 15th icfhr, shenzhen, china, 2016, pp.90-95.
42.cheng cheng, xu-yao zhang, xiao-hu shao, xiang-dong, zhou, handwritten chinese character recognition by joint classification and similarity ranking, proc. 15th icfhr, shenzhen, china, 2016.
43.yuan-yuan shen, cheng-lin liu, incremental learning vector quantization for character recognition with local style consistency, bics 2016, lnai vol.10023, springer, pp.228-239.
44.yongchao gong, shiming xiang, lingfeng wang, chunhong pan. fine-structured object segmentation via edge-guided graph cut with interaction simplification. in proceedings of the 41st ieee international conference on acoustics, speech and signal processing. shanghai, china, pp. 1801--1805, 2016.
45.yongchao gong, shiming xiang, chunhong pan. data-guided random walks for fine-structured object segmentation. in proceedings of the 41st ieee international conference on acoustics, speech and signal processing. shanghai, china, pp. 1806-1810, 2016.
47.zuming huang, guangliang cheng, hongzhen wang, haichang li, limin shi, and chunhong pan. in proceedings of the ieee international geoscience and remote sensing symposium. beijing, china, pp. 1835-1838, 2016.
48.zuming huang, guangliang cheng, hongzhen wang, haichang li, limin shi, chunhong pan:building extraction from multi-source remote sensing images via deep deconvolution neural networks. igarss 2016: 1835-1838
49.huxiang gu, joel z. leibo, fabio anselmi, chunhong pan, tomaso a. poggio: invariant representation for blur and down-sampling transformations. icip 2016: 3593-3597
50.xiaoping hu, ying wang, feiyun zhu, chunhong pan:learning-based fully 3d face reconstruction from a single image. icassp 2016: 1651-1655.
人工智能(artificial intelligence
51.man zhang, ran he, dong cao, zhenan sun and tieniu tan, simultaneous feature and sample reduction for image-set classification, proc. aaai conference on artificial intelligence, pp. 1401-1407, february 2016, phoenix, usa.
52.qiang liu, shu wu, liang wang and tieniu tan, predicting the next location: a recurrent model with spatial and temporal contexts, proc. aaai conference on artificial intelligence, pp. 194-200, february 2016, phoenix, usa.
53.shu wu, qiang liu, ping bai, liang wang and tieniu tan, sape: a system for situation-aware public security evaluation, proc. aaai conference on artificial intelligence, pp. 4401-4402, february 2016, phoenix, usa.
54.shu wu, qiang liu, yong liu, liang wang and tieniu tan, information credibility evaluation on social media, proc. aaai conference on artificial intelligence, pp. 4403-4404, february 2016, phoenix, usa.
55.jian liang, ran he, zhenan sun and tieniu tan, group-invariant cross-modal subspace learning, proc. international joint conference on artificial intelligence , pp. 1739-1745, july 2016, new york, usa.
56.jun guo, yanqing guo, xiangwei kong, man zhang and ran he, discriminative analysis dictionary learning, proc. aaai conference on artificial intelligence, pp. 1617-1623, february 2016, phoenix, usa.
57.yanhua cheng, xin zhao, rui cai, zhiwei li, kaiqi huang and yong rui, semi-supervised multimodal deep learning for rgb-d object recognition, proc. international joint conference on artificial intelligence, pp. 3345-3351, july 2016, new york, usa. 
58.kangwei liu, junge zhang, peipei yang and kaiqi huang, fastlcd: fast label coordinate descent for the efficient optimization of mrfs with two-dimensional labels, proc. international joint conference on artificial intelligence, pp. 624-630, july 2016, new york, usa.
机器学习(machine learning)
60.dekui ma, jian liang, xiangwei kong, ran he, discrete cross-modal hashing for efficient multimedia retrieval, proc. international symposium on multimedia, san jose, california, usa, december 2016.
61.jun guo, yanqing guo, bo wang, xiangwei kong and ran he, topology preserving dictionary learning for pattern classification, proc. international joint conference on neural networks, pp. 1709-1715, july 2016, vancouver, canada.
62.linlin cao, ran he and baogang hu, locally imposing function for generalized constraint neural networks - a study on equality constraints, proc. international joint conference on neural networks, pp. 4795-4802, july 2016, vancouver, canada.
