



赵军,研究员,博士生导师。1998年在清华大学计算机科学与技术系获得博士学位。1998—2002年在香港科技大学计算机科学系做博士后、访问学者。20025月至今在中科院自动化所模式识别国家重点实验室工作。目前主持国家自然科学基金、863计划、中国出版集团科技项目等项目。研究方向为信息检索、信息提取、网络挖掘、问答系统等。在ieee tkdejmlr等顶级国际期刊和aclsigircikmaaaiijcaiemnlpcoling等顶级国际会议上发表论文六十余篇,获coling-2014最佳论文奖,获kdd-cup2011亚军(2/1297)。研发了汉语文本分析、信息抽取和知识工程、百科问答等软件工具和平台,在中国大百科全书出版社、华为公司、讯飞公司等得到应用。


学科专业:模式识别与智能系统          学科专业:计算机应用技术         

研究方向:自然语言处理与应用          研究方向:网络内容分析与安全



       telephone: 010 8254-4689

electronic mail: jzhao at nlpr.ia.ac.cn

方向(research interest

information retrieval and web mining

        information extraction

        web mining

        knowledge engineering

question answering

        question answering over linked data

        question answering over texts

        community question answering

natural language processing

        computational semantics

academic activities

    acm transactions on asian language information processing (talip), associate editor.


    中国中文信息学会计算语言学专业委员会,副主任委员 (2013-).





     workshop co-chair, acl-2016

     session chair of document categorization, sentiment analysis and topic models, acl-2014

    pc member, emnlp 2014

    pc member, coling 2014

     pc member, acl-2013

    pc member, cikm 2013

    pc member, cikm 2012

     pc member, acl-2012

     pc member, acl-hlt 2011

    pc member, cikm 2011

     program committee member of the 13th conference of the european chapter of the association for computational linguistics (eacl-2012)

    session chair of question answering, the 5th international joint conference on natural language processing (ijcnlp-2011)


1)         国家自然科学基金重点项目:大规模知识关联和文本语义计算方法及应用验证(615330182016-2020

2)         国家973项目:中文深度分析与开放域内容理解(no. 2014cb340503, 2014-2018

3)         国家自然科学基金项目:基于内容分析和行为分析的社区问答关键技术研究(61272332, 2013-2016

4)         国家自然科学基金项目:基于web知识挖掘与融合的命名实体消歧技术研究(610701062011-2013

5)         华为技术有限公司科技项目:开放域实体关系抽取(2011-2014

6)         讯飞科技项目:融合推理的百科知识问答系统(2013-2014

7)         中国出版集团科研项目:百科在线工程(2008-2015

8)         国家自然科学基金项目:汉语依存分析的概率化决策动作模型及自适应技术研究(608750412009-2011

9)         863项目:汉英双语命名实体对应和术语对应的获取技术研究(2006aa01z1442006-2009

10)      国家自然科学基金项目:汉语文本中观点信息的提取和倾向性分析技术研究(606730422006-2009

11)      国家自然科学基金项目:多语言智能文本处理中基于主题语义空间的文本表示研究603720162004-2006

12)      北京市自然科学基金项目:面向异构web信息源的汉语问答式检索技术研究 (4052027)

13)      北京市自然科学基金项目:面向信息安全的网络文本分析技术研究 (4073043)

14)      中国大百科全书出版社科研项目:百科在线——百科全书的自动标引和问答式知识服务平台建设

15)      国际合作项目(富士通研究开发中心有限公司):汉语产品名识别和标注工具的研发

16)      国际合作项目(富士通研究开发中心有限公司):汉语分词、词性标注和命名实体标注软件工具的研发

17)      国家重点基础研究发展规划项目(973)子项:中文语言资源联盟的建设 (g1998030501a-06)




1)         xuepeng wang, kang liu, shizhu he, jun zhao, learning to represent review with tensor decomposition for spam detection, accepted by emnlp 2016. (full regular poster).

2)         zhuoyu wei, jun zhao, kang liu, mining inference formulas by goal-directed random, accepted by emnlp 2016. (full regular oral)

3)         shulin liu, yubo chen, shizhu he, kang liu, jun zhao, leveraging framenet to improve automatic event detection, in: proceedings of the 54th annual meeting of the association for computational linguistics (acl 2016). (full regular poster).

