international conference papers before 2010
shoushan li, rui xia, chengqing zong and chu-ren
a framework of feature selection methods for
text categorization. in
proceedings of the joint conference of the
47th annual meeting of the association for computational linguistics
and the 4th international joint conference on natural language
processing of the asian federation of natural language processing (acl-ijcnlp),
august 3-7, 2009. singapore. pages 692-700
jiajun zhang and
chengqing zong.
a framework for effectively integrating hard
and soft syntactic rules into phrase-based translation.
in proceedings of the 23rd pacific asia
conference on language, information and computation (paclic 23).
3-5 december 2009, hong kong. pages 579-588
【best paper award】
ping jian and
chengqing zong. layer-based dependency parsing.
in proceedings of the 23rd pacific asia
conference on language, information and computation (paclic 23).
3-5 december 2009, hong kong. pages 230-239
peng liu, yu zhou, and
chengqing zong.
approach to selecting best development set for
phrase-base statistical machine translation.
in proceedings of the 23rd pacific asia
conference on language, information and computation (paclic 23).
3-5 december 2009, hong kong. pages 325-334
kun wang,
chengqing zong, and keh-yih
which is more suitable for chinese word
segmentation, the generative model or the discriminative one?
in proceedings of the 23rd pacific asia
conference on language, information and computation (paclic 23).
3-5 december 2009, hong kong. pages 827-834
ping jian and
chengqing zong.
two-pass deterministic dependency parsing for
long chinese sentences. in
proceedings of the international conference on
asian language processing (ialp). 7-9
december, 2009, singapore. pages 240-244
keyan zhou and
chengqing zong.
dialog-act recognition using discourse and sentence structure
information. in
proceedings of the international conference on
asian language processing (ialp). 7-9
december, 2009, singapore. pages 11-16
maoxi li, jiajun zhang, yu zhou, and
chengqing zong.
the casia statistical machine translation
system for iwslt 2009. in
proceedings of the international workshop of
spoken language translation (iwslt),
december 1-2, 2009. tokyo, japan. pages 83-90
shoushan li
and chengqing zong.
multi-domain sentiment classification (short paper). in
proceedings of
the 46th annual meeting of the association for
computational linguistics: human language technology (acl-hlt),
columbus, ohio, usa. june 15-20, 2008. pages
xiaofeng wu and
chengqing zong.
a new approach to automatic document summarization. in
proceedings of the international joint
conference on natural language processing (ijcnlp),
hyderabad, india, january 8-10, 2008. pages 126-132
jiajun zhang,
chengqing zong,
shoushan li.
sentence type based reordering model for statistical
machine translation. in proceedings of
the 22nd international conference on computational
(coling), august 18-22, 2008.
manchester, uk. pages 1089-1096
hua wu, haifeng wang
and chengqing zong.
domain adaptation for statistical machine translation with
domain dictionary and monolingual corpora. in proceedings of
the 22nd international conference on computational
(coling), august 18-22,
2008. manchester, uk. pages 993-1000
yanqing he
and chengqing zong.
a generalized reordering model for phrase-based statistical machine
translation translation. in proceedings of the 8th
conference of the association for machine translation in the
americas (amta), october 21-25,
2008. waikiki, hawai'i, usa.
licheng fang,
chengqing zong, rile hu, and xia wang.
an efficient approach to
redundancy reduction in hierarchical phrase-based translation. in
proceedings of
the ieee conference on natural language processing
and knowledge engineering (nlp-ke),
october 19-22, 2008. beijing, china. pages
shoushan li and
chengqing zong.
multi-domain adaptation for sentiment classification: using multiple
classifier combining methods. in proceedings of the ieee conference on
natural language processing and knowledge engineering (nlp-ke),
october 19-22, 2008. beijing, china. pages
yanqing he,
jiajun zhang, maoxi li, licheng fang, yufeng chen, yu zhou
and chengqing zong.
the casia statistical machine translation system for iwslt 2008. in
proceedings of the international
workshop of spoken language translation (iwslt),
october 20-21, 2008. waikiki, hawai'i, usa.