63.cao, l., he, r., and hu, b.-g., locally imposing function for generalized constraint neural networks - a study on equality constraints, in: ijcnn-2016.
64.xu, g.-b., hu, b.-g., princepe, j. robust bounded logistic regression in the class imbalance problem, in: ijcnn-2016.
65.mao xue, fu zhouyu, wu ou and hu weiming. fast kernel svm training via support vector identification, international conference on pattern recognition, 2016.
66.wen sun, chunfeng yuan, pei wang, shuang yang and weiming hu ,hierarchical bayesian multiple kernel learning based feature fusion for action recognition,international conference on pattern recognition, 2016.
67.wentao zhu, cuiling lan, junliang xing, wenjun zeng, yanghao li, li shen, xiaohui xie. co-occurrence feature learning for skeleton based action recognition using regularized deep lstm networks. in proceedings of aaai conference on artificial intelligence, pp. 3697-3703, 2016.
数据挖掘(data mining
68.feng yu, qiang liu, shu wu, liang wang and tieniu tan, a dynamic recurrent model for next basket recommendation, proc. acm sigir conference on research and development in information retrieval, pp. 729-732, july 2016, pisa, italy. 
69.qiang liu, shu wu, diyi wang, zhaokang li and liang wang, context-aware sequential recommendation, proc. ieee international conference on data mining (icdm), december 2016, barcelona, spain.
生物特征信息处理(biometric information processing
70.longyin wen, zhen lei, ming-ching chang, honggang qi, siwei lyu. “multi-camera multi-target tracking with space-time-view hyper-graph”. international journal of computer vision (ijcv), 2016. (accepted) 
71.hailin shi, xiangyu zhu, shengcai liao, zhen lei, stan z. li. “ensemble deep network for face recognition in the wild”, ieee transaction on intelligent systems (is), 2016. (accepted) 
72.hailin shi, xiaobo wang, dong yi, zhen lei, xiangyu zhu, stan z. li, “cross- modality face recognition via heterogeneous joint bayesian”, ieee signal processing letters, 2016. (accepted) 
73.zhen lei, dong yi, stan z. li. “learning stacked image descriptor for face recognition”. ieee transaction on circuits and systems for video technology, 26(9): 1685-1696, 2016. 
74.hugo jair escalante, victor pibce-lopez, jun wan, michael a. riegler, baiyu chen, albert clapes, serigio escalera, isabelle guyon, xavier baro, pal halvorsen, henning muller, martha larson. "chalearn joint contest on multimedia challenges beyond visual analysis: an overview", icpr workshop 2016. 
75.zichang tan, shuai zhou, jun wan, zhen lei, stan z. li. “age estimation based on a single network with soft softmax of aging modeling”. in proceedings of 13th asian conference on computer vision (accv2016).taipei, november 20-24, 2016. 
76.hailin shi, yang yang, xiangyu zhu, shengcai liao, zhen lei, weishi zheng, stan z. li. “embedding deep metric for person re-identification: a study against large variations”. in proceedings of european conference on computer vision, (eccv2016). amsterdam, oct. 8-16, 2016. 
77.jun wan, yibing zhao, shuai zhou, isabelle guyon, sergio escalera and stan z. li, "chalearn looking at people rgb-d isolated and continuous datasets for gesture recognition", cvpr workshop, 2016. 
78.hailin shi, xiangyu zhu, zhen lei, shengcai liao, stan z. li. “learning discriminative features with class encoder”, in workshop on robust features for computer vision, in conjunction with cvpr2016. las vegas, june 26-july 1, 2016. 
79.bin yang, zhen lei, stan z. li. “craft objects from images”, in proceedings of ieee international conference on computer vision and pattern recognition, (cvpr2016). las vegas, june 26-july 1, 2016. 
80.xiangyu zhu, zhen lei, xiaoming liu, hailin shi, stan z. li. “face alignment across large poses: a 3d solution”, in proceedings of ieee international conference on computer vision and pattern recognition, (cvpr2016). las vegas, june 26-july 1, 2016. 
81.yang yang, zhen lei, shifeng zhang, hailin shi, stan z. li. “metric embedded discriminative vocabulary learning for high-level person representation”, in proceedings of the thirtieth aaai conference on artificial intelligence, (aaai 2016), phoenix, arizona usa, february 12–17, 2016. 