4)         bingning wang, kang liu, and jun zhao, inner attention based recurrent neural networks for answer selection. in: proceedings of the 54th annual meeting of the association for computational linguistics (acl 2016). (full regular poster)

5)         yubo chen, shulin liu, shizhu he, kang liu and jun zhao, event extraction via bidirectional long short-term memory tensor neural networks, in: proceedings of the china national conference on chinese computational linguistics (ccl and nlp-nabd 2016), springer international publishing. (full regular oral). (best paper award)

6)         bingning wang, shangmin guo, kang liu, shizhu he and jun zhao, employing external rich knowledge for machine comprehension. in: proceedings of 25th international joint conference on artificial intelligence (ijcai-2016). (full regular oral)

7)         shulin liu, kang liu, shizhu he, jun zhao, a probabilistic soft logic based approach to exploiting latent and global information in event classification, in: proceedings of 23rd aaai conference on artificial intelligence(aaai 2016). (full regular poster).

8)         yuanzhe zhang, shizhu he, kang liu, jun zhao, a joint model for question answering over multiple knowledge bases, in: proceedings of 23rd aaai conference on artificial intelligence(aaai 2016). (full regular poster).

9)         guoliang ji, kang liu, shizhu he, jun zhao,knowledge graph completion with adaptive sparse transfer matrix, in: proceedings of 23rd aaai conference on artificial intelligence(aaai 2016). (full regular poster).

10)      siwei  lai, kang liu, shizhu he, jun zhao, how to generate a good word embedding? in: ieee intelligent systems. (full regular). doi: 10.1109/mis.2016.45


11)      zhuoyu wei, jun zhao, kang liu, zhenyu qi, et al. large-scale knowledge base completion: inferring via grounding network sampling over selected instances, in: proceedings of the 24th acm international on conference on information and knowledge management(cikm 2015). (full regular oral).

12)      shizhu he, kang liu, jun zhao, learning to represent knowledge graphs with gaussian embedding, in: proceedings of the 24th acm international on conference on information and knowledge management(cikm 2015). (full regular oral).

13)      yubo chen, liheng xu, kang liu and jun zhao,event extraction via dynamic multi-pooling convolutional neural networks, in: proceedings of the 53rd annual meeting of the association for computational linguistics (acl 2015). (full regular oral).

14)      ji guoliang, he shizhu, xu liheng, liu kang and zhao jun, knowledge graph embedding via dynamic mapping matrix, in: proceedings of the 53rd annual meeting of the association for computational linguistics (acl 2015).  (full regular poster).

15)      lingling wang, kang liu, jun zhao, sentiment-aspect extraction based on restricted boltzmann machine, in: proceedings of the 53rd annual meeting of the association for computational linguistics (acl 2015). (full regular poster).

16)      siwei lai, liheng xu, kang liu and jun zhao and jun zhao, recurrent convolutional neural networks for text classification, in: proceedings of the twenty-ninth aaai conference on artificial intelligence (aaai 15), austin, texas, usa, 2015 (full regular poster).


17)      jun zhao, kang liu, guangyou zhou, xianpei han, zhenyu qi, yang liu (2014). knowledge extraction from wiki/bbs/blog/ news websites. in marie-francine moens, juanzi li, tat-seng chua (ed.), mining of user generated content, chapman and hall/crc. book chapter

18)      kang liu, liheng xu, jun zhao, co-extracting opinion targets and opinion words from online reviews based on the word alignment model, accepted by: ieee transactions on knowledge and data engineering (tkde). 2014

19)      shizhu he, kang liu, yuanzhe zhang and jun zhao and jun zhao, question answering over linked data using first order logic, in: proceedings of the 2014 conference on empirical methods on natural language processing (emnlp-2014), oct 26-28, doha, qatar, 2014 (full regular)

20)      kang liu, liheng xu, and jun zhao, extracting opinion targets and opinion words from online reviews with graph co-ranking, in: the 52nd annual meeting of the association for computational linguistics (), baltimore, usa, june 22-27, 2014 (full regular oral).

21)      liheng xu, siwei lai, kang liu and jun zhao, product feature mining: semantic clues versus syntactic constituents, in: the 52nd annual meeting of the association for computational linguistics (), baltimore, usa, june 22-27, 2014 (full regular oral).