pages 85-91
yanqing he, yu zhou
and chengqing zong.
word alignment based on multi-grain. in
proceedings of
the international symposium on chinese spoken language processing
(iscslp), december 16-19, 2008. kunming, china. pages 269-273
maoxi li
and chengqing zong.
word reordering alignment for combination of statistical machine
translation systems. in proceedings of
international symposium on chinese spoken language processing
(iscslp), december 16-19, 2008. kunming, china. pages 273-276
keyan zhou,
chengqing zong,
hua wu, haifeng wu.
predicting and tagging dialog-act using mdp and
svm. in proceedings of the international
symposium on chinese spoken language processing (iscslp),
december 16-19, 2008. kunming, china. pages 293-296
shoushan li, chengqing zong. classifier combining rules under
independence assumptions. in proceedings of the 7th international workshop on multiple
classifier systems (mcs), prague, czech republic, may 23-25,
2007. pages 322-332.
shoushan li,
chengqing zong, xia wang.
sentiment classification through combining classifiers with multiple
feature sets. in proceedings of ieee international conference on
natural language processing and knowledge engineering (nlp-ke),
august 30-sept. 1, 2007, beijing.
pages 135-140
yu zhou, yanqing
he, chengqing zong, the casia phrase-based statistical
machine translation system for iwslt 2007. in proceedings of the international workshop on spoken language translation (iwslt),
october 15-16, 2007, trento, italy.
sebastian stüker, chengqing zong, jürgen reichert, wenjie cao,
muntsin kolss, guodong xie, kay peterson, peng ding, victoria arranz,
jian yu, and alex waibel. speech-to-speech translation services for the
olympic games 2008. in proceedings of the 3rd joint workshop on
machine learning and multimodal interaction (mlmi), 1-3 may 2006,
washington dc, usa.
fang xu, chengqing zong, jun zhao. a hybrid approach to
chinese base noun phrase chunking. in proceedings of the 5th sighan
workshop on chinese language processing, pages 87-93, sydney, july
22-23, 2006.
cao wenjie, chengqing zong, bo xu. investigation of emotive expressions
of spoken sentences. in affective computing and intelligent
interaction (proceedings of the first international conference, acii,
october 22-24, 2005, beijing, china) (jianhua tao, tieniu tan and
rosalind w. picard (eds.). springer. pages 972-980.
yu zhou,
chengqing zong, bo xu. various aligned models in
chinese-to-english statistical machine translation. in proceedings of
the ieee international conference on natural language processing and
knowledge engineering (nlp-ke). october 30th - november 1st, 2005.
wuhan, china. pages 443-448.
shoushan li, chengqing zong. a new approach to feature
selection for text categorization. in proceedings of the ieee
international conference on natural language processing and knowledge
engineering (nlp-ke). october 30th - november 1st, 2005. wuhan,
china. pages 626-630.
xing li, chengqing zong. a hierarchical parsing approach with
punctuation processing for long complex chinese sentences. in in companion volume to the proceedings of conference including
posters/demos and tutorial abstracts, ijcnlp2005, jeju island,
korea, october 11-13, 2005. pages 9-14.
wenjie cao, chengqing zong, bo xu. approach to
interchange-format based chinese generation. in proceedings of the international conference on spoken language processing (icslp).
october 4-8, 2004. jeju, korea. pages 194-197.
rile hu, chengqing zong, bo xu. approach to automatic
translation template acquisition based on unannotated bilingual grammar
induction. in proceedings of the international workshop on machine
translation and multilingual information retrieval (mtmir), sanya,
hainan, china, 2004.
yu zhou,
chengqing zong, bo xu. bilingual chunk alignment in
statistical machine translation. in proceedings of ieee international
conference on systems, man & cybernetics (smc2004), hague,
netherlands, 2004.
chengqing zong, fuji ren. chinese utterance segmentation in spoken language
translation. in proceedings of the 4th international conference on
computational linguistics and intelligent text processing (cicling-03).
feb. 16-22, 2003. mexico. pages 516-525.
guodong xie, chengqing zong, bo xu. a maximum entropy
approach for spoken chinese understanding”. in proceedings of the 4th
international conference on computational linguistics and intelligent
text processing (cicling-03). feb. 16-22, 2003. mexico. pages
keli chen, chengqing zong. a new weighting algorithm for
linear classifier. in proceedings of the international conference on
natural language processing and knowledge engineering (nlp-ke). oct.