82.yang yang, shengcai liao, zhen lei, stan z. li. “large scale similarity learning using similar pairs for person verification”, in proceedings of the thirtieth aaai conference on artificial intelligence, (aaai 2016), phoenix, arizona usa, february 12–17, 2016. 
83.cheng cheng , junliang xing, youji feng, deling li, xiang-dong zhou. bootstrapping joint bayesian model for robust face verification.  ieee international conference on biometrics, pp. 1-6, 2016.
计算机图形学(computer graphics
84.kaimo hu, dong-ming yan, bedrich benes .error-bounded surface remeshing with minimal angle elimination. siggraph posters, 2016
85.weize quan, dong-ming yan, jianwei guo, weiliang meng, xiaopeng zhang.maximal poisson-disk sampling by sampling radius optimization siggraph asia poster, 2016
86.dawar khan, dong-ming yan, yiqun wang, juntao ye, xiaopeng zhang.obtuse triangle removal for 2d mesh generation siggraph asia poster, 2016
87.yiping meng, fan tang, weiming dong, xiaopeng zhang: optimal character composing for chinese calligraphic artwork. siggraph asia posters 2016: 25:1-25:2
88.liming sun, timo r. nyberg, gang xiong, juntao ye. minimum displacements for cloth-obstacle penetration resolving. eurographics conferene, short paper, 53-56, 2016
89.xinying liu, weiliang meng, jianwei guo, xiaopeng zhang. a survey on processing of large-scale 3d point cloud. edutainment 2016. hangzhou.
图象/视频处理与分析(image/video processing and analysis
90.guibo zhu, jinqiao wang, yi wu, xiaoyu zhang, hanqing lu: mc-hog correlation tracking with saliency proposal. aaai 2016: 3690-3696
91.zhiqiang li, la zhang, yikai fang, jinqiao wang, huazhong xu, baocai yin, hanqing lu: deep people counting with faster r-cnn and correlation tracking. icimcs 2016: 57-60
92.lingxiang wu, jinqiao wang, guibo zhu, min xu, hanqing lu: person re-identification via rich color-gradient feature. icme 2016: 1-6
93.yuhang wang, jing liu, yong li, junjie yan, hanqing lu: objectness-aware semantic segmentation. acm multimedia 2016: 307-311
94.jiaxiang wu,cong leng,yuhang wang,qinghao hu,jian cheng:  quantized convolutional neural networks for mobile devices, cvpr 2016: 4820-4828
95.yingying chen, la zhang, jinqiao wang, hanqing lu: piecewise video condensation for complex scenes, accv 2016
96.yousong zhu, jinqiao wang, chaoyang zhao, haiyun guo, hanqing lu: scale-adaptive deconvolutional regression network for pedestrian detection, accv 2016
97.guanzhong wang, yikai fang, jinqiao wang, jian sun: extensive comparison of visual features for person re-identification, icimcs 2016: 192-196
98.dekui ma, jian liang, xiangwei kong and ran he, frustratingly easy cross-modal hashing, proc. 2016 acm on multimedia conference, pp. 237-241, october 2016, amsterdam, netherlands.
99.bo peng, wei wang, jing dong and tieniu tan, automatic detection of 3d lighting inconsistencies via a facial landmark based morphable model, proc. international conference on image processing, pp. 3932-3936, september 2016, phoenix, usa.
100.yinlong qian, wei wang, jing dong and tieniu tan, learning and transferring representations for image steganalysis using convolutional neural network, proc. international conference on image processing, pp. 2752-2756, september 2016, phoenix, usa. 
101.yunlong wang, guangqi hou, zhenan sun, zilei wang and tieniu tan, a simple and robust super resolution method for light field images, proc. international conference on image processing, pp. 1459-1463, september 2016, phoenix, usa.
102.weiqi zhao, zhang zhang and kaiqi huang, joint crowd ddtection and semantic scene modeling using a gestalt laws-based similarity, proc. international conference on image processing, pp. 1220-1224, september 2016, phoenix, usa.
103.qiaozhe li, xin zhao and kaiqi huang, learning temporally correlated representations using lstms for visual tracking, proc. international conference on image processing, pp. 1614-1618, september 2016, phoenix, usa.
104.hongsong wang, wei wang and liang wang, how scene implies action in realistic videos, proc. international conference on image processing, pp. 1619-1623, september 2016, phoenix, usa.