22)      liheng xu, kang liu and jun zhao, joint opinion relation detection using one-class deep neural network, accepted by: the 25th international conference on computational linguistics (), dublin, ireland, 23-29, august, 2014 (full regular oral)

23)      daojian zeng, kang liu, siwei lai, guangyou zhou and jun zhao, relation classification via convolutional deep neural network, accepted by: the 25th international conference on computational linguistics (), dublin, ireland, 23-29, august, 2014 (full regular oral) ()

24)      yang liu, kang liu, liheng xu, jun zhao, exploring fine-grained entity type constraints for distantly supervised relation extraction, accepted by: the 25th international conference on computational linguistics (), dublin, ireland, 23-29, august, 2014 (full regular oral)

25)      shizhu he, yuanzhe zhang, kang liu and jun zhao, casia@v2: a mln-based question answering system over linked data, to appear in proceedings of the fourth workshop on question answering over linked data (qald-4) in clef 2014, sheffield, uk, september, 15-18.


26)      guangyou zhou, jun zhao, towards faster and better retrieval models for question search, in: 22th acm conference on information and knowledge management (), san francisco, usa, october 27-november 1, 2013. (full regular oral)

27)      kang liu, liheng xu, and jun zhao, syntactic patterns versus word alignment: extracting opinion targets from online reviews, in: proceedings of the 51st annual meeting of the association for computational linguistics (), sofia, bulgaria, august 4-9, 2013 (full regular oral)

28)      guangyou zhou, fang liu, shizhu he, and jun zhao, statistical machine translation improves question retrieval in community question answering via matrix factorization, in: proceedings of the 51st annual meeting of the association for computational linguistics (), sofia, bulgaria, august 4-9, 2013 (full regular oral)

29)      liheng xu, kang liu and jun zhao, mining opinion words and opinion targets in a two-stage framework, in: proceedings of the 51st annual meeting of the association for computational linguistics (), sofia, bulgaria, august 4-9, 2013 (full regular oral)

30)      guangyou zhou and jun zhao. joint inference for heterogeneous dependency parsing. in: proceedings of the 51st annual meeting of the association for computational linguistics (), sofia, bulgaria, august 4-9, 2013 (short paper)

31)      kang liu, liheng xu, jun zhao, opinion target extraction using partial-supervised word alignment model, in: proceedings of 23rd international joint conference on artificial intelligence (), beijing, china, august 3-9, 2013 (full regular oral)

32)      tao zhang, kang liu and jun zhao, cross lingual entity linking with bilingual topic model, in: proceedings of 23rd international joint conference on artificial intelligence (), beijing, china, august 3-9, 2013 (full regular poster)

33)      guangyou zhou, yang liu, daojian zeng, and jun zhao, improving question retrieval in community question answering using world knowledge, in: proceedings of 23rd international joint conference on artificial intelligence (), beijing, china, august 3-9, 2013 (full regular poster)

34)      liheng xu, kang liu, siwei lai, yubo chen and jun zhao, walk and learn: a two-stage approach for opinion words and opinion targets co-extraction, in: proceedings of the 22nd international world wide web conference (), rio de janeiro, brazil, 13th-17th may, 2013 (poster)

35)      shizhu he, shulin liu, yubo chen, guangyou zhou, kang liu and jun zhao, casia@qald-3: a question answering system over linked data, in: proceedings of the third workshop on question answering over linked data (qald-3), co-locaed with clef 2013, valencia, spain, september, 23-26.

36)      elizabeth cano, yulan he, kang liu and jun zhao, a weakly supervised bayesian model for violence detection in social media, in proceedings of ijcnlp 2013, nagoya, japan, october 14-18.

37)yang liu, fang liu, siwei lai, kang liu, guangyou zhou, jun zhao, attribute relation extraction from template-inconsistent semi-structured text by leveraging site-level knowledge, in: proceedings of ijcnlp 2013, nagoya, japan, october 14-18.

38)      yang liu, shulin liu, kang liu, guangyou zhou and jun zhao, exploring distinctive features in distant supersivion for relation extraction, in: proceedings of airs 2013, singapore, december 9-11.