26-29, 2003. beijing. pages 650-655.
rile hu, chengqing zong, bo xu. semiautomatic acquisition of
translation templates from monolingual unannotated corpora. in
proceedings of the international conference on natural language
processing and knowledge engineering (nlp-ke). oct. 26-29, 2003.
beijing. pages 163-167.
ding liu, chengqing zong. utterance segmentation using
combined approach based on bi-directional n-gram and maximum entropy. in
proceedings of acl-2003 workshop: the second sighan workshop on
chinese language processing, july 11-12, 2003. sapporo, japan. pages
ding liu, yu zhou,
chengqing zong, fuji ren. automatic
evaluation of sentence fluency. in proceedings of 2003 ieee
international conference on systems, man and cybernetics (smc).
october 5-8, 2003. washington, d.c., usa. pages 1687-1692.
ying liu, chengqing zong. rule base combined linguistics
knowledge with corpus. in proceedings of 2003 international
conference on systems, man and cybernetics (smc). october 5-8, 2003.
washington, d.c., usa. pages 5022-5027.
chengqing zong, bo xu, taiyi huang. 2002. interactive chinese-to-english
speech translation based on dialogue management. in proceedings of
acl’2002 workshop- speech-to-speech translation: algorithms and systems.
july 11, 2002. philadelphia, usa. pages 61-68.
yan zhang, bo xu, chengqing zong. chinese syntactic parsing
based on extended glr parsing algorithm with pcfg*.
in proceedings of the 19th international conference on
computational linguistics (coling’2002). august 24 - sept.1, 2002,
taiwan. pages 1318-1332.
guodong xie, chengqing zong, bo xu. chinese spoken language
analyzing based on combination of statistical and rule methods. in proceedings of the
international conference of spoken language
processing (icslp’2002). sept. 16-20, 2002. colorado, usa. pages
wen-jie cao, chengqing zong, juha iso-sipild, bo xu. chinese
person name identification based on rules and statistics. in proceedings of
the international symposium on chinese
spoken language processing (iscslp), august 22-24, 2002, taiwan.
pages 331-334.
rile hu, chengqing zong, juha iso-siila, bo xu. investigation
and analysis on designing chinese balance corpus. in proceedings of
the international symposium on chinese spoken language processing (iscslp),
august 22-24, 2002, taiwan. pages 335-338.
chengqing zong,
yujie zhang, kazuhide yamamoto, masashi sakamoto, satoshi shirai.
approach to spoken chinese paraphrasing based on feature extraction.
in proceedings of the 6th natural
language processing pacific rim symposium ( nlprs ).
november 27-30, 2001. tokyo, japan. pages 551-556.
chengqing zong,
taiyi huang, bo xu.
an improved template-based approach to spoken
language translation. in proceedings of the international
conference on spoken language processing (icslp). october 16-20,
2000. beijing. pages 440-443.
chengqing zong,
yumi wakita, bo xu, kenji matsui, zhenbiao chen, japanese-to-chinese
spoken language translation based on the simple expression. in
proceedings of the international conference on spoken language
processing (icslp). october 16-20, 2000. beijing. pages 418-421.
chengqing zong,
taiyi huang, bo xu.
approach to recognition and understanding of the time
constituents in the spoken chinese language translation. in
proceedings of the third international conference on multimodal
interfaces (icmi). 14-16 october 2000, beijing. pages 293-299.
chengqing zong,
taiyi huang, bo xu.
design and implementation of a chinese-to-english
spoken language translation system. in proceedings of the
international symposium of chinese spoken language processing (iscslp),
october 13-15, 2000. beijing. pages 367-370.
hua wu, taiyi huang, chengqing zong, bo xu.
chinese generation in a spoken dialogue translation system. in proceedings of coling, july 27 - august 4, 2000. germany. pages