105.kaihao zhang, yongzhen huang, ran he, hong wu and liang wang, localize heavily occluded human faces via deep segmentation, proc. international conference on image processing, pp. 2648-2655, september 2016, phoenix, usa.
106.guangqi hou, chi zhang and zhenan sun, 4d light-field sensing system for people counting, smart photonic and optoelectronic integrated circuits xviii, february 2016, san francisco, california, united states.
107.kai li, junliang xing, bing li and weiming hu, “bootstrapping deep feature hierarchy for pornographic image recognition,” ieee international conference on image processing, 2016, pp. 4423-4427.
多媒体计算(multimedia computing
108.xiaoshan yang, tianzhu zhang, changsheng xu, abnormal event discovery in user generated photos, 2016 acm on multimedia conference, id:55, 10.47-51. 2016.
109.jitao sang, huaiwen zhang, changsheng xu: visual bfi: an exploratory study for image-based personality test. pcm 2016.
110.shengsheng qian, tianzhu zhang, changsheng xu. multi-modal multi-view topic-opinion mining for social event analysis. acm multimedia. 2-11. 2016
111.tianzhu zhang,adel bibi,and bernard ghanem. in defense of sparse tracking: circulant sparse tracker. cvpr 2016.
112.peisong wang, jian cheng: accelerating convolutional neural networks for mobile applications, acm mm 2016:541-545
113.zhiwei fang, jing liu, yuhang wang, yong li, hang song, jinhui tang, hanqing lu: object-aware deep network for commodity image retrieval. icmr 2016: 405-408
114.yuchi huang, hanqing lu: deep learning driven hypergraph representation for image-based emotion recognition. icmi 2016: 243-247
115.yuchi huang, hanqing lu: hybrid hypergraph construction for facial expression recognition, icpr 2016
116.yuhui li, jiucheng xu, yifan zhang, chunjie zhang, hongsheng yin, hanqing lu: image classification using spatial difference descriptor under spatial pyramid matching framework. mmm (1) 2016: 527-539 
117.jing liu, yu jiang, zechao li, xi zhang, hanqing lu: domain-sensitive recommendation with user-item subgroup analysis. icde 2016: 1466-1467
数据挖掘(data mining
118.qiang liu, shu wu and liang wang, “cot: contextual operating tensor for context-aware recommender systems,” proc. aaai conference on artificial intelligence, pp. 203-209, january 2015, austin, usa.
医学图像分析(medical image analysis)
119.qi s, calhoun vd, theo g. m. van erp, eswar damaraju, juan bustillo, jessica turner, yuhui du, daniel h. mathalon, judith m. ford, james voyvodic, bryon mueller, aysenil belger, sarah mcewen, steven g. potkin, adrian preda, fbirn, jiang t, sui j*. supervised multimodal fusion and its application in searching joint neuromarkers of working memory deficits in schizophrenia. embc 2016. august 17-20, orlando, fl, usa.
120.si, j., zhao, r., zhang, y., zuo, n., zhang, x., jiang, t., 2015. a portable fnirs system with eight channels. optical techniques in neurosurgery, neurophotonics, and optogenetics ii, san francisco, california, united states, pp. 93051b-93051b-93054.
121.zhan y, ma j, xu k, ding y, cui y, yang z, liu y. 2016. impaired episodic memory network in subjects at high risk for alzheimer's disease. conf proc ieee eng med biol soc 2016:4017-4020.
语音语言技术(speech and language technology)
122.guoping huang, jiajun zhang, yu zhou, chengqing zong. a new input method for human translators: integrating machine translation effectively and imperceptibly. in proceedings of the 24th international joint conference on artificial intelligence (ijcai-15), buenos aires, argentina, 25 july - 1 august 2015, pages 1163-1169
124.hao zheng, shanshan zhang, liwei qiao, jianping li, wenju liu, improving large vocabulary accented mandarin speech recognition with attribute-based i-vectors, in the proceedings of interspeech2016 (the 17th annual conference of the international speech communication association), september 8–12, 2016, san francisco, usa, 3454-3458.
125.hao li, shuai nie, xueliang zhang, hui zhang, jointly optimizing activation coefficients of convolutive nmf using dnn for speech separation, in the proceedings of interspeech2016 (the 17th annual conference of the international speech communication association), september 8–12, 2016, san francisco, usa, 550-554.