39)      fang liu, guangyou zhou, kang liu, jun zhao, shizhu he and shulin liu, open relation mapping based on instance and semantics expansion, in: proceedings of airs 2013, singapore, december 9-11.


40)      kang liu, liheng xu, jun zhao, opinion target extraction using word-based translation model, in: proceedings of the conference on empirical methods in natural language processing and computational natural language learning(), jeju, korea, 2012full regular oral

41)      siwei lai, yang liu, huxiang gu, liheng xu, kang liu, shiming xiang, jun zhao, rui diao, liang xiang, hang li, dong wang. hybrid recommendation models for binary user preference prediction problem, journal of machine learning research (jmlr): workshop and conference proceedings 18: 137-151, 2012, proceedings of kdd-cup competition. sci

42)      guangyou zhou, jun zhao and kang liu. joint relevance and answer quality learning for question routing in community qa. in: 21th acm conference on information and knowledge management (cikm 2012), maui, hawaii, usa, october 29-november 2, 2012.

43)      guangyou zhou, siwei lai, kang liu and jun zhao. topic-sensitive probabilistic model for expert finding in question answer communities. in: 21th acm conference on information and knowledge management (cikm 2012), maui, hawaii, usa, october 29-november 2, 2012.

44)      guangyou zhou, li cai , jun zhao and kang liu. exploring the existing category hierarchy to automatically label the newly-arising topics in cqa. in: 21th acm conference on information and knowledge management (cikm 2012), maui, hawaii, usa, october 29-november 2, 2012.

45)      guangyou zhou, jun zhao and kang liu. exploiting bilingual translation for question retrieval in community-based question answering. in: international conference on computational linguistics (coling 2012), mumbai, india, december 8-15, 2012.

46)      zhenyu qi, kang liu and jun zhao. are human-input seeds good enough for entity set expansion? seeds rewriting by leveraging wikipedia semantic knowledge. in: proceedings of airs 2012, tianjin, china. (oral)


47)      li cai, guangyou zhou, kang liu, jun zhao, learning to classify questions in cqa by leveraging wikipedia  semantic knowledge, in: proceedings of the 20th acm conference on information and knowledge management (cikm 2011), glasgow, scotland, uk, october 24th-28th, 2011 (full regular oral)

48)      zhou guangyou, cai li, zhao jun and liu kang, phrase-based translation model for question retrieval in community question answer archives, in: the 49th annual meeting of the association for computational linguistics: human language technologies (acl-hlt 2011), portland, oregon, usa, june 19-24, 2011. full regular oral

49)      zhou guangyou, zhao jun, liu kang, exploring web-derived selectional preferance to improve statistical dependency parsing, in: the 49th annual meeting of the association for computational linguistics: human language technologies (acl-hlt 2011), portland, oregon, usa, june 19-24, 2011. full regular poster

50)      xianpei han, le sun, jun zhao, collective entity linking in web text: a graph-based method, in: the proceedings of the 34th annual acm sigir conference) (sigir-2011), beijing, china, july 24-28, 2011. full regular oral

51)      li cai, guangyou zhou, kang liu, jun zhao, learning the latent topics for question retrieval in community qa, in: the proceedings of the 5th international joint conference on natural language processing (ijcnlp-2011), chiang mai, thailand, november 8-13, 2011 full regular oral

52)      guangyou zhou, li cai, kang liu, jun zhao, improving dependency parsing with fined-grained features, in: the proceedings of the 5th international joint conference on natural language processing (ijcnlp-2011), chiang mai, thailand, november 8-13, 2011 full regular poster

53)      赵军,刘康,周光有,蔡黎,开放式文本信息抽取,《中文信息学报》(特约论文),第25卷,第6期,201198-110


54)      han xianpei, zhao jun, structural semantic relatedness: a knowledge-based method to named entity disambiguation, in: proceedings of the 48th annual meeting of the association for computational linguistics (acl-2010), uppsala, sweden, july 11–16, 2010.full regular oral

55)      han xianpei, zhao jun, topic-driven web search result organization by leveraging wikipedia semantic knowledgein: proceedings of the 19th acm conference on information and knowledge management (cikm 2010), toronto, canada, october 26-30, 2010  (poster)


56)      yang fan, zhao jun, liu kang, a chinese-english organization name translation system using heuristic web mining and asymmetric alignment, in: proceedings of joint conference of the 47th annual meeting of the association for computational linguistics and the 4th international joint conference on natural language processing of the asian federation of natural language processing (acl-ijcnlp 2009), singapore, august 2 - 7, 2009 full regular oral

57)      xianpei han, jun zhao. named entity disambiguation by leveraging wikipedia semantic knowledge. in: proceedings of the 18th acm conference on information and knowledge management (cikm 2009), hong kong, november 2-6, 2009 full regular oral, acceptance rate=14.5%

58)      kang liu, jun zhao. cross-domain sentiment classification using a two-stage method. in: proceedings of the 18th acm conference on information and knowledge management (cikm 2009), hong kong, november 2-6, 2009 postereic value=0.9

59)      赵军,《中文信息学报》(特约论文),第23卷,第2 2009:3-17


60)      yang fan, zhao jun, zou bo, liu kang, chinese-english backward transliteration assisted with mining monolingual web pages, in: proceedings of the 46th annual meeting of the association for computational linguistics: human language technologies (acl-2008), columbus, oh, june 15-20, 2008  full regular poster

61)      duan xiangyu, zhao jun, word sense disambiguation through sememe labeling, in: proceedings of twentieth international joint conference on artificial intelligence (ijcai-2007), hyderabad, india, 2007: 1594-1599full regular poster

62)      zhao jun, liu kang, wang gen, adding redundant features for crfs-based sentence sentiment classification, in: proceedings of the conference on empirical methods in natural language processing (), waikiki, honolulu, hawaii, 2008 full regular oral

63)      zhao jun, liu feifan, product named entity recognition in chinese texts, international journal of language resource and evaluation (lre), vol.42 no.2 132-152, 2008 (sci).


64)      xiangyu duan, jun zhao, probabilistic parsing action models for multi-lingual dependency parsing, in: proceedings of the 2007 joint conference on empirical methods in natural language processing and computational natural language learning (emnlp-conll-2007), prague, czech republic, 940-946, 2007 full regular oral

65)    youzheng wu, jun zhao, xu bochinese named entity recognition model based on multiple features. in: proceedings of the joint conference of human language technology and empirical methods in natural language processing (hlt/emnlp 2005), vancouver, 2005:427~434

66)      xiangyu duan, jun zhao, probabilistic models for action-based chinese dependency parsing, in: proceedings of the 18th european conference on machine learning and the 11th european conference on principles and practice of knowledge discovery in databases (ecml/pkdd-2007), warsaw, poland, september 17-21, 2007 full regular oral, acceptance rate: 19.93%

67)      xiangyu duan, jun zhao, ungreedy methods for chinese deterministic dependency parsing. in: proceedings of twenty-second conference of association for artificial intelligence student session (aaai-2007). vancouver, canada, july 22-23, 2007 short paper

68)      zhao jun, liu feifan, linguistic theory based contextual evidence mining for statistical chinese co-reference resolution, in: journal of computer science and technology (jcst), vol.22 no.4:608-617, 2007 (sci)



²  模式识别国家重点实验室:

曾道建:博士生,    entity relation extraction

来斯惟:硕博连读deep learning in question answering

何世柱:博士生,    question answering over lined data

张元哲:硕博连读question answering over heterogeneous linked data

王雪鹏:硕博连读opinion mining

纪国良:博士生,    link prediction for question answering

陈玉博:直博生,    event extraction

刘树林:硕博连读,event prediction

郝彦超:直博生,       computational semantics

王炳宁:硕博连读    computational semantics

曾祥荣:硕博连读    tbd

    操:硕博连读    tbd

    翔:硕士           tbd


程 葳(博士):《限定领域内汉英口语翻译方法研究》,20037月毕业,



ibm china company limited, china software development lab)