127.wenpeng hu, jiajun zhang, nan zheng. different contexts lead to different word embeddings. international conference on computational linguistics(coling). osaka, japan, december 11-16, 2016,pages 762-771
128.xiaoqing li, jiajun zhang and chengqing zong. towards zero unknown word in neural machine translation.  in the proceedings of the 25th international joint conference on artificial intelligence (ijcai-16), new york, usa, july 12-15, 2016,  pp. 2852-2858
129.jiajun zhang and chengqing zong. exploiting source-side monolingual data in neural machine translation, in proceedings of 2016 conference on empirical methods in natural language processing (emnlp), pages 1535–1545, austin, texas, usa, pages 1535–1545
130.huijia wu, jiajun zhang and chengqing zong. an empirical exploration of skip connections for sequential tagging, in proceedings of 26th international conference on computational linguistics (coling), osaka, japan, december 11-16, 2016, pp.203-212
131.xiaomian kang, haoran li, long zhou, jiajun zhang and chengqing zong. an end-to-end chinese discourse parser with adaptation to explicit and non-explicit relation recognition. in proceedings of the twentieth conference on computational natural language learning (conll): shared task. berlin, germany, august 11-12, 2016, pages 27-32
132.yang liu, jiajun zhang, chengqing zong, yating yang, and xi zhou. a bilingual discourse corpus and its applications. in the 10th edition of the language resources and evaluation conference (lrec), portorož, slovenia, 23-28 may 2016, pp. 1002-1007
133.qianlong du, chengqing zong and keh-yih su. intergrating structural context and local context for disambiguating word senses. the fifth conference on natural language processing and chinese computing & the twenty fourth international conference on computer processing of oriental languages(nlpcc-iccpol 2016),kunming, china, december 2-6, 2016, pp. 3-15
134.chuanhai dong, jiajun zhang, chengqing zong, masanori hattori and hui di. character-based lstm-crf with radical-level features for chinese named entity recognition. in proceedings of the fifth conference on natural language processing and chinese computing & the twenty fourth international conference on computer processing of oriental languages(nlpcc-iccpol), december 2-6, 2016, kunming, china,pp. 239–250
135.junjie li, haitong yang and chengqing zong. sentiment classification of social media text considering user attributes. in priceedings of the fifth conference on natural language processing and chinese computing & the twenty fourth international conference on computer processing of oriental languages(nlpcc-iccpol 2016),kunming, china, december 2-6, 2016,pp.583-594
136.guoping huang, jiajun zhang, yu zhou, chengqing zong. a simple, straightforward and effective model for joint bilingual terms detection and word alignment in smt. the fifth conference on natural language processing and chinese computing & the twenty fourth international conference on computer processing of oriental languages (nlpcc 2016).pp.103-115
137.guoping huang, jiajun zhang, yu zhou, chengqing zong. minksr: learning from user feedback for machine translation in real-time. the fifth conference on natural language processing and chinese computing & the twenty fourth international conference on computer processing of oriental languages (nlpcc 2016), pp.595-607
138.haoran li, jiajun zhang, yu zhou and chengqing zong. guiderank: a guided ranking graph model for multilingual multi-document summarization. the fifth conference on natural language processing and chinese computing & the twenty fourth international conference on computer processing of oriental languages(nlpcc-iccpol 2016), kunming, china, december 2-6, 2016, pp. 608-620
139.haoran li, jiajun zhang, yu zhou and chengqing zong. predicting implicit discourse relation with multi-view modeling and effective representation learning. the fifth conference on natural language processing and chinese computing & the twenty fourth international conference on computer processing of oriental languages(nlpcc-iccpol 2016), kunming, china, december 2-6, 2016, pp.374-386
140.xuepeng wang, jun zhao, kang liu, et al. learning to represent review with tensor decomposition for spam detection [c],conference on empirical methods in natural language processing,11.18-26,2016.
141.wei zhuoyu, zhao jun, liu kang. mining inference formulas by goal-directed random walks,conference on empirical methods in natural language processing,1379–1388,austin, texas,2016.
142.shulin liu, kang liu, shizhu he, jun zhao, a probabilistic soft logic based approach to exploiting latent and global information in event classification,thirtieth aaai conference on artificial intelligence,2993-2999,phoenix, arizona usa,2016.