徐 晋(硕士):《鲁棒性信息检索技术研究》,20057月毕业,

microsoft, seattle, usa


associate scientist



advanced telecommunications research institute international, japan





王 根(硕士),《文本倾向性分析技术研究》,20077月毕业,

, seattle, usa

陆 敏(硕士),《汉英实体翻译与实体对抽取技术研究》,20077月毕业,

suny at stony brook graduate school, new york city, usa


i2r, singapore

邹 波(硕士),《英汉人名音译方法研究》,20087月毕业,

                                       netease.com, beijing

杨 帆(硕士),《借助网络信息的实体翻译技术研究》,20097月毕业,


刘 康(博士)《文本倾向性分析技术研究》,20107月毕业,





















          20157月,课题组两篇论文large-scale knowledge base completion: inferring via grounding network sampling over selected instanceslearning to represent knowledge graphs with gaussian embedding被国际顶级会议cikm-2015长文录用,会议将于201510月在澳大利亚墨尔本举行。

          20154月,课题组两篇论文event extraction via dynamic multi-pooling convolutionalneural networksknowledge graph embedding via 

dynamic mapping matrix”被国际计算语言学领域顶级会议acl-2015长文录用。会议将于2015727-30日在北京召开。

          2014119日,课题组recurrent convolutional neural networks for text classification (siwei lai, liheng xu, kang liu and jun zhao)被国际人工智能领域顶级会议aaai-2015长文录用。会议将于2015125-29日在美国austin, texas, usa召开

          2014723日,课题组question answering over linked data using first order logic (shizhu he, kang liu, yuanzhe zhang and jun zhao and jun zhao)被国际计算语言学领域顶级会议emnlp-2014长文录用(emnlp2014.org)。会议将于1025-28日在卡塔尔首都多哈召开,刘康老师和博士生何世柱将赴会宣读论文。

          201477日,课题组“co-extracting opinion targets and opinion words from online reviews based on the word alignment model (kang liu, liheng xu and jun zhao)被国际顶级期刊 ieee transactions on knowledge and data engineering(tkde)正式录用。

          201477日,课题组“relation classification via convolutional deep neural network (daojian zeng, kang liu, siwei lai, guangyou zhou and jun zhao)被选为国际计算语言学领域顶级会议coling-2014最佳论文()。博士生曾道建将赴爱尔兰宣读论文并参加颁奖仪式。

          2014524日,课题组五篇论文被coling 2014 (the 25th international conference on computational linguistics)录用(long oral)。五篇论文是: (1) joint opinion relation detection using one-class deep neural network (liheng xu, kang liu, , and jun zhao); (2) relation classification via convolutional deep neural network (daojian zeng, kang liu, siwei lai, guangyou zhou and jun zhao)(3) exploring fine-grained entity type constraints for distantly supervised relation extraction (yang liu, kang liu, liheng xu and jun zhao); (4) joint opinion relation detection using one-class deep neural network (guangyou zhou, yubo chen, daojian zeng, and jun zhao)(5) (guangyou zhou, yubo chen, daojian zeng, and jun zhao) coling是国际计算语言学领域的顶级会议,coling 2014将于823-29日在爱尔兰都柏林召开。

          2014320日,课题组两篇论文被acl 2014 (the 52nd annual meeting of the association for computational linguistics) 长文录用。两篇论文是: (1) (kang liu, liheng xu, and jun zhao); (2) product feature mining: semantic clues versus syntactic constituents (liheng xu, siwei lai, kang liu and jun zhao) acl是国际计算语言学领域排名第一的会议,acl 2014将于622-27日在美国baltimore召开。


2013714日,论文towards faster and better retrieval models for question search (guangyou zhou, jun zhao)cikm-2013 长文录用。cikm-2013共收到848篇投稿论文,其中143篇被录用为长文,录用率16.8%cikm-2013将于1022-111日在美国旧金山举行。

201349日,课题组三篇论文被acl 2013 (the 51st annual meeting of the association for computational linguistics) 长文录用。三篇论文是: (1) syntactic patterns versus word alignment: extracting            opinion targets from online reviews (author: kang liu, liheng xu, and jun zhao); (2) statistical machine translation improves question retrieval in community question answering via matrix factorization (author: guangyou zhou, fang liu, shizhu he, and jun zhao); (3) mining opinion words and opinion targets in a two-stage framework (author: liheng xu, kang liu and jun zhao)acl是国际计算语言学领域排名第一的会议,acl 2013将于84-9日在保加利亚首都索菲亚召开。

201342日,课题组三篇论文被ijcai 2013 (23rd international joint conference on artificial intelligence) 长文录用。三篇论文是: (1) opinion target extraction using partial-supervised word alignment model (author: kang liu, liheng xu, jun zhao); (2) cross lingual entity linking with bilingual topic model (author: tao zhang, kang liu and jun zhao); (3)improving question retrieval in community question answering using world knowledge (author: guangyou zhou, yang liu, daojian zeng, and jun zhao)。会议将于83-9日在北京召开。大会共收到投稿1473篇,录用regular论文413篇,录取率为28%

2012718日,三篇论文“exploring the existing category hierarchy to automatically labeling the newly-arising topics in cqa”“topic-sensitive probabilistic model for expert finding in question answer communities”“joint relevance and answer quality learning for question routing in community qa”cikm-2012 录用。cikm-2012将于1029-112日在美丽的夏威夷岛举行。刘康博士和博士生周光有将赴会宣读论文。

 2012712日,论文“opinion target extraction using word-based translation model (kang liu, liheng xu, jun zhao)”emnlp-2012 录用为full regular oral paperaclemnlp联合学术会议于78-14日在美丽的韩国济州岛举行,刘康老师和博士生徐立恒赴会宣读论文。

2011年国际知识发现和数据挖掘竞赛kdd-cup2011的结果不久前在美国圣迭戈揭晓,由本课题组牵头、中科院计算数学与科学工程计算研究所和hulu视频网站联合研发的音乐推荐系统the art of lemon获得kdd-cup 2011 track 2的亚军。kdd cup竞赛是由acm sigkdd举办的知识发现和数据挖掘领域的国际顶级赛事,同时面向学术界和工业界开放,目标是找出最有创新性和最有效的知识发现和数据挖掘方法。今年竞赛的主题是推荐系统,由yahoo! labs命题,主要任务是根据组织者提供的用户历史行为来预测其未来行为,以达到为用户推荐歌曲的目的。组织者根据预测的准确率评判参赛推荐系统的性能。推荐系统是信息检索领域的重要发展方向,也是各大互联网公司和学术机构的研发热点。这次竞赛吸引了at&t公司、卡内基梅隆大学(cmu)等学术界和工业界的1297支研究团队、超过2100研究人员参加。在历时三个月的角逐中,自动化所模式识别国家重点实验室最终脱颖而出,系统错误率仅为2.4808%,获得亚军。

2011720日,论文“learning to classify questions in cqa by leveraging wikipedia  semantic knowledge”cikm-2011 录用为full regular oral papercikm是国际信息检索和知识工程领域的顶级会议,今年共收到长文投稿917篇,录用率为15%。博士生蔡黎将代表课题组于1024-28日赴英国glasgow宣读论文。

20114月,课题组和中科院软件所合作的论文collective entity linking in web text: a graph-based method(author: xianpei han, le sun, jun zhao)sigir-2011长文录用。sigir(the annual acm sigir conference)是国际信息检索领域排名第一的国际会议。

2011218日,课题组独立完成的两篇论文被acl-hlt2011长文录用。acl(the 49th annual meeting of the association for computational linguistics)是国际计算语言学领域排名第一的国际会议。acl-hlt2011将于2011619-24日在美国波特兰举行。大会共收到投稿634篇,录用regular论文164篇,录取率为25.9%,其中oral presentation的录用率为18.3%。两篇论文是phrase-based translation model for question retrieval in community question answering archives (author: guangyou zhou, li cai, jun zhao and kang liu)exploiting web-derived selectional preference to improve statistical dependency parsing (author: guangyou zhou, jun zhao & kang liu)。此外,2010年毕业的博士生韩先培的论文a generative entity-mention model for linking entities with knowledge base。这是本课题组连续四年在acl上发表论文。

2010717日,论文“topic-driven web search result organization by leveraging wikipedia semantic knowledge (韩先培、赵军)cikm-2010 录用。cikm是国际信息检索和知识工程领域的顶级会议,将于201010月在多伦多召开。

2010420日,论文“structural semantic relatedness: a knowledge-based method to named entity disambiguation(韩先培,赵军)被计算语言学领域最高学术会议acl-2010长文录用。这是本课题组连续三年在acl上发表论文。acl-2010将于711-16日在瑞典举行。