143.shulin liu, yubo chen, shizhu he, kang liu, jun zhao,leveraging framenet to improve automatic event detection,proceedings of the 54th annual meeting of the association for computational linguistics,2134-2143,berlin, germany, 2016.
144.bingning wang, kang liu,jun zhao,inner attention based recurrent neural networks for answer selection, proceedings of the 54th annual meeting of the association for computational linguistics,1288-1297,berlin, germany,2016.
145.bingning wang, shangmin guo, kang liu, shizhu he,jun zhao,employing external rich knowledgefor machine comprehension, proceedings of 25th international joint conference on artificial intelligence, 2929-2935, new york,usa2016.
146.guoliang ji, kang liu, shizhu he,jun zhao,knowledge graph completion with adaptive sparse transfer matrix, thirtieth aaai conference on artificial intelligence,985-991 phoenix, usa,2016.
147.yuanzhe zhang, shizhu he, kang liu, jun zhao, a joint model for question answering over multiple knowledge bases,association for the advancement of artificial intelligence,phoenix, usa,2016.
148.yibin zheng, zhengqi wen, bin liu, ya li, jianhua tao, an initial research: towards accurate pitch extraction for speech synthesis based on blstm, icsp2016, pp:165-170,nov 6-10,2016, chengdou,china.
149.bin liu,jianhua tao, a novel research to artificial bandwidth extension based on deep blstm recurrent neural networks and exemplar-based sparse representation, interspeech 2016, pp:3778-3782,sept.8-12,2016, san francisco,usa.
150.yibin zheng,ya li,zhengqi wen, xingguang ding, jianhua tao, improving prosodic boundaries prediction for mandarin speech synthesis by using enhanced embedding feature and model fusion approaches, interspeech 2016, pp:3201-3205, sep 8-12, 2016, san francisco,usa.
151.xiaoke qi, jianhua tao, a sparse spherical harmonic-based model in subbands for head-related transfer functions, interspeech 2016, pp:540-544,sept.8-12,2016, san francisco,usa.
152.zhengqi wen, ya li and jianhua tao, the parameterized phoneme identity feature as a continuous real-valued vector for neural network based speech synthesis, interspeech 2016, pp:2248-2252,sep 8-12, 2016, san francisco,usa.
153.dawei zhang, minghao yang, jianhua tao, yang wang, bin liu, danish bukhari, extraction of tongue contour in real-time magnetic resonance imaging sequences, icassp 2016, pp:937-941,mar.20-25,2016, shanghai, china.
154.linlin chao,jianhua tao,minghao yang,ya li,zhengqi wen, long short term memory recurrent neural network based encoding method for emotion recognition in video, icassp 2016, pp:2752-2756,mar.20-25,2016, shanghai, china.
155.jiangyan yi, hao ni, zhengqi wen, jianhua tao, improving blstm rnn based mandarin speech recognition using accent dependent bottleneck features, apsipa 2016, 2016.12.12-16, jeju, korea.
156.zhengqi wen,kehuang li, jianhua tao and chin-hui lee, deep neural network for voice conversion with a synthesized parallel corpus, apsipa 2016, 2016.12.12-16, jeju, korea,ei.
157.zhengqi wen,kehuang li, zhen huang, jianhua tao and chin-hui lee, learning auxiliary categorization for neural network based speech synthesis, oct 17-20,2016, tianjin,china.
158.yibin zheng,ya li,zhengqi wen, bin liu, jianhua tao, investigating deep neural network adaptation for generating exclamatory and interrogative speech in mandarin, iscslp2016, oct 17-20,2016, tianjin,china.
159.yibin zheng,ya li,zhengqi wen, bin liu, jianhua tao, text-based sentential stress prediction using continuous lexical embedding for mandarin speech synthesis,iscslp2016, oct 17-20,2016, tianjin,china.
160.hao ni,zhengqi wen,bin liu,jianhua tao,ctc regularized model adaptation for improving lstm rnn based multi-accent mandarin speech recognition,iscslp2016,oct 17-20,2016, tianjin,china.
161.ye bai,jiangyan yi,hao ni,zhengqi wen,bin liu,ya li,jianhua tao, end-to-end keywords spotting based on connectionist temporal classification for mandarin, iscslp2016, oct 17-20,2016, tianjin,china,.
162.hao ni, jiangyan yi, zhengqi wen, bin liu, jianhua tao, improving accented mandarin speech recognition by using recurrent neural network based language model adaptation, iscslp2016, oct 17-20,2016, tianjin,china.
163.jianhua tao, yibin zheng,zhengqi wen, ya li, bin liu, a blstm guided unit selection synthesis system for blizzard challenge 2016, blizzard challenge 2016, sep 16,2016, san francisco,usa.
164.renjun tang, ke zhang, ruoyang naseng, minghao yang, hui zhou, qingjie zhu, yongsong zhan, jianhua tao, "football news generation from chinese live webcast script", nlpcc-iccpcol 2016, 2016.12.02-06 (the winner of challenge of task 5 in nlpcc-iccpcol 2016).
国内会议(national conference)
1.bei tong, bin fan, and fuchao wu, convolutional neural networks with neural cascade classifier for pedestrian detection , the 7th chinese conference on pattern recognition, ccpr 2016, pp 243-257, volume 662 of the book series communications in computer and information science (ccis). nov. 2016.
2.xinze chen, guangliang cheng, yinghao cai, dayong wen, and heping li, semantic segmentation with modi_ed deepresidual networks  the 7th chinese conference on pattern recognition, ccpr 2016, part ii, ccis 663, pp. 42–54, nov.2016.
3.muhammad rauf, yongzhen huang and liang wang, “gait retrieval: a deep hashing method for people retrieval in video”, proc. chinese conference on pattern recognition, pp. 383-391, november 2016, chengdu, china.
4.qi zhang, haiqing li, zhaofeng he and zhenan sun, “image super-resolution for mobile iris recognition,” proc. chinese conference on biometric recognition, pp. 399-406, october 2016, chengdu, china.
5.xiaoxiang liu, xiaobo sun, ran he and tieniu tan, “recent advances on cross-domain face recognition,” proc. chinese conference on biometric recognition, pp. 147-157, october 2016, chengdu, china.
8.shuai zhou, yanyan liang, jun wan, stan z. li facial expression recognition based on multi-scale cnns, in proceedings of the 11th chinese conference on biometrics, (ccbr2016). sichuang, china, 2016.
9.ting liu, jun wan, tingzhao yu, zhen lei, stan z. li. age estimation based on multi-region convolutional neural network. in proceedings of the 11th chinese conference on biometrics, (ccbr2016). chengdu, china, oct. 14-16, 2016. 
10.jiali duan, shengcai liao, shuai zhou, and stan z. li. face classification: a specialized benchmark study. in proceedings of the 11th chinese conference on biometrics, (ccbr2016). chengdu, china, oct. 14-16, 2016.
11.guoping huang, chunlu zhao, hongyuan ma, jiajun zhang, yu zhou. minksr: a novel mt evaluation metric for coordinating human translators with the cat-oriented input method. the 12th china workshop on machine translation (cwmt2016).
12.yanchao hao,a joint embedding method for entity alignment of knowledge bases,china conference on knowledge graph and semantic computing, 10.1007/978-981-10-3168-7_1, 2016.
13.yubo chen, shulin liu, shizhu he, kang liu and jun zhao,event extraction via bidirectional long short-term memory tensor neural networks,the fifteenth china national conference on computational linguistic and the fourth international symposium on natural language processing based on naturally annotated big data,p190—203,2016.
14.张珂,杨明浩,湛永松, 那燊若阳,高庭丽,张大伟,朱庆杰,陶建华,自我对话:一种面向用户教授意图的答案反馈方法,2016全国人机交互学术会议(chci2016),2016年8月26日-28日,上海.
15.那森若阳,杨明浩,张满囤,刘阔,陶建华,task oriented human robot interaction from user’s vague instructions,2016全国人机交互学术会议(chci2016),2016年8月26日-28日,上海.
16.倪浩,易江燕,温正棋,陶建华,recurrent neural network based language model adaptation for accent mandarin speech,全国模式识别学术会议(ccpr 2016),pp:607-617,november 5-7,2016,成都.
17.李雅,陶建华,björn schuller,山世光,蒋冬梅,贾佳,mec 2016: the multimodal emotion recognition challenge of ccpr 2016,全国模式识别学术会议(ccpr 2016),pp.667–678,november 5-7, 2016,成都.